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Yeah.. this is nitpicking.. but I should share it icon_smile.gif


Just like Oregone is pronounced ORY-GONE...

And like Seth's name is always spelled Seth! (with the !)

My handle is always in all lower case letters..


Yeah.. I'm a geek about it icon_wink.gif






N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


And, after a couple of margaritas, i think it's okay to revert to calling people by their screen names instead of their real names.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Originally posted by makaio:

anyone who is unix/linux literate will understand the all lower case usage.


Ah, literacy. fractal and makaio, with as many misspelled regular English words as we see in these forums, it know wunder yer namz git mest up.


Originally posted by fractal:

Yeah.. this is nitpicking.. but I should share it icon_smile.gif


Oh, fractal... I'm sorry! It must have something to do with my proper (ahem! English heritage. Or maybe my overly proper English teacher?


I knew immediately how to properly pronounce oregone's screen name/handle/nick... must have something to do with my exposure to the borderlanders north of my current position.


Will you EVER forgive me?



Lori aka: RedwoodRed


"I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations."

GeoGadgets Team Website

Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite


Originally posted by makaio:

And check out this history of our good friend icon_smile.gif




Now your secret is out!


Buh-hahaha! I'm sorry, that drawing looks like something I've seen on South Park around Christmas time...


No offense, er, fractal. But, can't you SEE it?


Lori aka: RedwoodRed


"I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations."

GeoGadgets Team Website

Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite


Trying to explain geocaching to a college friend last week via the email...

When i finally talked to him over the phone, he kept pronouncing it "geo-Ka-Ching!" like it was some sort of terra-based cash register.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


It could be worse - with a name like ours we gave up worrying about how folks spell it a long time ago! The capitals and hyphens are such a hassle we'll take the lower case unix variants or any of the common abreviations like Maps or just plain MRU!


But I think we have always done phractil correct - all lower case? icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:


Buh-hahaha! I'm sorry, that drawing looks like something I've seen on South Park around Christmas time...


No offense, er, fractal. But, can't you SEE it?


heheh.. Yeah.. I see it..

Check this one that makaio almost posted! (it's art, but you may not want the kids to see it icon_eek.gif)




Originally posted by fractal:

Yeah.. this is nitpicking.. but I should share it icon_smile.gif


Just like Oregone is pronounced ORY-GONE...


I would describe the pronunciation as more of a "ORY-GUN" but maybe I am just nitpicking icon_biggrin.gif




First off, I'm not Hawaiin, but while on our honeymoon in Hawaii some years ago, my wife discovered Makaio is Hawaiin for Matthew, hence the nick.


Hawaiin vowels are pronounced as such...


a = ah

e = a (long a)

i = e (long e)

o = oh

u = ew


And in the hawaiin language, all vowels are pronounced, so, literally, makaio would be pronounced


mah kah ee oh


But as most of us, including myself, do not usually pronounce hawaiin words that way, it usually comes out as


mah ki (long i) oh


kinda like the word hawaii should be pronounced


hah wah ee ee


but we all say


hah why ee icon_smile.gif




Originally posted by Dan Edwards:

Originally posted by fractal:

Yeah.. this is nitpicking.. but I should share it icon_smile.gif


Just like Oregone is pronounced ORY-GONE...


I would describe the pronunciation as more of a "ORY-GUN" but maybe I am just nitpicking icon_biggrin.gif




Right Dan... Oregon in usually pronounced ory-gun.

Note the e on the end of Oregone = ory-gone..


Now who's nitpicking icon_razz.gif




Originally posted by makaio:

...so, literally, makaio would be pronounced


mah kah ee oh


But as most of us, including myself, do not usually pronounce hawaiin words that way, it usually comes out as


mah ki (long i) oh


Well, at least now I can stop referring to you as "Maa-khow" (I must have been thinking Japanese, though that doesn't make sense either).

My oldest son will be tickled, since his name is also Matthew. You wouldn't happen to know the Hawaiian name for Sean, would you?



Lori aka: RedwoodRed


"I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations."

GeoGadgets Team Website

Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite


According to this site, Sean translates to Kana (kah nah)


btw, Lori translates to Loki (loh kee)


I suppose my sig image font looks more Japanese than Polynesian, but I couldn't find a "hawaiin" looking font icon_smile.gif




When I visited Hawaii, I asked the first person I saw; "Hey, How do you pronounce this places name? Is it Ha-WAH-ee or Ha-VAH-ee?"


He said; "It's Ha-VAH-ee"


I said; "Thanks!"


He said; "Your Velcome"


(Insert Rodney Dangerfield yuck-yuck here.)








I've been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are real and interplanetary. In other words we are being watched by beings from outer space. -Albert M. Chop, NASA

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