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CA. Geocoin?


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Originally posted by tozainamboku:

...I hear they are changing the state motto to "I'll be back" icon_wink.gif




Just got back in town and thought I'd check the thread....woo hoo! The coin is done!

It looks great. Kudos to all involved.

These are going to be highly desired items.


Looking forward to the final pricing and ordering.

As Bobkat mentioned, Touchstone and I are talking about ways to set up a distribution point in the SJ/SC area....more to come.


Originally posted by Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears:

Well, Here it is, is the long awaited final California Geocoin design.


Whoah! When did we vote? Did I miss something?


It looks great but uh... It seems so fast! icon_smile.gif



Becky Davis

Geocaching blog

San Jose, CA


My wife gives an official thumbs up on the Ca Geocoin, I can "man" a distriburtion point in San Bernardino- (airconditioned cache location, rest rooms, seating for 225, COFFEE.)


Now dear, can I have a Kitchen pass????



THIS is the PUBLIC face of Geocaching, when someone learns of the sport this is where they come to

learn more, what are YOU showing them?


International Black Sheep Society of Genealogists


Originally posted by Bo Peep & The Sheep:

My wife gives an official thumbs up on the Ca Geocoin, I can "man" a distriburtion point in San Bernardino- (airconditioned cache location, rest rooms, seating for 225, COFFEE.)


Now dear, can I have a Kitchen pass????


I had talked to Bobkat about "manning" a distriburtion point in San Bernardino, but if you have the place, space, etc. my thumbs up to you.






Wow! I missed a few meetings at the water cooler because of the ill-timed, week-long near calamity of the loss of many gigabytes of data (including the early design source of the CA Geocoin!) and the design's now done! Great! I'm glad to see something in concrete and FINALLY sent to production. You'll get my email soon for a pre-order...

Originally posted by Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears:

Let us even give a little kudos to GeoROCKS! in this whole design project.

For the record, I still abhore the inclusion of the coordinates and would have continued to fight against them (if I hadn't been swamped with restoring data!), but I greatly appreciate the mention!


Man! I've been missing some good topics here! I guess I need to spend more time looking around in the forum.


I'm willing to help with distribution here in Bakersfield if needed. How are you going to notify everyone of the availibilty of the coin?


My other picture seemed to have disappeared. Anyway, here is the design we are going with. NOTE: The black areas on this design will NOT actually be black when the geocoins is minted. Those black areas will be more raised & frosted. I will try to fiddle around with PhotoShop to make an embossed version of the design. That is what GeoRocks did on his designs. When the Geocoin is minted, it will be a bronze/goldish color.


As for the ordering process, this where we currently stand:


- I plan to sell these geocoins for $3 each (that does NOT include shipping). If a person wants these geocoins shipped to specific address, I will charge them an Express Mail fee & the cost of a bubbled envelop (depending on how many geocoins they order). If a person is willing to pick their geocoins up at a specific distribution site, then there will NOT be any additional shipping charges. **Specific ordering information will be posted this week. I am trying to get a PayPal pay option, but if I do that, I will likely have to charge those people a few cents more (to cover the transaction fee). For this whole pricing thing to work, we ideally need to order 500 geocoins.


- Pressed Metal will start making the die-cast for the geocoins this week. They will send me a minted sample in 3 to 4 weeks for my approval.


- The deadline for geocoins orders will be Dec. 15, 2003. If we are well short of our goal for 500 orders, we may consider extending the deadline. I will then place an order for X amount of Geocoins around in the beginning of January 2004. Then hopefully, we can distribute these geocoins in late January or early February, 2004. **I know some people were hoping for a Christmas distribution. For that to happen, I would have to place an order with Pressed Metal by Nov. 1st (minted & shipping these geocoins just to me takes about 5 weeks). Trying to get that many orders (and payment) in just two weeks was just not realistic. Not to mention the huge task of shipping these geocoins out to individual people.


- Groundspeak has officially approved the design. I just signed and sent off the contract this past Saturday (10/18/03).


- Marky will be setting up a web tracking site for this geocoin very soon. We hope to post the PayPal link on this site.




[This message was edited by Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears on October 20, 2003 at 06:41 PM.]


Will the tracking site's URL appear on the coin? I think this is very important.


Also, is there a back to the coin? I don't think I've ever seen a sample of what the back will look like.



...Be nice to your fellow geocachers, they might be Hemlock...

Originally posted by Marky:

Also, is there a back to the coin? I don't think I've ever seen a sample of what the back will look like.QUOTE]


Check the site for the oregon or usa geocoin. i know the back is on one of those sites. basically its the Groundspeak logo with their website on it.


Take only pictures, leave only footprints.


