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How do I report an improper cache ?


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I went looking for a cache (GCZQH3) today and found it was on Public School property. If I read the Guidelines correctly that is not allowed. I could not find any way to notify GS that the cache was not in compliance. Anybody know how I do this? I did post a note on the cache.


Clint || KyHilltopper

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It looks like the cache is close to the high school, but not necessarily on the property... Did you bother asking the cache owner before posting your nasty gram on the cache page and then posting to the forums?


You are making a lot of assumptions and all seemingly without even talking to the owner of the cache. They could very well have permission and the submission was approved by a reviewer. Who are you to act as judge, jury and executioner?


I recommend that you remove your note on the cache page and contact the owner directly before flying off the handle.

Edited by ReadyOrNot
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How do I report an improper cache


Use a Needs Archived log on the cache listing. Needs Archived logs are sent to area reviewers.


Or email contact@geocaching.com


Or email the reviewer who published the cache, this assuming the cache has a Published log on it (older caches do not, and some cache owners remove those logs). If the particular cache doesn't have a Published log, look for other nearby newer caches; the area reviewer will be the owner of those Publish logs.


I have not looked at the particular cache you've mentioned, I'm just responding to the question, "how do I report an improper cache?"

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Thanks all for your replies. I have removed the note and will email the member who placed it.


BTW: ReadyOrNot : The cache is on the Bandstand which is on the football field which is directly behind (and inside the enclosed fence) the High School.


I am sure it is not "grandfathered" as I have been a geocacher and a member here since 2004 and that rule was in place when I started.


Clint || KyHilltopper

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A good friend is a teacher at a local high school and heads up their geocaching club (similar to any other club that a school may have).


He got special permission from the principal and reviewer for caches to be placed directly on school property. At first glance, they may seem "off limits" but in reality, they're not.


A new one was just hidden the other day by one of the students.

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Caches may be quickly archived if we see the following (which is not exhaustive):


Caches near, on or under public structures deemed potential or possible targets for terrorist attacks. These may include but are not limited to highway bridges, dams, government buildings, elementary and secondary schools, and airports.


I have a cache that, while not on school grounds, is near enough to a high school that I hestitated to place it. Instead, I asked our local reviewer first. His reply was that he was not particularily concerned about high schools. In the case of the cache mentioned by the OP, it sounds like a permission problem, if anything, to me.

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I went looking for a cache (GCZQH3) today and found it was on Public School property. If I read the Guidelines correctly that is not allowed. I could not find any way to notify GS that the cache was not in compliance. Anybody know how I do this? I did post a note on the cache.


Clint || KyHilltopper


Your done. The owner will see your note and respond if needed, or if they are so inclined..


What you don't know is if the cache has permission, was placed by kids, a teacher or someone else.

If you must know, ask the owner. Don't just go assuming that a guideline (which is different than an absolute law) is the end all be all of what's right and wrong about caching.


Second guessing caches is bad mojo. Now if the principal is outside the school yelling at you about that cache, then by all means take it with you and email the owner about the problem.

Edited by Renegade Knight
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Caches may be quickly archived if we see the following (which is not exhaustive):


Caches near, on or under public structures deemed potential or possible targets for terrorist attacks. These may include but are not limited to highway bridges, dams, government buildings, elementary and secondary schools, and airports.


I have a cache that, while not on school grounds, is near enough to a high school that I hestitated to place it. Instead, I asked our local reviewer first. His reply was that he was not particularily concerned about high schools. In the case of the cache mentioned by the OP, it sounds like a permission problem, if anything, to me.


And that is the point here: elementary and secondary schools. High schools are not included. The cache that OP mentions appears to be on the grounds of either the Reidland High School, or the Reidland Middle School. Hard to tell from the maps. Secondary schools not permitted. High schools permitted. (Not sure I understand the reasoning here.) I did a cache near/on the grounds of a local high school. I will not do another. Even though it was a Sunday during the summer.

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i recently found a cache on school grounds. it obviously has permission; it's a class project. (elementary/middle)


a while ago i found a cache at an elementary school during a school day. i marched right into the main office and said "hello, i've come to find the geocache that's on your trails. can you point me to the trailhead?"


i own a cache that has a stage at an elementary school, on their trails. i have written permission from the principal.

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Around here, "secondary school" means high school.


By golly... Wikipedia agrees with you. My mistake. I thought it meant Jr. High (7th & 8th grades)


I just learned something new... can I go home now? :ph34r:


On the other hand, I also bolded the deliberate use of the word "may", which implies, of course, that there is room for possible exceptions (which I'm sure accounts for those "with explicit permission" caches mentioned here)

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Around here, "secondary school" means high school.


By golly... Wikipedia agrees with you. My mistake. I thought it meant Jr. High (7th & 8th grades)


I just learned something new... can I go home now? :ph34r:


On the other hand, I also bolded the deliberate use of the word "may", which implies, of course, that there is room for possible exceptions (which I'm sure accounts for those "with explicit permission" caches mentioned here)


Like Wikipedia knows everthing? Secondary is listed in my dictionary as 'after primary or elementary'. Around here, we have Elementary (1-6), Secondary (7-9) and High Schoold (10-12). Or some such. Secondary is what comes between elementary and high schools. And that's the way I've seen the guidelines used. The cache at the Parsippany High School is not at a secondary school.

Your usage may vary.

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And that is the point here: elementary and secondary schools. High schools are not included. The cache that OP mentions appears to be on the grounds of either the Reidland High School, or the Reidland Middle School. Hard to tell from the maps. Secondary schools not permitted. High schools permitted. (Not sure I understand the reasoning here.) I did a cache near/on the grounds of a local high school. I will not do another. Even though it was a Sunday during the summer.


I wasn't aware high schools weren't included. I guess the best thing would be to discuss it with the owner or the local reviewer. I don't see a problem with asking.

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Like Wikipedia knows everthing? Secondary is listed in my dictionary as 'after primary or elementary'. Around here, we have Elementary (1-6), Secondary (7-9) and High Schoold (10-12). Or some such. Secondary is what comes between elementary and high schools. And that's the way I've seen the guidelines used. The cache at the Parsippany High School is not at a secondary school.

Your usage may vary.


OK so you've proved you have an old dictionary... Today "Middle School" is usually inserted between Elementary and High School. .. or perhaps it's still Jr High in some areas. 7-9 isn't "secondary". But to get back on topic I've done a lot of caches on school property that were placed by various groups within the school. Also many school districts encourage the local population to use the property for recreational activities when they do not interfere with school activities.

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Like Wikipedia knows everthing? Secondary is listed in my dictionary as 'after primary or elementary'. Around here, we have Elementary (1-6), Secondary (7-9) and High Schoold (10-12). Or some such. Secondary is what comes between elementary and high schools. And that's the way I've seen the guidelines used. The cache at the Parsippany High School is not at a secondary school.

Your usage may vary.


I should have checked the Wikipedia history on that entry before posting. It seems that someone going by the name of 'flask' had only recently edited the entry on "secondary schools". :ph34r:

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