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Forthcoming Inside Out TV program

Tim & June

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Whilst the funky red button ("Touch me, I rock") allows one to view the 6.30 news program for the different UK regions, the same cannot be said about regional shows, such as Inside Out.


Sky Digital shows Inside Out for London, and the red button won't get other regions icon_frown.gif


Oh well, gave me time to add a funky new feature to EasyMPS icon_smile.gif



**Mother is the name of God on the lips of all children**


Originally posted by jeremyp:

I was watching the wrong side. I was busy making my new Bluetooth adaptor work and forgot to turn over. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I've got it on TiVo - next time you come down you can see the news article, the trailer and the actual programme. Modest charges apply.



mobilis in mobili


Originally posted by el10t:

I've got it on TiVo - next time you come down you can see the news article, the trailer and the actual programme. Modest charges apply.




Hey Jeremy, don't pay Elliot, I dont like profiteering icon_biggrin.gif


The programme will be available from a link on this page.


Sorry Rich. icon_biggrin.gif


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by Rincewind & Luggage:

Well, we're off to do a 'Dan & Pid' - anyone joining us?


We promise we won't take the T & J Bear!


Rincewind & Luggage


I was going to, but I've decided it's far to sad even for a geocacher icon_smile.gif




The second ten million caches were the worst too.



I'm down at the church sorting out an e-mail problem on the server, and there are two teenagers wandering round the church looking for the cache!!!!! icon_eek.gif


Just wandered out and they asked where the box was, I told them that I wouldn't be stupid enough to show the actual location on TV, and they looked quite disappointed, sent them back to look at the web site. icon_biggrin.gif


That's the biggest laugh...


By the way, we did manage to see the programme thanks to some lucky atmospherics and a really big signal booster. Thought it was a really good item. Saw the South Today item in digital clarity on Sky Digital.






Just watched the shows, great articles well done Guy and Girls!!!


I think all the cachers who took part in the TV coverage deserve a huge “Cheer” Well done to these ambassadors of our sport.




The programme is linked from several pages on the BBC website.


This one works click


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif


Just watched the Real Video version.


A classic quote: "Dan and Pid have been called unique....well, they've been called a lot of things actually"



**Mother is the name of God on the lips of all children**


Bow my head in shame as I am unable to say the word chalenge without swallowing my tongue! LoL.Shocking!


I found it distrought however to be on the same program as a load of convicts playing a trumpet!



One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them!




So I'd set the satellite, I'd set the video, I watched the local news program, I'd even caught sight of my photo - Fame!! I thought.


7:30 came and what did I see? Bl**y drains in Wealdstone. :-(


Now there's a real video version - fantastic! Even Mrs Hornet & Hornet junior were impressed. Pity we didn't see the original, it looked a good program. Well done to all involved.


See all you stars on Sunday.


p.s. Loved the 'nightime' section D&P!!!!!




It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.


Originally posted by TreeBeard (Pid):

I found it distrought however to be on the same program as a load of convicts playing a trumpet!

That was a weird item. I'm not sure the two weeks sitar practice paid off icon_biggrin.gif


Why did your answer to the question "Do you ever think of coming back in the daytime?" change between the trailer and the real thing? I thought the trailer version was a lot more amusing!



mobilis in mobili


Having just got back from my youth group, i've only just had a chance to watch it.


Well done to everyone who took part, and thanx 2 kouros who organised it all


So, whose up for a group massace on the new cache, theres a travel bug in there






Michael aka 1/2 of Team Blitz


It's not a matter of win or lose...until you lose icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by jeremyp:


Too late, Rincewind and Luggage are probably there now retrieving the travel bug.


I would actually say that would be a little unfair to go grab the travel bug immediately, at least give someone new to the game a chance to find it first!




Love to get out and about and Cacheing is like a breath of fresh air. My 6 y old grandaughter hates walking but by having a "treasure hunt" she's off like a shot. Great fun but a little disappointed with cache contents so far. They seem to be ok when first hidden but then downgraded.So come on you cachers lets keep caches interesting for the kids.


[This message was edited by Eltex on January 13, 2003 at 03:07 PM.]


We tried to tape it twice.... luckily ONE of them worked ok!!!


So we'll bring a VCR/TV along on Sunday, so you can watch it.


But very well done to the TV stars! Shame D&P have had to ruin their reputation by doing daytime caching!




Team Blitz


White gravel? What white gravel? I can't see any.... heck, who cares!


Originally posted by Team Blitz



Well done to everyone who took part, and thanx 2 kouros who organised it all


No probs, Michael.



