+Harrald Posted July 28, 2002 Posted July 28, 2002 I've noticed during the last week or so that quite a few odd things have happened. BassoonPilot found three or so caches were left right out in the open. StayFloopy found a cache in a pile of garbage that I had re-hid just a few hours earlier. BrianSnat E-mailed me about the way I found one of his caches. Also Gwho has had a couple of caches plundered. All these things together make me think that we might have a bit of a problem here. Has anyone else noticed if things seem to be out of place or odd looking? ==================================== As always, the above statements are just MHO. =================================== [This message was edited by Harrald on July 28, 2002 at 01:58 PM.] Quote
The Artful Dodger Posted July 28, 2002 Posted July 28, 2002 In one case, someone wrote 'Geoterrors was here' in the Logbook and trashed the cache all over the place. ...I guess you will always have people in this world whose parents did a poor job in raising them !! Quote
BassoonPilot Posted July 28, 2002 Posted July 28, 2002 As I've discussed with several local cachers, it appears that a prankster (or team of pranksters) has been tampering with caches ... I don't understand what satisfaction they receive from such behavior, but at least they're leaving the caches intact. I've also found a few caches recently that had been discovered by animals ... it's not hard to tell the difference. How about if we ask the pranksters politely to just stop? If you have an issue with anyone, how about working it out in a friendly manner and not compromise their caches? Quote
+briansnat Posted July 30, 2002 Posted July 30, 2002 Are they pranksters or just clueless and careless Geocachers? The issue I had with my cache that Harrald found was that, though it was hidden in its original spot, he saw it from a short distance away. When I hid it, there was no way it could be seen until you were right on it, and even then you had to look hard (The Matapin Rock cache for those of you who've been there). It appears that some cachers do not cover up the cache as well as they found it. Another example was the We Saw A Bear Cache. It was so well hidden that we thought it had gone missing. I replaced it for the cache owner, then suddenly people were finding the original cache instead of my replacement (which also was pretty well hidden). When I went there to remove my replacement, the original cache was sitting out in the open. No wonder people were suddenly finding it Now Dodger's cache is a whole 'nother story. It was definitely vandalized. I just wonder if it was someone who targeted it, or simply stumbled on it. And the Magster has had a problem with his Lake Lookout caches. He had two go missing. The odd thing is that it was a pretty long hike to get to the lake, so I think someone specifically targeted his caches there. They weren't in the kind of area where they'd be found by accident. I've been lucky so far and every cache I've put out is still there as far as I know. Other than the "natural" cache content degradation that occurs, they are still in good shape from all reports. I'd have to say overall there isn't a major problem with plundering and vandalization in the area. There are over 900 caches within 100 miles of my zipcode and I've only heard of problems with a handful, so things aren't that bad (of course I say that until it happens to one of my own caches) [This message was edited by BrianSnat on July 30, 2002 at 08:43 PM.] Quote
mortonfox Posted July 30, 2002 Posted July 30, 2002 Of the ones I've hidden, one has been plundered several times and there was a rude message in the log book. I have removed it. Another one was always out of its hiding spot every time I went back to check on it but still intact. The other two have never had problems. And the virtual is still standing. Some problems are to be expected but it is unfortunate for those who are targeted. Quote
+lostinjersey Posted August 3, 2002 Posted August 3, 2002 I know most of us in the Jersey area have been discussing this for a few weeks now. I can report the following Duck at Flat Rock was found out in the open on May 22, rehidden then again found out in the open by me on June 22 Cheeky's Hideaway was found today by me to have been left out. & this was real blatant too. Whoever it is plaed the cache lid in the hole, then the cache container with the nopening face out, so the contents fell out, and the cover materials were all to the side. I consider this person to be my Favorite Uninvited Cacher. Which makes a great acronym but I won't use it here because coincidentally it almost makes another word. I didn't plan that of course.... www.gpswnj.com Quote
+lostinjersey Posted August 3, 2002 Posted August 3, 2002 I know most of us in the Jersey area have been discussing this for a few weeks now. I can report the following Duck at Flat Rock was found out in the open on May 22, rehidden then again found out in the open by me on June 22 Cheeky's Hideaway was found today by me to have been left out. & this was real blatant too. Whoever it is plaed the cache lid in the hole, then the cache container with the nopening face out, so the contents fell out, and the cover materials were all to the side. I consider this person to be my Favorite Uninvited Cacher. Which makes a great acronym but I won't use it here because coincidentally it almost makes another word. I didn't plan that of course.... www.gpswnj.com Quote
