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Address to GPS and Mapsource


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Is there a way to get GPS coordinates from an address?


I got Garmin mapsource, but I was expecting more funtionality. Does it just give you more detailed maps and you up load them to your Garmin?


[This message was edited by gear02 on July 04, 2003 at 11:21 PM.]

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Depending on what version of Mapsource you are using, getting the coords is easy, however one can never assume it will always be correct.


I have Metroguide 4.01 and City Select 4.01. What I do is click "View" then "Find Places". From there I type in the address and click "Find". Once the address has been located, I use the arrow pointer to point directly on top of the temporary waypoint that has been created. If you'll notice the coordinates will be shown in the status bar below the map. Doing this, it has been close enough for at least 80% of the addresses I have looked up.


Hope this helps...Kar

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Which Mapsourse do you have? Mapsourse is Garmin's name for their family of mapping programs. For example, if your have Maprsourse Metroguide, you can look up addresses. However, if you have Mapsourse Topo or Mapsourse Roads and Recreation, you can not look up addresses only towns and geographic locations.



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Originally posted by Alan2:

Which Mapsourse do you have? Mapsourse is Garmin's name for their family of mapping programs. For example, if your have Maprsourse Metroguide, you can look up addresses. However, if you have Mapsourse Topo or Mapsourse Roads and Recreation, you can not look up addresses only towns and geographic locations.

Not quite. MapSource is not a family of programs. It's a single program - the interface for working with the various types of map data. If you buy Metroguide, Topo, or (hopefully not) Roads and Rec, they will all come with the same MapSource program (though the release versions won't be the same, of course).



"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."

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You're technically correct PS, Mapsourse is the operating portion. However, without knowing what mapset gear02 is referring too, there's no way to help him. Many people refer to Mapsourse as if they're all the same maps - which they're not. I think many people think it's all the same.



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Sorry...I had an old version of mapsource (v2 or something).


I just returned by etrex Venture and got a GPS V because I love these things and wanted better road map and directions.


In that package, I got the North American City Select v4.01 mapset. I also spent money and got the MetroGuide v5. What's the difference between the two mapsets and how can I find out which is better?

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I can tell you that if you have not ripped open the package to Metroguide 5, you best return it!! You cannot use it with the V...icon_frown.gif


Let me re-phrase that...You can upload maps to the V, but it does not contain the information needed to calculate routes while on the road. Besides, it is the same exact mapping data that is contained in the City Select that came with the V.



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Yes, you can use it with the V, but it is lacking the V's most significant feature...auto-routing on the fly. You can only plan your routes on the PC and upload them to the V. If you are out on the road caching and want to navigate to a new waypoint, it will not calculate the route for you, it is lacking the information needed by the V to perform routing calculations.


The map data used to create MG5 is Tele-Atlas. Mapsource City Select (which comes with the V) uses the same map data from Tele-Atlas. This map data is the most up to date roadwise, but lacks information in other areas like lakes, ponds, streams and such.


I am sure MG5 is a good product, but it just seems useless if you cannot route on the fly with it. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of buying the V, ya know....Kar

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Doh...oh well...gotta hit the store once again to return it...


I just took out my V today while driving to work and this thing is bloody cool! Even without the route, it tells me the upcoming streets. I LOVE THIS THING!!!! I just gotta keep my eyes on the road...oh and I gotta figure out how far 100ft is...I keep thinking it's further than it is.

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I just had a nice experience - I was heading out of town to a couple of locations that I had never been to. I got the street address and plugged them into Geocodeand then converted these coordinates using the free software from Mentor . When I pulled into the parking lot of the location the the GPSr was showing me 42ft from the coordinates - dead nuts on in my book. Later that day I went to the second location - again dead on. I was impressed and now will be using this method for most of my travels to places unknown.



"The Road goes ever on and on, out form the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, Let others follow it who can!"

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Yes you just gotta love the V for road navigation. Just knowing you could drive into the middle of nowhere and it will easily navigate you back out is just simply amazing.



You may like the product and keep it. You may even be one of a few people who does not take full advantage of the routing abilities of the V, but I only stressed the fact to you because software has a very strict return policy. Most stores will not take it back once it has been opened, they will only exchange it for the same product. I know the MG5 had to set you back a few bucks so I was only trying to help you with software that will give you 100% functionality with your new GPS. In all, have fun with your new receiver and if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask anytime.



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If they won't let you return it outright you might want to consider the Topo disks as a trade. While they are a far cry from the greatest topographic software, they will work with the V (selectable underneath City Select) and do come in handy on the fly in a lot of cases in the NoVA area. For example you can figure out which side of a stream to approach on, get a sense of hills and where some park roads are (that City Select seems to be ignorant of in some cases).


Success is not measured by the position one has reached in life, rather by the obstacles overcome while trying to succeed.

- Booker T. Washington

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