So, whose up for a group massace on the new cache, theres a travel bug in there


Would've gone tonight, but I've been down the pub, and drunk too much. And we didn't even win the quiz. Wish I'd stayed at home now. icon_biggrin.gif



An it harm none, do what ye will


Originally posted by Richard & Beth:


I would actually say that would be a little unfair to go grab the travel bug immediately, at least give someone new to the game a chance to find it first!




To late I'm afraid, we have the little red hippo. In a way we think it would have been a shame to run the risk of a newbie finding it and possibly not knowing what to do with it.


How many other TB's have gone missing because a newbie hasn't known what to do with them (i.e. - Hotdog Man and Gulliver Bear). Fortunately these have been tracked down but how many others have not? It is very possible that any newbie visiting the cache may have thought that the TB was simply a swap item/wouldn't have been sure what to do with it/wouldn't visit another cache/was a mad 'Packham' stalker, keeping anything related to the man icon_biggrin.gif and that would have been the end of the little red hippo!


We were not going to take him initally, but there was no information on him as to his goals and I think that this made the possibility of him going missing even higher. If there had been a card or note with him stating that his goal was to travel the world and asking the finder to place him in another cache then this would have made it a bit more obvious for newbies - while it is obvious to the more experienced cachers among us, it would not have been for someone on thier first hunt!


just MHO.


Perhaps this would be a good time to ask you all for your thoughts as to where we place him next...


Chris Packham had set a goal that he travels around the world. We are possibly visiting the Peak District next weekend and could place him in a cache up there/on route or we could place him in a cache down here, close to where he started. Would people prefer we keep him locally for a while, or would people like us to help him on his way straight away?


Rincewind & Luggage


Originally posted by Rincewind & Luggage:

Chris Packham had set a goal that he travels around the world. We are possibly visiting the Peak District next weekend and could place him in a cache up there/on route or we could place him in a cache down here, close to where he started. Would people prefer we keep him locally for a while, or would people like us to help him on his way straight away?


My intial thought would be to get him on his way... but make sure there are plenty of photos onlne for the newbies to see and enjoy.


Just MHO, of course.


EDIT: On second thoughts, bring him along to the meet on Sunday... let us all see him! Then get him on his way!



An it harm none, do what ye will


I think setting on his way is the best option, perhaps somewhere pleasent. Peak District would be nice.....but maybe a Bug Hotel is another good idea...



One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them!




Originally posted by Kouros:


EDIT: On second thoughts, bring him along to the meet on Sunday... let us all see him! Then get him on his way!



That was an idea of ours, but it does very much depend on whether we have to go to Buxton or not... if we don't have to go, or if we can leave Buxton early enough on Sunday morning we will bring him to the meet with us - and take lots of piccies while we're there!


Okay chaps,


What about....


If we have to go to Buxton we take him with us, take some photos to show he has travelled up there... Bring him back, drive like the proverbial bat, get back to the cache bash, then drive him up to the bug hotel at during the week?


Does that sound like a plan?


I'd be pleased to see Red Hippo in my new cache which, incidentally, no-one has found yet! Have I got the co-ords wrong again?! Deep Hole seems to be an appropriate name, seeing as folks keep getting stuck in it...


Loved the program: all the stars were certainly an inspiration to us "newbies"!


Dan & Pid, just one question: Why?

(I guess this may have been asked a *few* times already....)




P.S. Have I really picked the same "handle" as Team Tates dog? Oh dear, luck of the Irish again!


It's a tradition, or an old charter or something...


Can I just make a plea that we experienced cachers do not pile in and swap out all of the BBC goodies in the cache. It would be terribly disappointing for a newbie to arrive there and find there is nothing left.


I'm also just a little bit uncomfortable with the way Rincewind and Luggage went straight for the travel bug without giving newbies a chance although I accept that a newbie might not know what to do with it and only one person is going to get the chance of moving it on anyway.




The second ten million caches were the worst too.



Originally posted by jeremyp:

Can I just make a plea that we experienced cachers do not pile in and swap out all of the BBC goodies in the cache. It would be terribly disappointing for a newbie to arrive there and find there is nothing left.


Understood, and agreed with. I will probably visit the cache today, as it will be my only free day for the next few weeks, but I'll leave all the BBC goodies in there for the newbies. Hell, I'll probably leave a little extra for them too, if there's space. icon_wink.gif



An it harm none, do what ye will


LoL. WHY?????? You ask Why Omally! Well.....


Its far too easy in the day! if you find it in the day you might aswell not find it attall I think were the words I used! icon_wink.gif





One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them!




