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The Fynbos Finders


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Capedoc - this is indeed sad news. You are among the stalwarts and respected cachers (IMHO) of the SA community.


Thank you for all you have done for the greater caching community - and I trust this will not be a long retirement.


I am sorry to hear about the fire - and I trust that this was not a major setback - I hope that the caching community can be of assistance in some way if possible?


Go well - and we trust that this is not farewell - but until we meet again?


+1 - have sent you a mail

I share Carbon Hunter's sentiments and also agree with his comments on the stats forum about improving caching - he has some good ideas. Event caches could be a good way of sharing experience and tips for this - I remember some years ago a really useful and interesting event by CapeDoc on mobile phone caching. Some areas of interest which could be considered are: cache page design, cache preparation and hiding, update on use of mobile apps, statistics packages. Fortunately, amongst the less inspiring caches and cachers there are still some wonderfully creative examples out there - recognised with the recent award of Geocacher of the month to our very own family Behrens.


Hi All,


I don't want to start a trend here, but I'm also looking for any potential adopters for my geocaches.

I'm not looking at quitting, but we've moved out to the Elgin Valley and our new business has kept me from giving these caches the time and energy they deserve.


As such, I haven't been able to go hiking in quite a while, so maintenance runs are overdue on one or two.

So rather than archiving, would anybody like to adopt any of these 11 geocaches?


Camel Rock - http://coord.info/GCY5AY

Judas Peak - http://coord.info/GCWHZR

Skyline Path - http://coord.info/GCWHZJ

The Sentinel - http://coord.info/GCWETW

Muizenberg Cave - http://coord.info/GCWE8E

Mine of Silver - http://coord.info/GCVHP8

Waterworks Museum - http://coord.info/GCV4AN

Oppelskop - http://coord.info/GCV49P

Swartkop 360 - http://coord.info/GCTXJV

Woodstock Cave - http://coord.info/GCTX69

Snap - http://coord.info/GCT91H


Many thanks,



Good luck in getting someone to take them over. I think this is a positive and pro active stance on your behalf.


Many cachers just stop caching - or move away - and time slowly erodes their cache base - and "Needs Maintenance" logs go un-answered - and some great caches finally get archived.


Hi All,


Sad news that I must share as many of you know them, Vic from Tricky Vicky & Mickey passed away last night after a battle with cancer.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Jill and family at this time.


RIP Vic you will be missed.


Bryan and Gabi

(Pixel & Possum)

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