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Hey Y.A.S.S. , glad to hear you are doing better now and hane left hospital.

Great that someone gave you a little part of your great work back and made you happy :)


Y.A.S.S thank you for your nice comments about my coins i designed, ive read nice things from you in both threads on different occasions and wanted to take a min to thank you!!! :)


Y.A.S.S., thanks so much for sending me that great coin! I am still a semi active coin buyer but not much for posting in here. It is good to see this community has not changed at all and is still a great group to know. The kindness in here is still something to marvel at. Again thanks for the letter and the coin. It will stay with my other Mystery coins! ;)


How is it that the mystery coin givers and other gifters like Y.A.S.S. just seem to KNOW when you need a little pick-me-up?


I have been having a pretty tough time lately with both my personal and professional life. Lots of things going on in both worlds lately and today was an especially tough one. As I was dragging myself home after putting in almost 12 hours at work (on my sixth day in a row, with three more to go before a day off), I wasn't really looking forward to another night having to make a quick dinner and right to bed to start it all over again tomorrow. When I walked in the door and saw that someone had retrieved the mail and there was a bubble mailer on the counter. I stopped to think as I hung up my jacket, "I don't remember ordering any coins, and I don't remember any trades I haven't received yet, so who could this mailer be from?". I picked it up and looked at the return address and saw that it was from Y.A.S.S.! WOO HOO!!! Someone was thinking about me! I perked up immediately and didn't even bother to sit and relax a minute before tearing into the mailer.


Inside was a nice letter from Y.A.S.S. explaining the reason for the package and a coin all pakaged up nice and snug. I took a couple of minutes to completely read through the letter, not once but twice. It must have really touched me, because I would normally just do a quick read through and then go for the coin while leaving the letter for a thorough read thru later. After setting the letter aside, I opened up the package with the coin and out popped a beautiful blue crab geocoin and the matching blue crab pin! I saw the crab coins when they came out and wanted one but just didn't have any funds available at the time, so this gift is really something very special to me.


Thank you Y.A.S.S., for sending me this wonderful gift! Somehow you must have known that it was just what I needed. I still don't know which I enjoyed recieving most, the letter or the coin. They are both special to me and I will keep them forever. You will never know just how much I needed something like this right now. Thank you again for lifting me up on this day and for making me feel like I really am someone special.


Y.A.S.S., thanks so much for sending me that great coin! I am still a semi active coin buyer but not much for posting in here. It is good to see this community has not changed at all and is still a great group to know. The kindness in here is still something to marvel at. Again thanks for the letter and the coin. It will stay with my other Mystery coins! :)


Hiya, Wyohunter - WELCOME back ! ! ! It sure is nice to see your name again in these here forums ;):):D


First off, THANK YOU - Y.A.S.S. You are very kind.

Today, I can finally post what i got in the mail yesterday. There in my mailbox was a nice padded yellowish envelope - from where it came it matters not. Inside was a letter - yes, a letter, not a note, and a nicely folded hard white square piece of paper. I started reading the written matter and had to stop as my eyes were starting to swell. I Had to put it down for awhile but finally went back to it when i was all alone. Wow, Y.A.S.S. , you know how to pull at the strings. thank you for thinking of me and reminding me of things :grin:


coinage015.jpg and to think, It is one that I have always wanted !


THANK YOU {{{HUGS}}} Fairyhoney :P



Hiya, Wyohunter - WELCOME back ! ! ! It sure is nice to see your name again in these here forums :grin:B):D


Thanks, and congrats on your coin as well!! :) I hope to get back into all the coin exchanges and the friendly conversations there is here. But I did notice my Signature seriously needs updated! :P

Posted (edited)

Congratz fairyhoney, the coin looks beautiful :o ....how is it called? :laughing::lol:

That's Pororca;Endless Wave. Congrats Fairyhoney and Wyohunter.

Edited by nefesh

WUUUUHUUUU, OMG, don`t know what i should say, i'm speechless :o !


Yesterday at 5:00 at the afternoon i went out to drive to a meeting with all my classmates.

Just as i took out my bike i thought that i could check the mailbox before driving.

The first thing i took out of the mailbox was a brochure, the second a letter and then my fingers run over an envelope. I wasn`t able to imagine what it could be and i slowly took it out of the mailbox and went back into the house. I sat down and opened the envelope and inside i found a really nice letter and.....this:uv4tjx92.jpg


What a great day: I went the first time without crutches and all went well and then this great gift from Y.A.S.S.

So it was nearly a perfect day :D


I will keep this coin on a special place in my collection and never give it away :)


You are great Y.A.S.S.


It's good to know thers someone out there who is thinking on you :)


Thank you soooooo much for making me and all the others smile and have a great day :D


A BIG THANK YOU Y.A.S.S. , you are very special, too!


That's a great coin and a great story, Dark Elf! Y.A.S.S.! seems to know just the right time to send people coins. :)


When I first started reading this forum, I got an email from Y.A.S.S.! telling me that this was the nicest group of people I'd ever find on the internet. At the time I assumed it was just some bias. But over the last couple of months I have to say that it really is. :) I love it!


Thank you Y.A.S.S.! for helping people smile, and I hope some day to be able to be as positive of an influence as you are!


WUUUUHUUUU, OMG, don`t know what i should say, i'm speechless :o !


Yesterday at 5:00 at the afternoon i went out to drive to a meeting with all my classmates.

Just as i took out my bike i thought that i could check the mailbox before driving.

The first thing i took out of the mailbox was a brochure, the second a letter and then my fingers run over an envelope. I wasn`t able to imagine what it could be and i slowly took it out of the mailbox and went back into the house. I sat down and opened the envelope and inside i found a really nice letter and.....this:uv4tjx92.jpg


What a great day: I went the first time without crutches and all went well and then this great gift from Y.A.S.S.