Well, I havent had time to read all the posts, but I would like to say that the TV programme opened my eyes up to a new hobby.


I already own a GPS for sailing in the summer, I love walking and so this seemed like the perfect hobby. I woke up this morning half thinking about going up to Kingley Vale to find the cache as I live just down the road, but decided against it.


Instead I had a look to see whether there where any cache's closer....Well, there was one no more than 500 metres from my house!!


I went and looked for it, found it, put a item in the box, took a picture, filled in the note book and web log.


I think it is a great thing this, I am now sitting here after my first trip out thinking where to place my own cache's. I cant wait.


If it had not been for the programme I doubt I would have come across this cool thing.


Anyway, those where my thoughts as a new new newbie as of last night!


I hope to enjoy this more.


Happy Hunting


Stephen icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by jeremyp:

Can I just make a plea that we experienced cachers do not pile in and swap out all of the BBC goodies in the cache. It would be terribly disappointing for a newbie to arrive there and find there is nothing left.


I'm also just a little bit uncomfortable with the way Rincewind and Luggage went straight for the travel bug without giving newbies a chance although I accept that a newbie might not know what to do with it and only one person is going to get the chance of moving it on anyway.


Completely agree with Jeremy that the new cache should not get "robbed out" of contents which might encourage people into the sport, but actually I have to disagree on the travel bug.


If this story is going to run for the BBC and retain any interest then they'll want to see the bug moving around to report on its progress. The best way to achieve this is to ensure that experienced cachers make an effort - lets try and make this bug's life interesting.




Originally posted by The Wombles:

If this story is going to run for the BBC and retain any interest then they'll want to see the bug moving around to report on its progress. The best way to achieve this is to ensure that experienced cachers make an effort - lets try and make this bug's life interesting.



Once the bug was logged out of the cache it effectively disappeared from view. Only by knowing how to search the Travel Bug pages can anyone find out where it has gone to. Perhaps Tim could put a link on the cache page to enable any new converts to find out where the bug is and give them a chance to go and bag it.


I have put a log on the cache page with a link to the bug's page. That will suffice in the meantime.




PS I see Tim has now added a link. Ta.


[This message was edited by Slytherin on January 14, 2003 at 06:42 AM.]


[This message was edited by Slytherin on January 14, 2003 at 06:43 AM.]


Dave out of the Wombles makes a good point.


In addition to the normal GC travel bug page the BBC have actually set up a dedicated page to track the adventures of the hippo and post pictures as and when they receive them. We need to make sure it has a long and fruitful life, particularly since it seems to have been on so many interesting journeys before ever becoming a TB.



mobilis in mobili


I recon this is going to be a well sort after bug. So lets take it to the cachers meet and then start moving it around the UK. That way it will move quickly and add a target for the new cachers who have come in from the program.


If it goes abroad straight away it will take ages to move.


Bear rescues a speciality!

London & UK Geocaching Resources: http://www.sheps.clara.net


Firstly Welcome to Stephen in Bosham! bit rude to not welcome the newbie to the scene! Glad you enjoyed the program, may there be many caches for you to come.


I totally agree with Chris and Maria's post above. Keep it in the UK before moving it on, let it have a life here for a while then someone like T+J or Robim+Kim can move it abroad.


Let it be bored in the UK for a while, then it can start its adventures. Its can be our little pet! for UK cachers.





One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them!




Originally posted by Chris n Maria:

I recon this is going to be a well sort after bug. So lets take it to the cachers meet and then start moving it around the UK. That way it will move quickly and add a target for the new cachers who have come in from the program.


If it goes abroad straight away it will take ages to move.


Bear rescues a speciality!

London & UK Geocaching Resources: http://www.sheps.clara.net

I totally agree. The red hippo will have no significance for cachers abroad so I think it should tour this country first.


As the meet is an event cache, presumably the TB can be logged as having been there.




The second ten million caches were the worst too.



Just watched the programme (thanks T&J for the link).


Was very pleased to see a really nicely put-together piece, and giving a decent well-balanced non-nerdy view of caching!


So good not to see "well, don't people think you're mad?" "isn't it a bit sad?" "gosh you must be incredibly intelligent to use the internet and a GPS?"


I admit I was a little concerned when I first heard about it, but there's no worries with the end result. Well done to everyone involved!



Seek and ye shall find (tupperware, ammo boxes, bears, free ISP CDs...)


Originally posted by Slytherin:

Perhaps Tim could put a link on the cache page to enable any new converts to find out where the bug is and give them a chance to go and bag it.


