+NattyBooshka Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Land Ranger:Nattybooshka, Bit fond of sticking your oar in arn't you ? For example in http://ubbx.Groundspeak.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=5726007311&f=6616058331&m=98960976&r=96860796#96860796 you took it upon yourself to check with the police about the advisability of the HCC event. quote: Just thought I'd investigate further... rang Hanpshire Constabulary... advice is to avoid the area at night... the person I spoke to was alarmed that we plan to walk around in the dark on a night-cache! Don't know who's organising the night-cache, but hope that they are aware of the problems up there and precautions are in place. and quote: but just wanted to make people aware that the HCC guidelines on geocaching and police advice differ at this particular location. It seems that you think you can (in your few months caching) do better, therefore I reckon that you should put your money where your mouth is. NATTYBOOSHKA FOR CHAIR Hah ! Some people just grate. Right, firstly Mr & Mrs Sock Puppet thanks for that... I had a concern, it was addressed... thanks to all involved the HCC meet was great. Maybe you'd like me to be gagged?! Thanks for bringing up an old and irrelevant post more of a markbad than a markwell I guess Thanks for having the decency (some would call it guts) to use your actual caching name... you want me to put my money where my mouth is? Try putting you name next to your feelings I didn't at any time claim I could do a better job than anybody... I'd like to see the thread if you think I did. Finally, I don't feel that any goecacher has to do a qualifying period before we have an opinion on the game... do you? Is this a free country or not? Thanks again, Neil. PS... I make no apology for "taking it upon myself" to check whether an area was safe for my family to be. Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some just grate [This message was edited by NattyBooshka on October 03, 2003 at 09:18 AM.] Quote
+Ashandes Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote:It seems that you think you can (in your few months caching) do better, therefore I reckon that you should put your money where your mouth is. NATTYBOOSHKA FOR CHAIR Hah ! Some people just grate. How is this not trolling? Nattybooshka have given no indication that they think they would do a better job as chair as T&J. If I don't like someone's stance on a particular issue, disagree with them, and choose to say so where is the implication that I think I could do a better job than them? If so I should be running for PM in the next election. Ash p.s. When you were trying to portray Nattybooshka as "oar sticking in" trouble makers you neglected to mention their sheer audacity in doing a lot of the planning, organisation and hard work involved in a recent, very succesful cache bash. ________________________ What is caches precious? Quote
+NattyBooshka Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 Thanks Ash... he also forgot to mention the sheer quality of his puppet's contributions to the forums... I won't markwell... anyone can take a look via the profile. Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some just grate Quote
L8 Ed Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by NattyBooshka: quote:...nearly trod on a deer as he waded through the chest high bracken .. taken from a log in the NF in June gave the matter some urgency as far as I, amongst others, was concerned. Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some just grate Surely poetic licence is being used here. Unless of course the New Forrest deer are deaf and have no legs Quote
+NattyBooshka Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by L8 Ed:Surely poetic licence is being used here. Unless of course the New Forrest deer are deaf and have no legs Possibly, but sadly I fear not... Deer leave thier young in such places whilst they graze, I think they feel they'll be safe there, and this is a known issue in the NF and the reason many passtimes are closed down for the month. Maybe this was poetic licence... but the next time? Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some just grate Quote
+WalkDMC! Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 Could the real land ranger please stand-up? It's all well and good that your commenting on this, but you have no caches logged against your name, so it would suggest that somebody is hiding behind a new name. It's not helpful at this time, and frankly very childish. I think there were many of us who were concerned about the FC stance. Clear communication was needed from all sides, and name calling, assigning blame et al, is not going to aid the cause at all! It was evident from Team Tates original note that permission needed to be sought from the land owner before placing a cache on the NF / FC land, and it was due to this breach that the whole incident occurred. From T&J's note, the reason for them resigning the chair, was because June was unwell - and I'm sure everybody involved with Geocaching in the UK is thinking of her. I'm sure that we are all aware of the stress that comes with an unwell loved one. Eagles may fly high, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines… Quote
+NattyBooshka Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Dean&Abi:Could the real land ranger please stand-up? I believe Land Ranger has already posted here under their real name. Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some just grate Quote
+Seasider Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 As one of many silent observers on this unfortunate matter I must say that using sock puppets as a method of personal attack is unhelpful especially when considering that most 'experienced' cachers know perfectly well who the 'puppetmasters' are. As someone who is a bit sickly as well at the moment (no caches bagged all week) I also wish June a speedy recovery. Seasider We are not retreating - we are advancing in another Direction! Quote
