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Airport Travel W/ Gps Units


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New to caching and would like to take my GPSr on frequent airliner trips. I know better than to turn anything electronic 'on' besides my computer while in flight, but 1) has anyone experienced any difficulties getting through security with a GPS unit? B) and 2) should I be concerned about my GPSr going through the X-ray? :D (I'd prefer NOT to check it in my luggage since it is frequently opened by security staff nowadays).

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In my experience - no problems - on both questions security and xray "damage"


I travel every week thru out Europe and always carry a GPS, PDA, Blackberry, GSM phone, Archos AV320 Personal Media, External battery Power unit for Archos, Laptop PC (sometimes 2) and a Sony 717 digital camera


I travel to and around the US about half a dozen times a year and again no problems.


I do get a laugh out of the whole US security (and interestingly Germany now) take the laptop out the PC bag to go thru the Xray machine byitself but the GPS, PDA, Blackberry, GSM phone, Archos AV320, the Archos External battery Power, Camera and laptop power can all stay in the bag and never have been looked at ... Can some one explain that to me one day ??? B)


Re using your GPS on the plane - some airlines allow it, some dont, there are numerous threads on which ones allow it and those who don't.


They only work if held against the window and as such you soon get bored :D I'd advise if you do use it onboard and are asked to turn it off, just do it, smile apologise and dont argue, hostess dont need the hastle these days. A few years ago you could ask for Pilots Permission - IMO not worth it these days

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No problem going through security. Just be sure you have juice in the batteries to power it up.


While you're at it, if you're flying on an airline that allows it, power that sucker up and check out the speed and altitude! :D


I only fly airlines that allow them. It makes the flight more enjoyable when I can track the flight and watch the data at my leisure.


The List of Airlines Which Allow In Flight GPSr Use


Here are a few links regarding GPSr use while in flight:


Hearing on Portable Electronic Devices


From GPSInformation.net


Testimony: Do They Really Pose a Safety Hazard on Aircraft?


Aviation Today Article: PEDs

Edited by Neo_Geo
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The next time I fly I will be taking my external antenna along. With permission of course I will have the pull-down window shade hold it in place with my GPSr sitting on my lap or seat table.

It can make a boring trip a little more enjoyable especially if I have the correct maps downloaded.


Cheers, Olar

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I have posted this before but I will do it again because someone brought up the external antenna idea.


Being an Airline Pilot for a large US carrier I can tell you our policy is to allow GPSr units as long as their are NO EXTERNAL ANTENNA's or wires comming out of the unit. That including plugging it into your computer. As someone posted before every airline is different but on this point the large US carriers are close. So I would think again about the external antenna.


As always the crew has the final say. If any of the crew says to turn it off I would not fight with them regardless of what you have read the policy is. Form personal expierence I can tell you that if you have wires comming out of some "device" let alone try to stick/hold something to the window you are just asking for trouble. At minimum they will tell you to put it away. Worst, you will spend three hours after you land trying to "prove" to the police you are not a nut job!


Post 9/11 has made airline travel a much less friendly expierence.


Good Luck!



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Pay attention to what he said :D


TeamAv8r : a question for you which I hope you can answer... why do US airports insist on scanning a laptop thru the Xray separate to the PC bag... but I can have a PDA, GPS, Phone, Personal Media player, battery, chargers, camera and a bunch of other electronic bits and bods in a PC bag which they seem to be not interested in ..... whats the deal on the PC


FWIW I got a explination of why they ask you to take your shoes off now ..... when they scan you with the personal metal detectors, when they get close to the floor (and therefore detect old mother earth) they go off any way.. so if you had shoes with "bits in" they would not known hence they ask you to take them off now so they get Xrayed ... now this makes sense to me ....... but WHY the PC scan and not the rest of the electronics in the bag



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Well as far as the laptop vs. other "electronic bits" all I can say is the TSA (transportation security agency) that works under the DHS (dept. of Homeland Security) is a goverment agency. Just like the IRS and DMV. And I am sure we can all come up with a million things the IRS and DMV do that no one can explain. I really don't have a good answer other then that. Seems to me that some smart yahoo could hide something just as well in a walkman vs. a laptop but the Gov. is what it is. :D


As for the shooe thing. That started after that guy tried to light his "shooe bomb" off on the plane. Because of the rebar in the floor you have to check the shooes a different way. Most shooes have a metal shank in them for support so it sets off the metal dectector and then they have to be x-rayed. For someone like me who have to take off my shooes everyday just to go to work you learn quick what brands don't use metal shanks. Some companys are also comming out with new "security approved" shooes that use a fiberglass shank instead. That in turn requires them to charge doubble! B)


Bottom line is be respectfull of what the crew says. Some, not all, but some people have started to forget what happened 2 1/2 years ago. It is hard to forget for us in the airline business when thousands of people are out of work and several of the largest carriers are declaring bankrupcy. If you don't fly often it is easy to wonder why everyone and everything is such a pain in the a**. (Not to say there is always a good reason) But that is life in our post 9/11, post war, America.



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Hey TeamAv8r, I'm currently flying a 152 with my student pilots permit. Vision minimas without glasses/contacts for a commercial medical has concerned me, do they let you have laser eye correction? In the Canadian medical requirements it dosn't state if you can have laser eye surgery.

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I can't say for sure what Canada requires. But as far as I know the requirements are pretty much standard across the bord(er) :lol: . For a 1st class medical (or 2nd or 3rd) there is no problem with glasses. As long as you pass the test (20/40 if I remember right) with or without glasses then you are good to go.


Laser eye surgery is still new (to the FAA) so it can take some extra paperwork to get things done. But if you get it done and pass the eye test I don't think you will have any problems. But I have never personally talked with anyone who has done it. I will look around and see if I can find any other info about the subject.


Good luck with the flying. You are doing the best part now. After you get to the airlines it is all business. No time for checking stuff out or flying just for "fun". As far as they are concerned I owe them 14-16 hours a day. :lol: So enjoy it while you can. :lol:


Take care~



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As for the shooe thing. That started after that guy tried to light his "shooe bomb" off on the plane.



Because of the rebar in the floor you have to check the shoes a different way.


Uh, metal detectors can find bombs that use fuses? Really? I think they are looking for hidden weapons.

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