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Cachers habitats

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It seems to me that most cachers seem to come from the South coast - around a 50 mile radius of Winchester. Am I right in thinking that this is the most densely populated area for us lot or are they lurking elsewhere?

Just interested? icon_biggrin.gif




Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...


Maybe it's because we're all over-paid and under-worked down here and therefore have *far* too much free time on our hands... if only!! icon_wink.gif


Clamo, clamatis, omnes clamamus pro glace lactis.


Don't forget the Herts/Beds/Bucks enclave!




It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.


I suspect there is a positive feedback loop.

The more caches there are in an area, the more cachers are likely to start in that area, themselves placing more caches in time, leading to even more cachers.


So we have to thank the people in the South coast area who placed a critical desity to start with.



mobilis in mobili


I am lurking about as far north as you can get without getting wet. I reckon I am in the least densely populated area for caching in the whole country. I think I need one of these positive feedback loops installed up here ! can I get the components to make one from maplins and does any one have a circuit diagram for one so I can get started. come to caithness for a quiet caching expierience. I would not think you are likely to bump into many other cachers on you travels


hey, hellooo

I'm new to this having just come across this site today. it looks and sounds great fun!

i saw on another post someone suggesting to meet up with a cacher to see what its all about before i go and spend all my pennies..so if there's anyone out there up in the N.E. of Scotland (Aberdeen area) who'd like to show/help me, it'd be most appreciated.






Originally posted by Team Tate:

It seems to me that most cachers seem to come from the South coast


I reckon it's because so many of us down here know about geocaching, because Team Tate keep appearing on local telly talking about it!


Paul G0TLG (Yet another newbie introduced to geocaching by Team Tate!)


Originally posted by Lost in Space:

Originally posted by korresia:

............... and spend all my pennies..


Aha! You've obviously read about how the Hornet likes to "mark his territory" at each cache he visits.




icon_biggrin.gif apparently when we join the EMU, the term spending a penny will be replaced by "euronating"....





Originally posted by bignoseduglyguy:


If you check out Teasel's http://stats.guk2.com/misc/ then the clustering of cache placement is clear.


Never mind the clustering! Teasel's stats site appears to have recorded the first ever cache hidden with a time machine - the hidden column of the UK Stats page reveals all....







http://www.bignoseduglyguy.com - obligatory caching page now added!


There should be a couple for July too (both within a mile of each other!)




My wife uses a cache box to take her sandwiches to work... how odd!


Originally posted by Team Blitz:

Originally posted by bignoseduglyguy:


If you check out Teasel's http://stats.guk2.com/misc/ then the clustering of cache placement is clear.


Never mind the clustering! Teasel's stats site appears to have recorded the first ever cache hidden with a time machine - the hidden column of the UK Stats page reveals all....







http://www.bignoseduglyguy.com - obligatory caching page now added!


There should be a couple for July too (both within a mile of each other!)




My wife uses a cache box to take her sandwiches to work... how odd!


As long as they're not within 0.1 of a mile from eachother... icon_wink.gif


Clamo, clamatis, omnes clamamus pro glace lactis.

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