+minstrelcat Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote: most 'experienced' cachers know perfectly well who the 'puppetmasters' are. I don't - anyone prepared to name and shame? Lisa Quote
+Chris n Maria Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Adam & Lisa: quote: most 'experienced' cachers know perfectly well who the 'puppetmasters' are. I don't - anyone prepared to name and shame? Lisa Me neither - looking forward to those unfounded accusations flying around. Just what we need If only life had an undo button.... London & UK Geocaching Resources: http://www.sheps.clara.net Quote
+NattyBooshka Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 no unfounded accusations.... let's just say we, seasider and several others know this one's identity Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some just grate Quote
+Eckington Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 Hi Guys, The standard of debate and communication in the forum has been civilised and constructive in recent weeks. This is a very emotive issue. I hope the current high standard of posts will prevail. Many Thanks and.... Cheers and cache well, Eckington Quote
+minstrelcat Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Chris n Maria:Me neither - looking forward to those unfounded accusations flying around. Just what we need Oops, sorry. Don't want that either. Lisa Quote
+BugznElm'r Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 Uh-oh ... another hull breach in the making! quote:Originally posted by Adam & Lisa:I don't - anyone prepared to name and shame? Lisa Elm'r Team Bugz n Elm'r Quote
+Tim & June Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Dean&Abi:From T&J's note, the reason for them resigning the chair, was because June was unwell - and I'm sure everybody involved with Geocaching in the UK is thinking of her. Hi Dean and Abi, sorry, you did misinterpret our reason. We are just fed up with trying to do our very best for caching, only to always be doing the wrong thing. June will be back on her feet within the week, and normal caching will resume. Thanks for your thoughts. Tim & June (Winchester) See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! Quote
+Paul G0TLG Posted October 4, 2003 Posted October 4, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Tim & June:June will be back on her feet within the week, and normal caching will resume. The only bit of good news I've heard all week... A member of the Geocaching Association of Great Britain Quote
+Wilkinsons Posted October 6, 2003 Posted October 6, 2003 I emailed the FC about Geo-caching and got a reply today , I would like the GACB to take up the offer made , I will sent the full e-mail to T&J Thank you for your email dated 23/09/03 regarding geocaching on the Crown Lands of the New Forest. Your understanding is correct that permission is required for many activities on land managed by the Forestry Commission, including geocaching. The purpose of the permission system is to prevent conflict between the wide variety of users. If more than one event is arranged in the same place at the same time then confusion and disappointment may result. Also there are many activities going on such as routine forest management (burning, tree felling, fencing, land restoration amongst others). These operations may disrupt the activities of organised groups and other members of the public if we are not aware of them. There are other factors for any responsible land manager to consider. There are numerous sites in the New Forest that are sensitive for their importance to plants; fungi; animals; commoning interests; archaeological features and landscape. It is important that these sites are not compromised in any way. The permission system protects sensitive areas and prevents damage. Therefore, we understand that you are enjoying an activity currently without permission and do not wish to unnecessarily interfere with your enjoyment of the New Forest. However, we do feel that we need to meet with representatives from geocaching in the New Forest to discuss ways in which people can enjoy the activity in sympathy with other activities and the special nature of the area. Do such representatives exist? If so, would it be possible for you to arrange a meeting between ourselves and any such representatives? We appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon. Quote
+Tim & June Posted October 6, 2003 Posted October 6, 2003 Do you guys also pull white rabbbits out of top hats ? We have tried 5 times, each time talking to someone else, and each time meeting a brick wall until talking to head office. We also know of two, possibly three cachers, who have been meted out the same treatment. Hope you got the name and hope that he/she does not speak to the others. As they seem to be now asking for dialogue, I think that the current committee members should take a lead. Tim & June (Winchester) See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! Quote
+NattyBooshka Posted October 6, 2003 Posted October 6, 2003 Well seems if you speak to the right people, you get the right answers! Looks like this is infitting with their published aims of talking to organised groups who wish to use the forest. Well Done Wilkinsons Cheers, Emily & Neil The welfare of the forest and it's wildlife must come before the game. Quote
+The Wombles Posted October 6, 2003 Posted October 6, 2003 Well done indeed to the Wilkinsons for opening up this line of communication. I'll follow this up for GAGB, at least until we can get someone more local. Dave Founder member of GAGB Quote
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