+Bluespreacher Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ZoomZoom:That's only to get your interest going till I finish writing my adventure. Hopefully I will be able to include a photo also. Pictures are now available. Go to bottom of my next post. "Every cache has it's rightful place." [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:41 AM.] I've really enjoyed reading this thread. I dug up some stats on lion attacks in N. America. California has it's own list. It's really scarry to think about, but lion attacks are very rare (unless you're one of the unlucky ones). Of course, I live in Indiana and can only wish I lived nearer lion habitat! http://tchester.org/sgm/lists/lion_attacks_nonca.html Keep on caching (carefully) Bluespreacher "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer Quote
Jomarac5 Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 quote: StarshipTrooper wrote: The way I figure it, if I'm seeing one that close, it needs killin'. Are you trying to stir something up here? What about the feelings of all the animal lovers? Have you no conscience at all? Where's your humanity, man? The emotional trauma of hearing about an animal getting whacked could easily put an animal lover over the edge. Killing a predatory animal so that it won't cause harm to yourself or your children? How can you be so cold? ZoomZoom, glad to hear that that your ordeal wasn't more exciting than it was -- for you or the cat. ***** [This message was edited by Jomarac5 on September 08, 2003 at 03:25 PM.] Quote
+El Diablo Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Jomarac5: quote: StarshipTrooper wrote: The way I figure it, if I'm seeing one that close, it needs killin'. Are you trying to stir something up here? What about the feelings of all the animal lovers? Have you no conscience at all? Where's your humanity, man? The emotional trauma of hearing about an animal getting whacked could easily put an animal lover over the edge. Killing a predatory animal so that it won't cause harm to yourself or your children? How can you be so cold? Well now...being an animal lover I thought I would post a comment. I don't hunt...nor do I hold grudges against hunters. Except those that kill just because they think it would look pretty mounted. Now with that being said. I'm a lover of animals and a lover of mankind. However, if either should threaten my well being or the well being of another...I would not hesitate to revoke it's birth certificate. El Diablo Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse. http://www.geo-hikingstick.com Quote
+Bluespreacher Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Jomarac5: quote: StarshipTrooper wrote: The way I figure it, if I'm seeing one that close, it needs killin'. Are you trying to stir something up here? What about the feelings of all the animal lovers? Have you no conscience at all? Where's your humanity, man? ....snip..... ZoomZoom, glad to hear that that your ordeal wasn't more exciting than it was -- for you or the cat. ***** [This message was edited by Jomarac5 on September 08, 2003 at 03:25 PM.] Don't you mean 'Felininity'? Maybe not, then Starshiptrooper would have to tackle it by the neck! Sad to say, some *do* need killin'. The smarter we humans can be, the less that might be necessary. Keep on caching, Bluespreacher "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer Quote
+eroyd Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Peregrine007:Sure glad there aren't many red-necks around these here parts. Don't use be makin fun about rednecks...specially around Gold River. Unless you have a hankering for a GORTEX wedgey. Quote
+ZoomZoom Posted September 8, 2003 Author Posted September 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Hawk-eye: can someone post them somewhere other than Yahoo or be so kind to email them to me ... I sure would appreciate it. Sounds like impressive pic Hawk-eye! Can't you see the picture El Diablo was kind enough to make it without having to click on the link? it's the only picture I have that is viewable. Anyway I tried to get your email from your profile and this forum keeps telling me to log-in when I already am. Let me know if you still want a Picture. "Every cache has it's rightful place." Quote
+ZoomZoom Posted September 8, 2003 Author Posted September 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by CharlieP: I doubt it was stalking ZZ ... if it had been stalking it would have taken the first opportunity to attack undetected. FWIW, CharlieP You know, I keep wondering that myself. the cat had lots of time too attack me as I was kneeled down for a good 5 minutes before retreating to my truck. During that time I could hear it moving about eventhough it was quiet about it. Even when I saw it close behind me it had it's eyes on me but was not in a crouch down ready to pounce on me position. It would have scared the hell out of me if the thing would have growled at me. I'm just glad it ended the way it did and even if I would have had my rifle with me I doubt I would have shot it. Even so, by the time I would have had my rifle ready that cat disappeared pretty quickly in that thick bushy area. "Every cache has it's rightful place." [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 08, 2003 at 07:45 PM.] Quote