The Dillon Gang is right, the other side is the standard provided by Groundspeak and helps provide some continuity between the various unique designs as well as helping keep the cost down since only the one die was new.


I sure hope you guys blow well past 500. The initial Oregon coin order was around 700, and we have a slightly lower population than the great state to our south. icon_biggrin.gif


As a complete aside, you guys are getting the team that spearheaded our design! Somebody is actually moving from Oregon to California. So long, Nurse Dave - thanks for all your work getting our coin made. You have a whole new area to explore!


I hope Bobkat remembers what he told me awhile ago when I helped him by providing a few contact names to get started icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by Nurse Dave:

What happens if the url changes? The coins will be around forever even if they aren't circulating.

Why in the heck would the URL change? The extra text would add to the cost of minting, so I guess that's reason enough not to include it. If it were me, I would have though... that way, if the coin was ever seperated from its packaging, it would still track.



...Be nice to your fellow geocachers, they might be Hemlock...


[This message was edited by Marky on October 21, 2003 at 10:21 AM.]


Here is exactly what the Groundspeak side of this geocoin will look like. Though it will probably say 2004.




- Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears


"To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); it's NOT what you actually find in a cache."


If Groundspeak/geocaching.com are not going to facilitate tracking, why advertise for theem, and c onfuse the coinholders? The geocaching URL on the back and the CaGeocoin one on the front lend to that confusion.



THIS is the PUBLIC face of Geocaching, when someone learns of the sport this is where they come to

learn more, what are YOU showing them?


International Black Sheep Society of Genealogists


Originally posted by Bo Peep & The Sheep:

If Groundspeak/geocaching.com are not going to facilitate tracking, why advertise for theem, and confuse the coinholders? The geocaching URL on the back and the CaGeocoin one on the front lend to that confusion.

I have similar concerns. I was also curious how much Groundspeak wanted for a batch of 500 tracking numbers. Probably at least $1, if not $2.


Also, the new California Geocoin site is up, just barely. I need to add a paypal link pronto, and then start working on the tracking database.



...Be nice to your fellow geocachers, they might be Hemlock...


Originally posted by Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears:

- I plan to sell these geocoins for $3 each (that does NOT include shipping). If a person wants these geocoins shipped to specific address, I will charge them an Express Mail fee & the cost of a bubbled envelop (depending on how many geocoins they order).


Something the size of a geocoin (or even several geocoins) can easily be shipped First Class for about a dollar. Express or Priority mail would be VERY expensive ($3.85 for Priority, $13.65 for Express). I want to buy a few coins, but not that badly.


Originally posted by Kite & Hawkeye:

Something the size of a geocoin (or even several geocoins) can easily be shipped First Class for about a dollar. Express or Priority mail would be VERY expensive ($3.85 for Priority, $13.65 for Express). I want to buy a few coins, but not that badly.


I did a lot of research on the shipping cost. True you probably could ship two or 3 Geecoins for about a dollar.


Though here are some other factors that I had to consider too:


- These geocoins MUST be in a bubbled packaging. An standard envelop will be ripped to threads by the gecoin when it goes though the mail sorting machines if its not in some type of protected packaging.


- Once the weight of the goecoin exceeds the .37 stamp value, the postage fee is then based on where it is heading. The next flat rate the U.S. Postal service had is the $3.85 Express Mail rate for up to 1 lbs. (which is about 15 geocoins). The key for me is a FLAT rate. The biggest hesitation for me in spearheading this geocoin project was the huge logistical task of shipping this geocoin. When all the ordering is said & done, I could be looking at well over 100 or more orders to ship to individual people. The last thing I want to do is sit there and individually figure out the shipping cost for each order. Anyway, I am also giving the option to people to pick up their geocoin at a distribution site in virtually every major city in California. I am hoping and praying the most of the people placing orders will choose to pick their geocoins up. Also, check out the rate to purchase 4 USA geocoins. For just 4 geocoins, the shipping would be $4.99.


Luckily for you, there will be a distribution site in San Diego, so if you are willing to drive over near the Qualcomm Stadium area to pick up your geocoins, then your shipping fee will be $0.


between a folded piece of cardstock in a standard envelope should protect the envelope from ripping.


The smallest standard enevelopes should work as long as they are of sufficient paper weight.


(3.5 x 6 should work, and be large enough for at least two coins.



THIS is the PUBLIC face of Geocaching, when someone learns of the sport this is where they come to

learn more, what are YOU showing them?