+lostinjersey Posted August 3, 2002 Posted August 3, 2002 quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:As I've discussed with several local cachers, it appears that a prankster (or team of pranksters) has been tampering with caches ... I don't understand what satisfaction they receive from such behavior, but at least they're leaving the caches intact. I've also found a few caches recently that had been discovered by animals ... it's not hard to tell the difference. How about if we ask the pranksters politely to just stop? If you have an issue with anyone, how about working it out in a friendly manner and not compromise their caches? What I wanna know is: what's the point? The geoterrorists were stealing caches completely or ruining them out right. This guy just makes them visible, sometimes dumping contents out, but they're still there. What purpose does it serve, other then to taunt us? I personally find it more aggrevating that my cache is being fooled with then outright stolen, simply because it could happen more then once. If its stolen I either replace or or not & move on. Knowing a cache is out there & potentially being messed with is quite frustrating, wondering IF & WHEN it's going to be turning out missing.... I've planned a number of new caches, some invlving long hikes but that's all on hold now because of this guy. I might have had one of mine messed with within 24 hours of placement!!! I'm going to hold on too much cache placement till I see where this is headed. www.gpswnj.com Quote
zormsk Posted September 8, 2002 Posted September 8, 2002 On the odd chance that vandals don't bother reading the messages, might I make a suggestion? Why not make up a special cache, pick a spot easy to watch, or surveil, and try to catch or confront the geocretins? If you locate it in an easy-to-get-to area, they are almost sure to try and hit it and ASAP. Of course, the cache should also be a working cache, so that legitimate cachers who find it, can log their find. You could also set up a remotely-tripped still camera (disposables would work with a little ingenuity). No doubt the vandals strike in daylight as finding the cache would be tough in darkness. This could actually be fun! Please post any pix you get of the cretins!! Quote
+GPS Guy Posted September 18, 2002 Posted September 18, 2002 Here is a site to fit the bill. http://www.jesseshuntingpage.com/cams.html Quote
+Team Rotty Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 We lost two in the vicinity of OLD FARMERS ROAD CACHE I just place the new ones, far enough off the beaten path that is is a bit of a hike to get to it. Figure if the Quad-Runner teens want to hike in and poke around, have at it.. buit it will be a good work out and they will prob loose interest before they get there. Quote
+Team Magster Posted September 26, 2002 Posted September 26, 2002 MHO is that these two caches were ripped off by mountain bikers. Getting to these caches on foot involved a relatively lengthy hike in. But the area is saturated by mountain bikers on weekends who can get in in less than 10 - 15 mins. I've noticed a few of them with GPSrs mounted on the handle bars. I think this is what happened to Artful Dodger's cache over in Ringwood Satae Park as well. Team Magster Quote
The Artful Dodger Posted September 27, 2002 Posted September 27, 2002 I have a 4 stage multicache at the Wawayanda park where Lake Lookout is. I was found just over a month ago but I might have to go back soon to check its status Quote
+The BeeGees Posted November 26, 2002 Posted November 26, 2002 Well Folks, It looks like my 'Crags Cache' has been stolen. I knew it was trouble when a veteran like Waterboy with Wife couldn't find it. There was one sole survivor. I found a Jackie Chan figurine just downhill from the lookout shelter. I always knew this cache was too close to the trail and subject to unintentional discovery. The ironic thing was that I was about to archieve it anyway. I just wish that had been able to do it on my own terms. Thanks to all who visited. Quote
dboggny Posted November 26, 2002 Posted November 26, 2002 I had forgotten about this thread. the cache i had placed, just a cache, is gone also. unfortunately, i had not checked on it since it was last found 16 or so days ago. i have found no evidence at the cache location of it so i cant tell if it was stolen or not. i hope that the method which was used to hold it in place just came "undone" and that it was not stolen. i am sorry, however, it is gone. there were still some nice "goodies" and wheres georges in it.... SR and dboggny. Quote
+Team Apollo Posted November 26, 2002 Posted November 26, 2002 Im very new but catching on very fast my son and i are hooked over the past few days we have also encountered some various things that didnt seen correct i have prost the yodeling bear in witness protection he was violated by someone removing his travel bug and have been to several caches that have bugs listed but none in site also caches left out, We have now started to carry ziplock bags with us to help protect everything in the cache if possible. hopefully the vandals will stop Not holding my breath Quote
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