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Geocaching.com logo on beer label ?

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I see what you are talking about but it's not the Geocaching.com logo. The GC logo is square with four seperate squares with the littleman and flag on it.


The "G" with the "X" in the middle was adopted by someone else wasn't it? I'm rather new and may have this wrong though. I do know that the current logo of GC.com is not that one though.


Brian Wood

Woodsters Outdoors


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I can see the caching logo there, though I don't think it would've been intentional.


mmmmmmmmmmmm.... sounds like a cool beer.... what style of ale is it supposed to be, or is it it's own style? If I remember my styles, 11% is a Strong Ale, or almost there if it isn't.


Can someone ship some to us over here in Michigan?!? icon_biggrin.gif


I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

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