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Activating a Geocoin for the first time


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Hi, I went to activate my first geocoin. I got the activation code and then went to add the name, description and mission but I noticed the page asked if the coin was collectable and gave two radio buttons one for yes and another for no. This part of the activation does not feature in the short video that shows you how to activate your coin. I have no idea what this means. Does it mean someone can take your coin and put it in their collection or what? I'm sure this has been asked before but I could not find the answer and yes I did check the knowledge centre but I couldn't find an answer there either, was probably not putting in the right search terms. Can someone enlighten me please so I can fix this part of my geocoin's page. Thanks in advance.

Posted (edited)

http://support.Groundspeak.com/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=250 explains it.

Status Types


The coin may be collected by another player or the owner.



The coin cannot be collected and should continue its travels from geocache to geocache.



The owner did not choose Collectible or Non-Collectible upon activation. These items cannot be collected by another player.


If you leave its status as collectible, once in a cache and grabbed by another user, they can then move the trackable into their own collection

Trackables in a collection can only be discovered, they cannot be grabbed, dropped or dipped (visit cache).

Edited by AussieCacheHunter
Although I could be wrong, I think "collectible" would be a trackable that you planned to KEEP in your possession.


Collectible meens the finder can keep it.


Both statements are correct.


If you plan to keep the trackable, and perhaps "dip" it in and out of caches, or take it to events for others to discover, make it Collectable, then move it into your collection. This takes it out of your inventory, so it won't show in that list of items that you might "drop" when you visit a cache.


If you plan to release it to travel, and you want it to be "grabbed and dropped" and not put in someone's collection, then don't make it collectible.


I thought the difference between 'collectable' and non-collectible was that 'collectibles' (those in my own collection that I'm never going to place in a cache for others to physically find) was that if someone entered the tracking number they would ONLY be able to Discover the item....not grab it from owner to move along.  Had a friend test this on geocaching and she would have been able to grab it no matter whether I selected YES or NO after the Collectable question.  Guess I'm wrong....which isn't a very good idea if I share the tracking numbers for others to just Discover.  It could cause me a lot of work if others actually Grab the item rather than Discover it.  In which case, I would have to go online and grab back my trackables.  

Does anyone from Geocaching monitor this site and could they give us an official interpretation?

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, AZ4X4s said:

I thought the difference between 'collectable' and non-collectible was that 'collectibles' (those in my own collection that I'm never going to place in a cache for others to physically find) was that if someone entered the tracking number they would ONLY be able to Discover the item....not grab it from owner to move along.  Had a friend test this on geocaching and she would have been able to grab it no matter whether I selected YES or NO after the Collectable question.  Guess I'm wrong....which isn't a very good idea if I share the tracking numbers for others to just Discover.  It could cause me a lot of work if others actually Grab the item rather than Discover it.  In which case, I would have to go online and grab back my trackables.  

Does anyone from Geocaching monitor this site and could they give us an official interpretation?


"Grab" is for placing a Trackable into your inventory when it's found logged somewhere else, such as in the wrong cache.  It does the same thing as "Retrieve" if you had instead taken it from a cache.  The item is now shown in your Inventory, removed from the cache Inventory.

The "Collection" is a digital list that each cacher has, where the Trackable item is not shown in the cacher's Inventory. It's a way to organize Trackables. A cacher can place his large number of owned Geocoins into his Collection, so they aren't available to be placed into a cache (not in the cacher's Inventory), such as when they are all in a binder to show at Events.  When a cacher has logged a Trackable he does not own into his Collection, it is at the whim of the owner, who may at any time request the Trackable be returned, or placed into a cache.  Read the Trackable's page to see what the goal is, if you're confused.  The Collection is a handy way for honest people to document a chain of custody, to show who has it and why, with a Trackable they don't own.  In this case, the owner and finder will have worked out the details beforehand.

Mark a Trackable "Collectible" to enable it being added to a Collection.  If the Owner is not actively trying to get a Trackable into a Collection, don't mess with the "Collectible" button at all, don't click either option when setting up your new Trackable.  If you love to click buttons and you've accidentally selected "Collectible", select "Not Collectible" instead.

Edited by kunarion
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, AZ4X4s said:

So by not 'checking' yes or no does that mean that a coin can ONLY be discovered?


Leave "Collectible" unchecked if you're placing the item into a cache to travel.  It can then be logged in the usual ways, not only "Discover".

If a Trackable item is activated but not in an "Inventory", then the only logs that can be made by others are "Discover" and "Note".  You could do this by first marking your Trackable "Collectible" which enables it to be logged into a digital storage area outside of your Inventory, a place called the "Collection".  Then you also must log the Trackable into your Collection.  It's a two step process.  Once it's in your Collection, mark it "Not Collectible", because you mark it "Collectible" while you're trying to get it added to a Collection.  But after step two, it's there.

Some cachers place their car TB sticker into their Collection to prevent people from messing with them (such as "Grab" or whatever). But there are more considerations to this plan, since now the owner's logs are also restricted. If someone's messing with your logs, contact Groundspeak.  And press the issue.  There are more ways to "mess with you" than by making an incorrect log.

Edited by kunarion

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