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How to shock Jeremy :-)


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ROFL Carleenp, you probably did give Jemery a heart attack!!


OK, you have confused me. icon_confused.gif How did I give him a heart attack? Of course, just as I am easily amused, I am also easily confused! icon_smile.gif


Edit: Maybe you thought I was the original poster or put my name in as a typo? That would make sense.



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Originally posted by Sparrowhawk:

Ohmigod, call 911! I think I gave the poor guy a heart attack!!!



Actually, I do not believe Jeremy will be shocked at all by someone complimenting him, the site, or those he chooses to associate with in this endeavor. All would be deeply appropriate however.


Even those of us who have had a *complaint* from time to time also have reasonable expectations of such trivial things being *handled* by TPTP. My only complaint was the treatment of virtuals and even then mostly because I really enjoy them. So mine was a very minor *complaint*. Otherwise, there really isn't much to complain about folks so that means the other 99.99999999999% of stuff in this sport is all to the good.


My hats off to the frog and the herd of frogs he leads.



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."

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Originally posted by Pantalaimon:

Originally posted by Breaktrack:

My hats off to the frog and the herd of frogs he leads.


Actually, a bunch of frogs together is called an "army," not a herd. icon_biggrin.gif


Sorry. icon_wink.gificon_wink.gif




_Here there be tigers._ - My response when asked by a fellow Geocacher to describe the attitude of the forums.


Hahahahah, I KNEW someone would correct me on that, and here I was trying to avoid the whole *Army Of Frogs* thingy...LOL.


Oh well, the best laid plans......



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."

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