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A GPS and a stolen truck!

Idaho Ron

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Yesterday I went out Motorcycle rideing with my daughter and I found a stolen pickup truck. The wheels and tires were gone and it was parked a very long way from a main road in a gully.

I called 911 and the dispatcher got the info from me. I then asked her if I could give her a GPS location? She said YA, That would be great! The sherrif deputy that showed up was using a garmin GPS 3 I was using a etrex camo. He said, I wish everyone that gave us a location to go to in the desert would use a GPS. He had no problem finding us.

My family gives me crap about always having my GPS with me. Now they have personally seen a real life use besides Geocaching. Ron

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The deputy that showed up told me about a guy that had wrecked his motorcycle out there. He was WAY off the beaten path and was able to get out on a cell phone. He had a broken leg and used his cell phone untill the batteries were dead. The deputy told him then to get a GPS.


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Wow, what a coincidence, I found a 1/2 stripped Acura on Sunday night.


I didn't know the non-emergency phone number so while I was looking it up on the web, I saw their e-mail address.


In keeping with the tech theme, I just e-mailed the cops the coords, I figured there wasn't anything they needed me there for.

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I'm going to vent here. I'm in Toronto and quite annoyed at how backwards our police and 911 services appear now that I've read your postings.


I recently had to call 911 about a drunk driver. At the end of the call I asked the operator if, in some other senario, a person where to give them Lat/Long and her responce was that they have no way of doing anything with it. (I assume that if you were in the woods under a similar circumstance as above that they'd have NO CHOICE!)


On another note, I recently read a log on a cache in my area where the finders found someones marijuana field growing where the cache should have been. I considered dropping an email to the local authorities with the lat/long. I went to the police services website and the crimestoppers website and there is NO way to email anyone. They only have a webmaster email address up.


I can't believe in this day and age that you can't freaking email the cops with a tip.


Of course, as my buddy pointed out, it would be just another way for pranksters to harrass the police too.





Mobile Cache Command

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For what it's worth, the RFCs specify that any domain must have a working postmaster address. In practice, they don't always, but it's worth a shot. So, if, say, the Toronto police site was toronto.police.ca, try postmaster@toronto.police.ca.


In terms of the clueless person on the 911 line, you could try asking them to put it in the comments field. Seems like every emergency-type show I watch has a comments field for stuff like the description of the situation....


One thing I can say for sure is that if people keep asking for it, eventually it'll get implemented. Do you have a local representative (here in California, it would be a Senator) that you can contact?



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Originally posted by Team StitchesOnQuilts:

For what it's worth, the RFCs specify that any domain must have a working postmaster address. In practice, they don't always, but it's worth a shot. So, if, say, the Toronto police site was toronto.police.ca, try postmaster@toronto.police.ca.


Sure, that would be great to complain about their stupidity, but I'm sure if I emailed the webmaster he might keep the pot for himself!!! icon_smile.gif *(just kidding, I don't know the guy)


[This message was edited by mrcpu on August 26, 2002 at 05:10 AM.]

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Originally posted by Team StitchesOnQuilts:

For what it's worth, the RFCs specify that any domain must have a working postmaster address. In practice, they don't always, but it's worth a shot. So, if, say, the Toronto police site was toronto.police.ca, try postmaster@toronto.police.ca.


Sure, that would be great to complain about their stupidity, but I'm sure if I emailed the webmaster he might keep the pot for himself!!! icon_smile.gif *(just kidding, I don't know the guy)


[This message was edited by mrcpu on August 26, 2002 at 05:10 AM.]

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I have no idea if this would work . . . just thinking off the top of my head here.


I've seen MADD take donations to purchase video cameras for squad cars. What if your local geocaching group took up the project to purchase handheld GPSr's for squad cars? Yeah, the cops would need a little training on how to use them, but it would be an invaluable tool for them and probably get geocachers a little recognition and more acceptance to boot.




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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Nearly all our squad cars (about 1000) are equipped with GPS and map software with their in-car computers. Eventually all our squads will have it. Give someone lat/long, street address, whatever, and they'll be able to find their way directly to that location. We're ahead of most depts with our technology but I understand why a lot of depts don't have it. Money. Only so many dollars that have to be spent for other things just to keep operating. To pay for the equipment means increase in taxes.

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My teammate PewterZ and I found a capsized boat in ceasar's creek, ohio state park awile back. Called the rangers on my cell and gave our coords from land.


We didn't stick around to see the outcome though.



Team Draegon

Cincinnati, Ohio USA


"To conquer without risk is to succeed without glory"

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