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Complex Geocaching


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I was just wondering. Has anyone created a cache so complex that it spans a couple of states or maybe countries? A cache that has puzzles you have to solve to get coordinates to the next cache and it leads you to other destination? Maybe use QR barcodes to hide riddles, messages or coordinates? Sort of like a long adventure with challenges? Didn't know if someone has done this already. Any one know of one of these?

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I was just wondering. Has anyone created a cache so complex that it spans a couple of states or maybe countries? A cache that has puzzles you have to solve to get coordinates to the next cache and it leads you to other destination? Maybe use QR barcodes to hide riddles, messages or coordinates? Sort of like a long adventure with challenges? Didn't know if someone has done this already. Any one know of one of these?


Why would someone use a sock puppet account to ask this question?

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I was just wondering. Has anyone created a cache so complex that it spans a couple of states or maybe countries? A cache that has puzzles you have to solve to get coordinates to the next cache and it leads you to other destination? Maybe use QR barcodes to hide riddles, messages or coordinates? Sort of like a long adventure with challenges? Didn't know if someone has done this already. Any one know of one of these?


Why would someone use a sock puppet account to ask this question?


Maybe I'm missing something but, how do you know that it is a sock puppet account? It was created in 2006.

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I was just wondering. Has anyone created a cache so complex that it spans a couple of states or maybe countries? A cache that has puzzles you have to solve to get coordinates to the next cache and it leads you to other destination? Maybe use QR barcodes to hide riddles, messages or coordinates? Sort of like a long adventure with challenges? Didn't know if someone has done this already. Any one know of one of these?


Why would someone use a sock puppet account to ask this question?


Maybe I'm missing something but, how do you know that it is a sock puppet account? It was created in 2006.


And it has no finds associated with it. I don't know for sure that its a sock puppet, but it sure looks like one

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I was just wondering. Has anyone created a cache so complex that it spans a couple of states or maybe countries? A cache that has puzzles you have to solve to get coordinates to the next cache and it leads you to other destination? Maybe use QR barcodes to hide riddles, messages or coordinates? Sort of like a long adventure with challenges? Didn't know if someone has done this already. Any one know of one of these?


Why would someone use a sock puppet account to ask this question?


Maybe I'm missing something but, how do you know that it is a sock puppet account? It was created in 2006.


And it has no finds associated with it. I don't know for sure that its a sock puppet, but it sure looks like one


You could be correct. I was just curious.

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I was just wondering. Has anyone created a cache so complex that it spans a couple of states or maybe countries? A cache that has puzzles you have to solve to get coordinates to the next cache and it leads you to other destination? Maybe use QR barcodes to hide riddles, messages or coordinates? Sort of like a long adventure with challenges? Didn't know if someone has done this already. Any one know of one of these?

I think I'll take this one at face value and stay on-topic.


A multi-cache spanning states or countries? I don't know any off-hand, but with a million caches out there, someone must have posted one. There's no rule against it. If by some chance it hasn't been done, you could be the first.


Puzzles leading to the next cache? I'm working on one right now: The Book of Lies.


Bar codes? It came up in a topic recently. I'd search for it, but these forums have a minimum of five characters per search term, so "bar code" is out. Maybe someone else remembers the thread.

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I was just wondering. Has anyone created a cache so complex that it spans a couple of states or maybe countries? A cache that has puzzles you have to solve to get coordinates to the next cache and it leads you to other destination? Maybe use QR barcodes to hide riddles, messages or coordinates? Sort of like a long adventure with challenges? Didn't know if someone has done this already. Any one know of one of these?


It's all been done. I don't have any specific examples but have heard of a few of these. With over a million caches placed since 2000, there are few things that haven't been tried.

Edited by briansnat
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Hey, everybody does a first post sometime...


QR codes have been used in puzzle caches. Like other encryption codes, once you recognize the code you turn to google for help.


I believe that there is a guideline stating that the published coordinates for a puzzle cache are to be within 2 miles of the final coordinates. That makes sense since it would be a pain to solve a puzzle and then learn that the cache was a hundred miles away.


A series of caches might be more geographically distributed however. We have a few hiders in my area that do this. Each cache in the series can have a different type of puzzle, and is found and logged on its own. Each individual cache will have some kind of code that you use to find the last cache in the series. Often the hider will publish a separate web page to discribe the challenge and list the caches (http://home.roadrunner.com/~tazd/AYTE/index.html). These series can be lots of fun.


You are required to place caches in areas that you can get to for maintenance, however. If you place a cache two states away from your home you will need to specify a maintenance plan for it.

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I got the co-ordinates for a cache in London from a cache in Shropshire, about 170 miles away. Don't know when I'll ever get to go for it!


I also spotted this TB which contains part of the co-ords for a cache, the other parts of the co-ords are with other TBs so you need to spot all the TBs to get the full co-ords for the cache, and they're spead all over the UK. This one says it must not travel out of Wales.

Edited by Border Caz
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Yep, yep, yep....all been said and done before. That doesn't mean it's not worth doing again :D


The longest one I participated in went around the world, and I was just lucky enough to live within 20 miles or so of one of the Stages. I think it eventually was Archived for maintenance issues. I would imagine that it's hard to keep that kind of thing together over a long period of time.


If you're considering such an option, you might want to consider contacting your Local Reviewer. I would imagine that cross State/Country caches requires a bit of coordination to determine that all local land use issues are addressed.


Good luck! :D

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I was just wondering. Has anyone created a cache so complex that it spans a couple of states or maybe countries? A cache that has puzzles you have to solve to get coordinates to the next cache and it leads you to other destination? Maybe use QR barcodes to hide riddles, messages or coordinates? Sort of like a long adventure with challenges? Didn't know if someone has done this already. Any one know of one of these?


Why would someone use a sock puppet account to ask this question?


Maybe I'm missing something but, how do you know that it is a sock puppet account? It was created in 2006.


And it has no finds associated with it. I don't know for sure that its a sock puppet, but it sure looks like one


That's not a sock puppet account, this is a sock puppet account

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That's not a sock puppet account, this is a sock puppet account

This account is not a sock puppet... but my avatar is!


Fun trivia fact:

"The first usage of the term was on July 9, 1993 [1] by Merciful Lee Dickens in a posting to bit.listserv.fnord-l, but was not in common usage in USENET groups until 1996."


From here.

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