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urban caches

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City caches might be easier. no risk of poison ivy or snakes or bugs. just pigeons.

I was looking for an urban cache recently. the cache was in a sketchy alley that was giving me the creeps so I left without trying too hard to find it.

do you guys like city ones? what about ones that are inside buildings?

here in Richmond we have the famous Monument Avenue (tourists like it) that has giant statues of famous Virginians in the middle of the street. those would be good places for caches, and no bushwacking required!

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City caches might be easier. no risk of poison ivy or snakes or bugs. just pigeons.

I was looking for an urban cache recently. the cache was in a sketchy alley that was giving me the creeps so I left without trying too hard to find it.

do you guys like city ones? what about ones that are inside buildings?

here in Richmond we have the famous Monument Avenue (tourists like it) that has giant statues of famous Virginians in the middle of the street. those would be good places for caches, and no bushwacking required!

Each to his own. I prefer caches out in the woods. Snakes and bugs don't bother me and I'm not allergic to PI. Walking through a spider web still irks me though. :anicute:

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A lot of it depends on my mood. I like city caches because I can cache at lunch. However, If I am going to go out of my way for a cache it's going to be in the wilderness, or in a Ghost Town.


Some urban cache's I will just ignore based on muggle factor.

outsmarting muggles is the most fun.

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