+El Diablo Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ZoomZoom: quote:Originally posted by Hawk-eye: can someone post them somewhere other than Yahoo or be so kind to email them to me ... I sure would appreciate it. Sounds like impressive pic Hawk-eye! Can't you see the picture El Diablo was kind enough to make it without having to click on the link? it's the only picture I have that is viewable. Anyway I tried to get your email from your profile and this forum keeps telling me to log-in when I already am. Let me know if you still want a Picture. "Every cache has it's rightful place." I sent him a pic Zoom Zoom. He's in China right now...lord only knows what he's able to see on the website. El Diablo Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse. http://www.geo-hikingstick.com Quote
+ZoomZoom Posted September 8, 2003 Author Posted September 8, 2003 Don't use be makin fun about rednecks...specially around Gold River. Unless you have a hankering for a GORTEX wedgey. I'd rather come face to face with a cougar. "Every cache has it's rightful place." Quote
Curious George Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 Oops, we dun forgot yur reltives wuz up thar Eroyd. Had me one of them Gortex wedgeys once - oooohweee! I'm still water pruf Quote
+Planet Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 Don't shoot the kitty cat! I once met up with a Mountain Lion in Connecticut. A friend and I were hiking a trail that went along some power lines. My friend stops and says Look at the size of the Bobcat! I look over and stretched across a very large rock sunning himself is the biggest cat I've ever seen (zoos excluded). I said that's not a bobcat! That's a mountain lion! The cat looked at us, gave us a nasty look for ruining his sunny nap, stood up, turned around, and loped off into the woods. He was a good 4 1/2-5 feet long, tail not included. So we decide to follow and see where he goes. We get about 20 feet into the short shrubbery and weeds under the power lines and I look down and tens and tens of tiny deer ticks start jumping onto us. A big ol' kitty didn't scare me, but those ticks had me running away so fast! We never told anyone where we saw the cat because we didn't want him hunted down. But it was in a rural town in a suburban/rural county 1 1/2 hours from NYC. Cache you later, Planet So many caches, so little time. Quote
mckee Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Peregrine007:Sure glad there aren't many red-necks around these here parts. How do you define "redneck"? -------------------- This space for rent! Ask about our easy layaway plan! Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 Couple of things ... THANKS EL DIABLO ... you da man ... I got the pic. Oh, I love the line about revoking it's birth certificate! ROTFLMAO !!!! Hey dude ... check out Hawk 17 Not our normal evil caches ... but hey it's in China how much harder to get to do you want. I throw down the glove ... see if you can beat Triffid and Huggy to it!!!! ZOOMZOOM ... nope for some reason Yahoo links are blank to me over here. Not unusual ... I can do a search on google in NC ... get several thousand hits. Do the exact same search over here and get less than thirty! That's just the normal stuff ... I can tell you some really weird stuff ... but that would be getting off the subject. MCKEE ... A redneck and a "good ole boy" ... know the difference? Well both have daily contact with farm animals ... just one is more intimately involved! LOOKING FORWARD TO UNITED FLIGHT 587 EAST in a few weeks!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Co-founder of the "NC/VA GEO-HOG ASSOCIATION" ... when you absolutely have to find it first! Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 Nuked! [This message was edited by Hawk-eye on September 09, 2003 at 08:00 AM.] Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 Nuked again! [This message was edited by Hawk-eye on September 09, 2003 at 07:58 AM.] Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 OK ... double post I can see happening but triples ... geesh ... oh, right I'm in China ... never mind! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Co-founder of the "NC/VA GEO-HOG ASSOCIATION" ... when you absolutely have to find it first! Quote