International Black Sheep Society of Genealogists


Originally posted by Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears:

- Once the weight of the goecoin exceeds the .37 stamp value, the postage fee is then based on where it is heading. The next flat rate the U.S. Postal service had is the $3.85 Express Mail rate for up to 1 lbs. (which is about 15 geocoins). The key for me is a FLAT rate. The biggest hesitation for me in spearheading this geocoin project was the huge logistical task of shipping this geocoin. When all the ordering is said & done, I could be looking at well over 100 or more orders to ship to individual people. The last thing I want to do is sit there and individually figure out the shipping cost for each order. Anyway, I am also giving the option to people to pick up their geocoin at a distribution site in virtually every major city in California. I am hoping and praying the most of the people placing orders will choose to pick their geocoins up. Also, check out the rate to purchase 4 USA geocoins. For just 4 geocoins, the shipping would be $4.99.


I think this is where you are confusing us. The $3.85 is for PRIORITY MAIL not EXPRESS MAIL. Express is the one that costs over $10, as previously mentioned.


Is there a distribution site in or around San Jose yet? I was assuming that Marky or GeoROCKS had stepped in here. If not, I (and Nurse Dave I bet, if he has moved here by the time the coins arrive) would be happy to help.



Becky Davis

Geocaching blog

San Jose, CA


Originally posted by Bo Peep & The Sheep:

If Groundspeak/geocaching.com are not going to facilitate tracking, why advertise for theem, and c onfuse the coinholders? The geocaching URL on the back and the CaGeocoin one on the front lend to that confusion.


The Ground speak logo can not be changed in anyway (including their there web address).


We could have gone without using the Groundspeak Logo, but that would mean designing and paying for the tooling cost on another side (hence doubling the tooling cost). Hence, a $3 geocoin would need to be $5 or $6 each to break even. The major benifit of using the Groundspeak Logo is that it is totally free. Pressed Metal already has the die-cast made for that GS logo, so there will be no additional tooling cost for that side.


So in a way, we are advertising for Groundspeak, but what's the problem with that? Let's face it, Groundspeak is the life and blood of Geocaching. Anyway, the Oregon, Canada, & Texas Geecoins have the Groundspeak web address on it, but they are NOT tracked on the GS site.


THANKS Marky for getting the site up already!


I am reconsiderng putting our web trackig site address on the California side of the Geocoin. We are going to play with a version and see how adding the web site address looks. Then I will see if adding it changes the cost of the tooling fee.


Originally posted by Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears:

Originally posted by Kite & Hawkeye:

Something the size of a geocoin (or even several geocoins) can easily be shipped First Class for about a dollar. Express or Priority mail would be VERY expensive ($3.85 for Priority, $13.65 for Express). I want to buy a few coins, but not that badly.


I did a lot of research on the shipping cost. True you probably could ship two or 3 Geecoins for about a dollar.


Though here are some other factors that I had to consider too:


- These geocoins MUST be in a bubbled packaging. An standard envelop will be ripped to threads by the gecoin when it goes though the mail sorting machines if its not in some type of protected packaging.


- Once the weight of the goecoin exceeds the .37 stamp value, the postage fee is then based on where it is heading. The next flat rate the U.S. Postal service had is the $3.85 Priority Mail rate for up to 1 lbs. (which is about 15 geocoins). The key for me is a FLAT rate. The biggest hesitation for me in spearheading this geocoin project was the huge logistical task of shipping this geocoin. When all the ordering is said & done, I could be looking at well over 100 or more orders to ship to individual people. The last thing I want to do is sit there and individually figure out the shipping cost for each order. Anyway, I am also giving the option to people to pick up their geocoin at a distribution site in virtually every major city in California. I am hoping and praying the most of the people placing orders will choose to pick their geocoins up. Also, check out the rate to purchase 4 USA geocoins. For just 4 geocoins, the shipping would be $4.99.


Luckily for you, there will be a distribution site in San Diego, so if you are willing to drive over near the Qualcomm Stadium area to pick up your geocoins, then your shipping fee will be $0.


- Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears


"To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); it's NOT what you actually find in a cache."


Originally posted by beckerbuns:

I think this is where you are confusing us. The $3.85 is for PRIORITY MAIL not EXPRESS MAIL. Express is the one that costs over $10, as previously mentioned.


Is there a distribution site in or around San Jose yet? I was assuming that Marky or GeoROCKS had stepped in here. If not, I (and Nurse Dave I bet, if he has moved here by the time the coins arrive) would be happy to help.


Beckerbuns is right. When I said "Express" I really meant "Priority" mail. Sorry for the confusion.


The Priority Mail rates (which is a flat rate in to anywhere in country), will start at $3.85 for a 1 lbs. package. I will add .25 to cover the cost of a bubble envelop. So an order of 1 to 15 geocoins will be $4.10. 15 to 30 Geocoins will be $6, etc.


