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First cache hide: Still active?

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After reading the FIRST CACHE MEMORY thread, it got me thinking about my first cache I placed.


My Durban's Botanical View has remained plunder-free for about 15 months now - even though it is in a country, far, far away...


So, all those cache hiders out there...is your first cache still active out there for cachers to find? How long has it been?




My first cache, Billy E. 9/11/01, is still there after a little over a year. I've been pretty lucky so far (knock on wood), as I've only had one cache stolen out of some 30+ non virtuals I've placed.


I did archive a couple, but that was only because I made a significant change to the cache's location, or changed a regular cache into a multi-leg.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on its hind legs, but by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" -Max Beerbohm


I only placed Some Gave All on 6/24/02, but it's still going strong. 23 Visits, 1 Maintenance trip and currently holds two Travel Bugs. Gorgeous views and rave reviews!


Cache you later,



Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


My first cache was plundered. The only one that has gone missing.


I'm waiting for all the bushes and grass to die for the winter. I'll go back and search for it again. It went missing once before and I found it thrown deep into the blackberry bushes.


If you do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do.




So far my first cache is still there. Sounds like it has sparked some visits to our city's botanical garden.


The first cache I found is no more. It was a feature on a TV news story and the owner decided that it needed to retire given the exposure.


remybussi.gif By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I. remybussi.gif

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