I have put a log on the cache page with a link to the bug's page. That will suffice in the meantime.





Cracking good idea Alex.


I have done that.



On the subject of where he should go, I also think it would be a good idea to keep him in the UK for a while. Hopefully that way there will be lots of photos and info for the BBC pages. The meeting sounds like a good opportunity for many to get involved and lots of photo's.


We sent an email of welcome to Stephen in Bosham, but here's a public one.


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by Wronskian:

Well done to everyone involved!



It has to be said that Kouros was the "Main Man" and was responsible for getting the ball rolling. Even if he did not want to be actively involved himself, fine job done !


Thanks Kouros.


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif


For those of you who saw the Program and are intrigued to read more about the poachers story, or think it is absolutle tosh, which It isn't, check the link and view all logs on one page!




My Log is there.



One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them!




Originally posted by Tim & June:

It has to be said that Kouros was the "Main Man" and was responsible for getting the ball rolling. Even if he did not want to be actively involved himself, fine job done !


Can I just say that the credit in no way belongs to me... consider me the coward, backing out of such an important event, even if I did get it off the ground. icon_wink.gif


The credit truly belongs to Tim & June, Team Tate, Dan & Pid, and (of course) Gulliver Bear!! icon_biggrin.gif


BTW, the show was wonderful - great fun, and, IMHO the right sort of image that geocachers should convey.



An it harm none, do what ye will


Originally posted by Kouros:


The credit truly belongs to Tim & June, Team Tate, Dan & Pid, and (of course) Gulliver Bear!! icon_biggrin.gif




I seem to remember a certain cache in Finchampstead together with a stack of pictures turning up on the show... icon_biggrin.gif




Glad to see that we have already attracted a new member already! We're really pleased with how everyone was portrayed and must say a big Thank You to Kouros for throwing us in it.

Incidentally, The dog, O'Mally, isn't ours, she belongs to a friend but we were asked to bring a dog along to add to the effect!

Mind you, I now know how the famous feel as I was inundated with people in our work restaurant saying 'I saw you on the telly last night'!



Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...


Originally posted by Richard & Beth:

I seem to remember a certain cache in Finchampstead together with a stack of pictures turning up on the show... icon_biggrin.gif


Gah! Sorry Richard and Beth... nothing personal. Have no idea why I didn't include your names in there, I most certainly meant to! icon_rolleyes.gif


Of course, now you've been singled out for extra special gratitude, the others are going to feel a little left out. icon_biggrin.gif


My sincerest apologies.



An it harm none, do what ye will


This has been a great read!

Stephen Bosham2002 found our cache first. How the circle of caching comes around!

Hi Tim & June =waving=

Wish I could have seen the BBC show. I don't know how I missed this thread or I would have got my parents to record it too. I shall have to content myself looking at the web version.

Lots of new cachers this side of the pond too.

Santa must have brought a sack full of GPS'rs




'Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water!'

Eleanor Roosevelt


I have just seen the prog, through Tims link, Very entertaining , Good of you ambassodors of the sport to give up your time to promote it, and the little ones were just great , including the Dog, Having seen what these Gps things can do , I think I may buy one myself instead of just using the printout and a map icon_wink.gif and we up North would love to see the TB Hippo at some point , again , Well done



[This message was edited by The Northumbrian on January 14, 2003 at 01:00 PM.]


Call me scepticle but I have sat down and watched the program through and through about 25-30 times now...LoL...I have found some classicly funny parts that you wouldnt normally notice inless you were observant...


1.) Beth says thankyou to the Cameraman when she walks off to re-hide the cache! LoL icon_biggrin.gif


2.) Chris Packham has a habit of putting up his hands and moving them like Tony Blair.


3.) In the team tate stint theres someone walking the opposite way in a green coat!? LoL, surely she noticed a camera crew!?


4.)Then Mr.Tate looks over his shoulder after they found the cache to check if the green coat man is around icon_biggrin.gif


5.) And how on earth did the guy out of "Notting Hill" and " The thin blue line" get to be in the final picture of the Queens Oak cache? LoL


6.) Obviously my inabiltity to be able to say the word challenege is a shocker!


7.) The green Coat man appears again halfway through the Bullingdon prison band members thing as a drummer! HaHa.


LoL! Sorry but these things struck me as funny.



One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them!




I have had a call from the Inside Out team in the South East Region. Looks like they are going to re-show the Geocaching part there too.


I think the region covers Surrey, Sussex and Kent.


Dont know when yet, so keep your eyes open in case they don't tell me.


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif

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