AND finally, I am not trying to give the impression that I don't take other's people's forum posts into to consideration, but the last few posts have been knit picking WAY TOO MUCH about the shipping costs and how to package the envelops. Do you know what a logistical nightmare it would be to try to individually price every shipping order? The only way I am willing to do this is if there is standard shipping fee for ALL orders. Anyway, virtually every pre-order I received was for at least 5 geocoins. Many were for 10 to 15 geocoins. Card stock and paper weight is NOT going to work for orders of that size.


You can bypass all your shipping cost stress (and make my life a lot easier) by just picking up your geocoins instead. That price will be $0.


And yes, there will be a Distribution site in San Jose. Kloosley will be doing it. Kealia & Touchtone will be doing it in Santa Cruz. I am still looking for a firm volunteer to do it up in San Francisco.


- Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears


"To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); it's NOT what you actually find in a cache."


I have volunteered to distribute the coins for the Fresno area. The site is not certain yet but, somewhere in Fresno - possibly the zoo since it has fairly easy access from the 99.




Hello, I have a few things to add.


1 - I think the shipping is just fine. I ordered coins and the shipping was about the same and it would be a lot easer on you as well.


2 - The backside of the coin. I see that 2003 will be on the back. Do you know if this will change year to year? This is not a big deal just a question.




Richard of the GeoCrickets


Originally posted by GeoCrickets:


1 - I think the shipping is just fine. I ordered coins and the shipping was about the same and it would be a lot easer on you as well.


Finally, a voice is heard from what I am sure will be the vast majority.


And I am hoping the Groundspeak side will say 2004. I will ask Pressed Metal about that.


Great work Bobkat!


Any Paypal account yet? I think it's fair to add a surcharge on to those individuals that want to use that form of payment.


I've sent a few emails to Kealia, and he's been busy with a new job, but I'm sure he's still on tap for a distribution cache. I've suggested moving it to a local park in Felton, near Henry Cowell, but free (always a bonus). People can still get easy access to tons of caches in the area if they want to continue with a caching day.


Thanks again.


Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest go geocaching.


That's pretty funny icon_biggrin.gif, but the prefix should be .net, not .com


Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest go geocaching.


Originally posted by Touchstone:

Great work Bobkat!


Any Paypal account yet? I think it's fair to add a surcharge on to those individuals that want to use that form of payment.


Marky, Kloosey, and I are working on the PayPay option.


In the mean time, I plan to send out an email to all those people who pre-ordered the geocoin. This email with have an attached document order form (and it will be for those poeople who would rather pay by check or money order). Look for it either tonight (10/26) or Monday (10/27).


Originally posted by forman:

The coin web site is lookin good.

I typed in http://calif.geocoin.com for the heck of it and dumped me to the Groundspeak web site. Looks like some one is buying up the .com's

I would have registered the .com domain but Groundspeak already owned it so I had to settle for the geocoin.net address. I'm going to track our smashed pennies there as well (mostly just to see where they end up, I don't expect them to move around all that much.)



...Be nice to your fellow geocachers, they might be Hemlock...


Originally posted by Marky:

I'm going to track our smashed pennies there as well (mostly just to see where they end up, I don't expect them to move around all that much.)




Off topic, but I have to ask. Is it bad form to rifle one of my own caches to pick up one of your smashed pennies? I saw you went to a couple of mine today (Sorry about Sweet, I'll check on it tommorrow) and saw you left a penny.


And the other question: How do you make those things? I have one of Kablooey's and was fascinated by it. One of my own would go nicely with my signature Marshmallow Gun icon_biggrin.gif


Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest go geocaching.


Originally posted by Touchstone:

Off topic, but I have to ask. Is it bad form to rifle one of my own caches to pick up one of your smashed pennies? I saw you went to a couple of mine today (Sorry about Sweet, I'll check on it tommorrow) and saw you left a penny.


And the other question: How do you make those things? I have one of Kablooey's and was fascinated by it. One of my own would go nicely with my signature Marshmallow Gun icon_biggrin.gif

Kablooey smashes his pennies using the caltrain method. He then hand engraves them. Joani and I went a different route. We came up with a design and then had our own smashed penny die made and then had 1000 uncirculated copper pennies smashed with the die. Joani numbered them with industrial strength Brother TZ label tape.


You are welcome to go to one of your caches and grab one of our pennies. icon_smile.gif Thanks for all the caches! I hope that Sweet is okay and it was just us not looking in the right place.



...Be nice to your fellow geocachers, they might be Hemlock...


Man, you guys are serious! Your own die icon_eek.gif I'm presuming the die is of your avatar (which is very nice by the way).


I've got a spare altoid tin in the car to replace Sweet today if necessary.


Thanks for the information Marky.


Oh ya! this is just a bump; I'm not really off topic. Don't blast me Hemlock icon_biggrin.gif


Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest go geocaching.

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