So it was nearly a perfect day :D


I will keep this coin on a special place in my collection and never give it away :)


You are great Y.A.S.S.


It's good to know thers someone out there who is thinking on you :)


Thank you soooooo much for making me and all the others smile and have a great day :D


A BIG THANK YOU Y.A.S.S. , you are very special, too!


Wow, that is a pretty coin! Congratulations, Dark Elf!


Thank you to Y.A.S.S. , whoever you are, for brightening the days of those who need it.


Hello to everybody. To those that received coins and thanked me you are all quite welcome. It really has been a pleasure for me to be able to share a little with you fine folks!


When I started my little mission I was planning on continuing it until about November of this year. However, like so many others on this forum life has thrown me some curve balls recently and I must at least for now stop sending coins. Due to some medical bills and more recently some flooding at my home (insurance never pays everything so we end up with bills out of disasters, although I am very thankful that they will pay most of the damages) I'll have to make the coin to Dark Elf my final one at this time.


There is no need to worry about me I am surrounded by a great group of family and friends! I'm hoping that within a couple years I can be back to sending out coins to others. Thank you all for the kind words and well wishes! With the recent flooding at my home the internet service at my place is out and no expected repair date so I won't be on here much, but just wanted to say thanks and I'll be back after life settles down.


Continue to be nice to each other (which I know you will!). Have a great summer and don't forget Y.A.S.S.! (You Are Somebody Special!). ;)

Posted (edited)

Hello to everybody. To those that received coins and thanked me you are all quite welcome. It really has been a pleasure for me to be able to share a little with you fine folks!


When I started my little mission I was planning on continuing it until about November of this year. However, like so many others on this forum life has thrown me some curve balls recently and I must at least for now stop sending coins. Due to some medical bills and more recently some flooding at my home (insurance never pays everything so we end up with bills out of disasters, although I am very thankful that they will pay most of the damages) I'll have to make the coin to Dark Elf my final one at this time.


There is no need to worry about me I am surrounded by a great group of family and friends! I'm hoping that within a couple years I can be back to sending out coins to others. Thank you all for the kind words and well wishes! With the recent flooding at my home the internet service at my place is out and no expected repair date so I won't be on here much, but just wanted to say thanks and I'll be back after life settles down.


Continue to be nice to each other (which I know you will!). Have a great summer and don't forget Y.A.S.S.! (You Are Somebody Special!). ;)


May God truly bless you and keep you! I'll be thinking of you and praying for you and your family, friends, and neighbors!




edited for spelling

Edited by SgtMikal

Hello to everybody. To those that received coins and thanked me you are all quite welcome. It really has been a pleasure for me to be able to share a little with you fine folks!


When I started my little mission I was planning on continuing it until about November of this year. However, like so many others on this forum life has thrown me some curve balls recently and I must at least for now stop sending coins. Due to some medical bills and more recently some flooding at my home (insurance never pays everything so we end up with bills out of disasters, although I am very thankful that they will pay most of the damages) I'll have to make the coin to Dark Elf my final one at this time.


There is no need to worry about me I am surrounded by a great group of family and friends! I'm hoping that within a couple years I can be back to sending out coins to others. Thank you all for the kind words and well wishes! With the recent flooding at my home the internet service at my place is out and no expected repair date so I won't be on here much, but just wanted to say thanks and I'll be back after life settles down.


Continue to be nice to each other (which I know you will!). Have a great summer and don't forget Y.A.S.S.! (You Are Somebody Special!). :D

i never recieved one of your gifts,, but ive enjoyed being the lurker, in this thread, and ive enjoyed your comments about my coins ive designed, thank you for being so giving in the first place, and sending out a great message,, mabie life will grant you with hitting the lotery and you can continue your mission. ;)


Thank you Y.A.S.S. for reminding us that everyone is someone special and spreading joy to so many people. We hope that no more problems come your way and that your future will be bright and full of happiness. ;)


thanks Y.A.A.S. for all the joy you have given to others here in these forums...hopefully all will go smooth for you this summer in your repairs etc.....It has been great to read the responses from those whos life yous have brightened up.......hang in there & good luck......


Dearest YASS,


Thank you for sharing your special gifts with us. Sorry to hear things are not so great for you right now.

I believe in Karma and believe you do too. You've been there for all of us with no expectations except that we do our best in all things. I believe the universe will return the favor and provide for you now.

I will always treasure the coin you sent me. It will remain in my small collection forever and I relate the story of how it came to me every time I show it to others.

I look forward to the time when things turn around and you return to the forums.


Wishing you all the best and keeping you in my prayers... GeoCharmer81 (Kelly)


Hello to everybody. To those that received coins and thanked me you are all quite welcome. It really has been a pleasure for me to be able to share a little with you fine folks!


When I started my little mission I was planning on continuing it until about November of this year. However, like so many others on this forum life has thrown me some curve balls recently and I must at least for now stop sending coins. Due to some medical bills and more recently some flooding at my home (insurance never pays everything so we end up with bills out of disasters, although I am very thankful that they will pay most of the damages) I'll have to make the coin to Dark Elf my final one at this time.


There is no need to worry about me I am surrounded by a great group of family and friends! I'm hoping that within a couple years I can be back to sending out coins to others. Thank you all for the kind words and well wishes! With the recent flooding at my home the internet service at my place is out and no expected repair date so I won't be on here much, but just wanted to say thanks and I'll be back after life settles down.


Continue to be nice to each other (which I know you will!). Have a great summer and don't forget Y.A.S.S.! (You Are Somebody Special!). ;)


Hugs to you Y.A.S.S. I hope things work out smoothly and quickly for you. Please find a way to check in with us from time to time. You'll be missed!

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