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Edit To Multicache


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I want to convert a single cache to a multicache. But changing that feature does not seem to be an option on the edit page. Suggestions? :unsure:


If people have already logged it, then I would suggest just archiving the old cache and creating a new one. Otherwise, you're changing people's cache history. If someone has found 8 traditional caches and 3 multi-caches, suddenly it will say they have 7 traditional and 4 multi-caches. But they didn't find 4 multis. If you haven't noticed yet, there are some people here who are real picky about their stats.


I would agree with Prime Suspect. But not only for the stats reason. If it was local to me I would like to re do it as it would be different, But if I had logged it already then it would not show on my PQ so I would miss the chance




The cache is a new cache and only has one find. If you change it a lot you might want to write to the first finder and let them do it again and if the cache box is being moved too.


In any case, go to the bottom of the cache page. There you will see who it was approved by. Click on their name and you will go to their profile page. You can send them an email from there. Send them the URL to the cache so they know which one you are talking about quickly.


Good luck on your decision.


I agree with the others. If there are finds, the type should not be changed. There are a couple Virtuals on my find list that were regular caches when I first found them, but got converted later. If the type changes, it's a new cache. Archive and create a new one. It's not like it's a lot of extra work (in fact it's probably easier) to just create a new cache.

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