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Travel Bugs Being Handed Off


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I had a very well meaning geocacher contact me indicating that they can move Wonder Woman to Hawaii - her first goal. Currently, she is in Pennsylvania. The problem: the cacher is NOT in Pennsylvania. Would it be OK for the Travel Bug to be picked up by a local cacher in Pennsylvania, mailed to the person in the continental United States who is going to Hawaii, to take the bug and place it on the island and leave it there?


Further clarification: this is only her first goal, she has another one.


I'll need opinions pretty soon - and I really have no feelings one way or the other.



My Geocaching Page


I think that if the bug's goal was to get back home, you caould start if off by mailing it hawaii to start.

To me it sounds like the postal service is taking a hand in the first jump of the bug's travels.




If you just going to mail it around. what is the point of a travel bug. Now it's become a chain letter.


Only execption I see if your mailing to someone to set it at a starting point. Or mailing it back to you to retire it or just take it out of the loop.



"Big Dog"

-Clan Ferguson


Just to be a little clearer, the bug is already in the wild by sending her to Maine (I'm in Illinois). Her goal is to go from Maine to Hawaii and then back home.


A generous cacher from Iowa said that they can take her to Hawaii, but she is currently in Pennsylvania.


This generous cacher has four options:


Contact another cacher in Iowa that might be going to Pennsylvania and ask them to pick up Wonder Woman and place her in a cache in Iowa

Contact a cacher from Pennsylvania that might be coming to Iowa and ask them to pick up Wonder Woman and place her in a cache in IowaSit tight and hope that she makes it to Iowa before the Generous Cacher leaves for HawaiiThe Generous cacher contacts another cacher in Pennsylvania and ask them to pick up WW and mail her to him in Iowa, so he can take her to Hawaii.


Now that I've explained myself better, I'm going to ask that the Iowa cacher use one of the first three items above, and not the fourth. It's starting to feel "wrong" to me, too.


Thanks for the opinions.



My Geocaching Page


I am working on my first travel bug and I was worried about the problem you are facing, that is the sudden transport toward the goal. I hope to send my bug to visit a relative and return but this could be done in two steps if they go by air so I intend to insist on ground transport only so it lasts a bit longer. So if your question is would it be OK to hand off to a person going that way, it would depend on the specific goals of the bug. A bug could could insist that it be limited to air travel only. Like a vacation bug. (Hummmm... I think I have an idea for my second travel bug!) Shoebox.


Travel bugs are not strictly linked to geocaching. I believe they can be moved by ANY means that is not in the "restrictions" listed on the bugs Web page. Read the tracking tag. There is not mention of geocaching.


"Why worry when you can obsess?"


Well, since Wonder Woman's goal is to get to Hawaii first and then back to the states, she has to either travel by air or boat, and there'll be a long distance with no caches. icon_wink.gif


That being said, she's going to have to turn up in a location near a cacher going to Hawaii. I can't insist on land travel for her.


If you're disallowing air travel, how would that be any different from someone coming in to an area on a driving vacation and grabbing a bug to take back home? My feeling is as long as they're transported by air BY THE CACHER THAT PICKED THEM UP, I don't have a problem.



My Geocaching Page


Well, since Wonder Woman's goal is to get to Hawaii first and then back to the states, she has to either travel by air or boat, and there'll be a long distance with no caches. icon_wink.gif


That being said, she's going to have to turn up in a location near a cacher going to Hawaii. I can't insist on land travel for her.


If you're disallowing air travel, how would that be any different from someone coming in to an area on a driving vacation and grabbing a bug to take back home? My feeling is as long as they're transported by air BY THE CACHER THAT PICKED THEM UP, I don't have a problem.



My Geocaching Page


Originally posted by Markwell:

Well, since Wonder Woman's goal is to get to Hawaii first and then back to the states, she has to either travel by air or boat, and there'll be a long distance with no caches. icon_wink.gif


Uhh, last time I looked, Hawaii IS A STATE...!


It's your bug, you make the rules. If you don't want it mailed, then state this on the TB page. If it's ok, then post it on the TB page. If you don't care one way or the other, then don't post anything on the TB page. Again, it's your bug, you make the rules.




Originally posted by Markwell:

Well, since Wonder Woman's goal is to get to Hawaii first and then back to the states, she has to either travel by air or boat, and there'll be a long distance with no caches. icon_wink.gif


Uhh, last time I looked, Hawaii IS A STATE...!


It's your bug, you make the rules. If you don't want it mailed, then state this on the TB page. If it's ok, then post it on the TB page. If you don't care one way or the other, then don't post anything on the TB page. Again, it's your bug, you make the rules.




Tracy and I are the Iowa Geocachers trying to move Wonder Woman on. We're headed to Hawaii, but the bug is in PA. This thread started after I emailed Markwell about getting the bug closer to us (or to us). Tracy and I weren't sure about getting it moved, and Markwell wasn't either and decided to poll the community.


After the poll, Markwell emailed me about what the community thought and gave us alternatives. I've started a thread in the NE States Forum, looking for help moving Wonder Woman closer to Chicago. (I think we can get over that way before May 5.)


We appreciate the responses and special thanks to Markwell for getting feedback from the rest of the community.