+Huntnlady Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 quote: You mention that several people each year are killed by cats in California. I don't live in your state, but that seems quite high. My understanding is that human-cat encounters are rare. Bluespreacher Not as rare as you might think. I have a friend that works for the DFG and he has had first hand experience in finding the bodies and hunting down the guilty cats. These incidents are deliberately not publicised, because it is politically incorrect to put the cute fuzzy lions in a bad light. I have personally been in three close encounters with lions while out hunting. Zoom zoom, you are lucky you were not lion lunch. When they are not hunted they lose all fear of man, and we become easy prey. _______________________________ Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul -- chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth! http://www.geocities.com/cacheinon Quote
Jomarac5 Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 quote: Huntnlady wrote:Not as rare as you might think. I recall reading an article not long ago that stated that there have been more cougar attacks in North America in the past five years than in the fifty years previous. Most of this is due to humans encroaching upon cougar habitats. These cats are very territorial and when they are driven out of their territory by housing developments, etc., they cannot just enter another cats territory without having a conflict with that cat. They require an enormous amount of space and if they don't eat, they look for whatever prey they can find -- including slow-running humans. ***** Quote
+StarshipTrooper Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Peregrine007:Sure glad there aren't many red-necks around these here parts. Me? A redneck? It is to laugh! "...clear as mud?" Quote
+ZoomZoom Posted January 10, 2004 Author Posted January 10, 2004 (edited) Just heard on the news about a killer cougar in California. Some brokendown biker got killed by one then apparently the cat was found then also killed. "Shivers" Brings back memories. Note: I just notice that I got 69 replies and only 7 views when I reopened this thread. COOL! Edited January 10, 2004 by ZoomZoom Quote
SE7EN Posted January 10, 2004 Posted January 10, 2004 Here is one story. Here is the text for archival purposes: Cyclists Mauled by Mountain Lion in Orange County Fri Jan 9, 8:35 PM ET The PIXPage Staff The condition of a woman mauled by a mountain lion in Orange County was improving Friday, while an autopsy was set for a second possible victim. The 30-year-old woman was cycling in Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park Thursday when a mountain lion pounced on her. The woman's friends helped fight the animal off, and she was airlifted to a hospital where she was in serious condition. The mountain lion that attacked the woman was tracked down, shot, and killed. It weighed more than 100 lbs. After the attack, officials found the body of a man in his 30s nearby. An autopsy will determine if he was also attacked by an animal, and if it was the same cat who mauled the cyclist. Quote
Captain Chaoss Posted January 10, 2004 Posted January 10, 2004 geez, ya were already so close to him, ya coulda at least got outta the truck and taken another piture ! Thanks for sharing that. Thats really cool. Oh yea, and heres something for all you "redneck" inquirers. rednecks in the whitehouse Quote
+The Cache Raiders Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Just yesterday we were on mt. prevost trying to attempt one of the xtreme team's caches. When we were up there we got out of the car. There was about a foot of snow up there and as we approached the cache sight we saw these fresh cougar footprints in the snow. Anyways, we continued walking to the cache sight when we stop for a second and hear what sounded like an animal jumping off of something. So, we got out of there very quickly. Pretty freaky though! Quote
mufasa1023 Posted February 9, 2004 Posted February 9, 2004 One of my officers was attacked by a mtn. lion on a traffic stop several years ago. He had just gotten out of his car and started to approach when the cat jumped off a ledge directly above him. He was able to draw and shoot, killing it before it hit the ground. This guy is a crap magnet, so nobody was surprised when it happened. Brian Team A.I. drew aimed shot hit and killed a jumping big cat? whatever happened to the 21 foot rule? that cop must have humongo cojones.... Quote
+ZoomZoom Posted February 9, 2004 Author Posted February 9, 2004 I saw fresh tracks today up past French Beach, didn't stop me from going deeper into the bush to get to a cache either. I just tend to look over my shoulder more often now since my hearing isn't as fine as it use to be. It's not something I linger on anyway, like i said before, I'll probably be lucky to see another one. Quote
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