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swag in the box

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Following on from New caches with no treasure posts 7 and 10

I’ve put in key rings, coloured pencils, crayons, pens, pencils, cup place mats, a usb stick, etc

What swag do you put in your caches when placing or what do you like to see in a cache Apart from from an empty log book waiting for your FTF ;). or even what's the best thing you've seen as swag.



Posted (edited)

Following on from New caches with no treasure posts 7 and 10

I’ve put in key rings, coloured pencils, crayons, pens, pencils, cup place mats, a usb stick, etc

What swag do you put in your caches when placing or what do you like to see in a cache Apart from from an empty log book waiting for your FTF ;). or even what's the best thing you've seen as swag.




packs of cards, water pistols, stationery items, small rubber ducks, small wind up toys (Hawkins Bazzar supply most of my swag) might even include an unactivated GC if I set a fiendsh cache

Edited by SkiBums (UK)

packs of cards, water pistols, stationery items, small rubber ducks, small wind up toys (Hawkins Bazzar supply most of my swag) might even include an unactivated GC if I set a fiendsh cache



Shame our local Hawkins Bazzar closed down ;) We have a garden centre nearby that sells all sorts of items, we buy a mix of cheap items often in a bag which we split up such as packs of bouncy balls, or little animals ;) (plastic ones not real ones! :D ) We go up to items that cost a pound or two, for when the kids spot a better swap. Wilkinsons and Tescos and the like all sell items such as those you might put in kids party bags. Interesting rubbers erasers also brighten up a cache. ;)


I usually stock up on things from the local supermarkets - novelty stationary items, marbles and even toy cars are quite cheap. Poundland sometimes provide suitable multi packs of useful this and that. Also I do a trawl of the local charity shops from time to time as they sometimes turn up interesting things. One of my favourite things to get at the moment is from a small antique stall on our local market which sells pre-decimal coins. I can get half crowns, florins, thruppeny bits and so on for about 50p (that's an interesting exchange rate...). Basically any little item that catches my eye goes in the swag bag.


Now Zip junior is older we don't do swaps so often but sometimes we trade if we see something we like e.g. an attractive geocaching badge, colourful foreign stamps. A while back daughter was delighted to get a camping spoon and fork from a City centre cache. She's never actually had cause to use it yet but it pleased her for some reason...

Posted (edited)

I have brought stuff from ebay designed for party bags, hopping animals on springs, packs of water balloons, lipstick rubber , pencil sharpeners, and from wilkinsons a shed load of packs of felt tip pens and pencils for under a fiver.

Edited by Charliecats

Following on from New caches with no treasure posts 7 and 10

I’ve put in key rings, coloured pencils, crayons, pens, pencils, cup place mats, a usb stick, etc

What swag do you put in your caches when placing or what do you like to see in a cache Apart from from an empty log book waiting for your FTF :). or even what's the best thing you've seen as swag.




When i put my caches out a try and place items related to the Cache

My Scouting series had torches (mostly nabbed from other caches) compasses Scouting Badges and things along those lines even Scouting 50ps.

for puzzle caches Puzzles like the ones you get from crackers.

But my best source is local jumble sales! often you can get loads of little bits and pieces for next to nothing.


Following on from New caches with no treasure posts 7 and 10

I’ve put in key rings, coloured pencils, crayons, pens, pencils, cup place mats, a usb stick, etc

What swag do you put in your caches when placing or what do you like to see in a cache Apart from from an empty log book waiting for your FTF :). or even what's the best thing you've seen as swag.




A small keyring torch. I've noticed that a lot of people have them now!

Posted (edited)

A small keyring torch. I've noticed that a lot of people have them now!

Those are the most useful thing i've got from a cache :)



In fact, we've been known to say "oh, Sollys' been here" when we've found them!

Edited by Bambography

Following on from New caches with no treasure posts 7 and 10

I’ve put in key rings, coloured pencils, crayons, pens, pencils, cup place mats, a usb stick, etc

What swag do you put in your caches when placing or what do you like to see in a cache Apart from from an empty log book waiting for your FTF :rolleyes:. or even what's the best thing you've seen as swag.




A small keyring torch. I've noticed that a lot of people have them now!

I think most have been courtesy of your selves i hope you dont mind and i do put them back into my caches as a Scouting Aid


A small keyring torch. I've noticed that a lot of people have them now!


In fact, we've been known to say "oh, Sollys' been here" when we've found them!


Snap thats exactly what we say to!!!!


We always put in a piglet keyring ( made by piglet2) and usually some toys or puzzles to satisfy any junior cacher. We also put in a useful item for any adult wishing a swap, maybe a torch, a mini radio, glasses repair kit, screwdriver or a bottle opener. We also have whistles which we bought thinking about the safety aspect of caching but then realised the distress we might have caused by having a whistle blowing child in the car for a day! SORRY!!!!


On Arran we tend to put in packs of cards or games which can be used should you be stuck in on a rainy day :rolleyes: whilst on holiday.


We always put in some stuff from the Parkinsons Disease Society too but most swag is bought from the party bag aisle or from the likes of Halfords and Maplins ( both do stuff for £1 at the tills).


When letterboxing on Dartmoor (UK) with my children some years ago an essential item was the rubber stamp and ink pad. Each letterbox (cache) had its own rubber stamp and log book. We stamped their log book with our stamp, and stamped our log-book with theirs. Both owner and seeeker built up a fine collection of different designs which our children (young teenagers at the time) enjoyed looking at. - We and many other hiders and seekers had our own personally designed stamps - some of which were very intricate and many humerous or depicting the cache site.


How about this as an idea for geocachers. We have started stamping logbooks with our old stamp and take this with us. How about some owners adding a stamp to their caches.


I still look at my log books from time to time even though its twelve years since we've been there and they bring back more happy memories than plastic keyrings!!!

Posted (edited)

How about this as an idea for geocachers. We have started stamping logbooks with our old stamp and take this with us. How about some owners adding a stamp to their caches.


They already exist...try searching for letterbox hybrids.....


All the information you need about different cache types ishere

Edited by *mouse*

I normally tend to leave stuff without taking, I bought 500 compass zip pulls off the internet and everyone gets compasses. I have recently started getting into geocoins, so try to move them on as frequently as I can.


My best 'prize' was last week, for the first time I managed FTF on a series of caches, then on the last cache of the series, not only did I get FTF badge, but also nice surprise of a gift voucher.

Now thats what I call swag.


I go to a couple of medical conferences a year and usually come home with a case full of lanyards, keyrings, Post-It notes, pens, USB memory sticks and other assorted promotional items. I've even got my colleagues in on the act, and they come back with geo-swag as well! We've even found a TB that was made from a BOC keyring we left as a swap!

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