  1. What I meant to type was the continental states. Duh!dunce.gif My geography teacher is rolling in her grave right now.
  2. I was just commenting that not wanting a bug to fly seems a little tough, unless you want the bug to stay in the area. If that's the case, then so be it.
  3. Wonder Woman has my blessings to be transported by cacher to cache in an attempt to make it to Iowa.


Many thanks to all, especially Tecmage!



My Geocaching Page


Originally posted by Tecmage (R&T):

I've started a thread in the NE States Forum, looking for help moving Wonder Woman closer to Chicago. (I think we can get over that way before May 5.)

I just posted at that other thread you mention , and now I see this thread here! Pretty funny sequence. icon_biggrin.gif Anyway, I feel a positive vibe with WonderWoman, and I think she will make her first goal successfully.





Originally posted by Tecmage (R&T):

I've started a thread in the NE States Forum, looking for help moving Wonder Woman closer to Chicago. (I think we can get over that way before May 5.)

I just posted at that other thread you mention , and now I see this thread here! Pretty funny sequence. icon_biggrin.gif Anyway, I feel a positive vibe with WonderWoman, and I think she will make her first goal successfully.





I just rleased 16 Travel Bugs on the 1st of April, from Massachusetts.


The Idea was that they were to take all summer to get to Seattle (My wife and I will be moving there in the fall) and we would collect them when we got there...


Before I placed them I read a lot of posts in the forums regarding Travel Bugs, and the problems and disappearances.... I decided that except for nagging people about logging my bugs in and out, I was going to let them get there however they got there... It is sort of a free form thing...


I had not counted on 2 miracles of the modern world. FedEx and Flights to Alaska.


By the 3rd of April one of my Travel Bugs was in the destination cache in Seattle. It was FedExed by a local cacher to a cacher in Seattle.


Another one seems like it will sit dormant for several months, before the current holder will deposit him somewhere in Alaska on a trip in June.


I decided not to say anything, to let the bugs get there how they would, but I really had hoped that they would go from cache to cache, person to person across the country...


Am I disapointed? A little bit.... but that is my decision to live with...


Am I excieted to see what the rest of them do?? You betcha!!!


As long as folks log a bugs location and travels, I guess all's fair ... after all once it's out of your hands what are you going to do. Just please log the bugs travel and location, I know I'm preching to the choir here, but Wonder Woman has caused me much disappointmnet. I schedule an entire buisness trip around grabbing her from the Depot cache in Mass. (I know, my priorities are out of wack icon_wink.gif Once I got to the cache I discover WW was missing, some mysterious cacher took her to FLA, or so the cache log stated, but the web site log and bugs page was never updated. This cause much grief among all that were involved. It took some time but the she surfaced again. So with all that history, we might as well stick her in a FedEx box and ship herr to where-ever, let's just make sure the FedEx tracking number gets posted to the bugs page, so we can track her travels on her travel log ... icon_smile.gif


As long as folks log a bugs location and travels, I guess all's fair ... after all once it's out of your hands what are you going to do. Just please log the bugs travel and location, I know I'm preching to the choir here, but Wonder Woman has caused me much disappointmnet. I schedule an entire buisness trip around grabbing her from the Depot cache in Mass. (I know, my priorities are out of wack icon_wink.gif Once I got to the cache I discover WW was missing, some mysterious cacher took her to FLA, or so the cache log stated, but the web site log and bugs page was never updated. This cause much grief among all that were involved. It took some time but the she surfaced again. So with all that history, we might as well stick her in a FedEx box and ship herr to where-ever, let's just make sure the FedEx tracking number gets posted to the bugs page, so we can track her travels on her travel log ... icon_smile.gif


I think the 'make way for ducklings' is very cool. Maybe it only seems cool to people here in the Boston area because we know about the original ducks and what they mean to Boston.

Anyhow, I saw your cash and like the others, dashed off to get a duckling. I really want "my" duckling (Vack) to make it to Seattle. But I want him to have an interesting journey, and visit many caches along the way. I was a bit bummed to see that Mack was already there. But each one will have a unique journey and that is why it is nice to have 16 of them.

By the way, I have taken a couple pictures of Vack and hope to post them on his page or on the cache page that I put him in. That is, if I can figure out how to do it. I can't even figure out these message icons...

Rage of Connor's Clan icon_confused.gif


I think the 'make way for ducklings' is very cool. Maybe it only seems cool to people here in the Boston area because we know about the original ducks and what they mean to Boston.

Anyhow, I saw your cash and like the others, dashed off to get a duckling. I really want "my" duckling (Vack) to make it to Seattle. But I want him to have an interesting journey, and visit many caches along the way. I was a bit bummed to see that Mack was already there. But each one will have a unique journey and that is why it is nice to have 16 of them.

By the way, I have taken a couple pictures of Vack and hope to post them on his page or on the cache page that I put him in. That is, if I can figure out how to do it. I can't even figure out these message icons...

Rage of Connor's Clan icon_confused.gif


There is of course, this version, but it doesn't have the same vintage feel that the one I used does.


FTR, when I thought my TB was lost - but it turned out she was just taking a trip to Florida - I went out on ebay and picked up two more identical WW's in case I need to replace the wandering one. These little buggers are hard to come by. No store sells them at all!



My Geocaching Page

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