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Lääni or Provinces are now available


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When I click on "Find newest in Finland" it takes me to the advanced search page instead of showing the first 20 newest caches in Finland.


Is there a good reason for this change? If not, I would prefer the previous behaviour, thanks.


Edit: I'm talking about the shortcut (link) on my /My/ page. Yes, it works with an extra click (what a waste :unsure:.

Edited by stebu
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When I click on "Find newest in Finland" it takes me to the advanced search page instead of showing the first 20 newest caches in Finland.


Is there a good reason for this change? If not, I would prefer the previous behaviour, thanks.


I just tried "Find newest in Ontario" and it seemed to work ok.

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When I click on "Find newest in Finland" it takes me to the advanced search page instead of showing the first 20 newest caches in Finland.


Is there a good reason for this change? If not, I would prefer the previous behaviour, thanks.


Edit: I'm talking about the shortcut (link) on my /My/ page. Yes, it works with an extra click (what a waste :unsure:.


Thanks for pointing that out. This appears to be a bug for countries which don't list provinces, and we intend to hotfix it asap.

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When I click on "Find newest in Finland" it takes me to the advanced search page instead of showing the first 20 newest caches in Finland.


Is there a good reason for this change? If not, I would prefer the previous behaviour, thanks.


I just tried "Find newest in Ontario" and it seemed to work ok.



I just noticed that there are now 5 provices of Finland that are really here called lääni . I guess they become obsolete something like 2010 so these are quite unnecessary to put here now. Lääni's are like something that is somewhere above.


Instead we rather would use regions that are total of 20 Åland island included. These 20 regions are used also in GSAK macro to generate maakunta map of Finland. Is it possible to change to those regions somehow?


Suomen maakunnat in finnish

About Finlands Regions in english


We have tought that GSAK macro for some time and now this province thing will mixed up everything. Look our wrintings about this subject here

.. I think the work should be taken into consideration. This would really help Finnish people better to locate caches in their.

Here is a list of all regions and appreviations that are used in of each region if this is handy to your.


AL =Åland,EK =Etelä-Karjala,EP =Etelä-Pohjanmaa,ES =Etelä-Savo,IU =Itä-Uusimaa,

KH =Kanta-Häme,KL =Kymenlaakso,KP =Keski-Pohjanmaa,KS =Keski-Suomi,KA =Kainuu,LA =Lappi,

PH =Päijät-Häme,PI =Pirkanmaa,PK =Pohjois-Karjala,PM =Pohjanmaa,PP =Pohjois-Pohjanmaa,

PS =Pohjois-Savo,SK =Satakunta,UM =Uusimaa,VS =Varsinais-Suomi,NN =Nil

Edited by small oaks
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Please roll back this nonsense for Finland Immediately! It makes absolutely no sense at all to divide a country of this size into any kind of regions on the geocaching.com site. I completely agree with what Ville Saari said about this (quoted below).


And if you really must do this kind of division, there SHOULD be an option to search the (newest) caches from the WHOLE country in ONE search.

Edit: Thanks at least this one started to after posting. (Yes I checked several times that the first option in the list was 'Eteläsuomen lääni' and by the way none of the options that I tested returned ANY caches for me. Now there's 23 in Eteläsuomnen lääni, but don't expect mine to end up there.))


I actually posted this already in 2004, but I think it's time to remind that we need this feature in Finland too, sooner than better.
Why do we "need" it? Finland is a single state. Not a federation consisting of multiple states. And the six province division you suggested is about the worst possible way of subdividing Finland, as those provinces are an artificial division which is totally meaningless to ordinary people and will be abolished in 2010. Also the number of caches on Finland can't be used as justification for subdividing Finland to smaller units. We currently have about 6000 caches listed on gc.com, which is about the same as in the smaller individual states of USA. And one ninth of the number of caches in California alone!


What we do need is just the opposite: Currently what is listed as 'Finland' in gc.com is not really Finland, but just the continental part of it and the province of Åland is listed as a different country 'Aland Islands', which it is not. We need to have this error corrected. Åland is a part of Finland so the caches in there should be lested as being in Finland. And removing this erroneous division is trivial to do. Unlinke adding a new division. If Finland would be subdivided to smaller units, then unless Groundspeak can somehow magically determine the correct slot for every cache based of its coordinates, we'll only have the new caches in the subdivided provinces. All the old caches would stay in just 'Finland' unless their owners are active enough to edit the cache description. The subdivision is totally useless if the data is not complete, because if you want to search for caches in your own province, you'll still have to search for the whole Finland to make sure you don't miss those caches that don't have their country information updated.

Edited by lq
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I second the idea of changing the current Lääni division of Finland.


Using provinces (lääni) is the least logical choice, as they are an artificial governmental division, whereas regions (maakunta) are meaningful to people. Also, as mentioned, the provinces are to be abolished in 2010, according to the Wikipedia article quoting YLE (Finnish national broadcast company) news.

Edited by ekhoc
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This (Post#7) is actually the first post to this thread which I just opened today. I moved several posts from another thread into here so that more of the affected community can see the conversation and respond accordingly. Those posts were added yesterday so they appear above my post, in chronological order.



Yesterday, Groundspeak added "states" functionality to Finland. I believe you call them Lääni or Provinces. The choices are these, which were provided to us by your reviewer.

  1. Etelä-Suomen Lääni
  2. Länsi-Suomen Lääni
  3. Itä-Suomen Lääni
  4. Oulun Lääni
  5. Lapin Lääni

Now, the next step is for you to edit your own existing cache pages and specify their Lääni so that the Advanced Search function works better. It is not required to edit an old cache page but it sure is a good idea to do so. This is done one cache at a time. There is no automation currently available for it.


People placing new caches will now see this option when they create a new cache.

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GC:n sivuille on siis lisätty Suomen aluejaoksi viisi lääniämme. Näyttää olevan erilaisia näkökantoja, tarvitaanko jakoja yleensä ollenkaan tai jos jaetaan, pitäisikö kotimaamme pilkkoa pienempiin palasiin eli maakuntiin.


Joka tapauksessa uusien kätköjen ilmoituslomakkeessa voi määrittää, missä läänissä jemma sijaitsee. Ei sitä kai pakko ole kertoa jos ei halua. Valinta käy kyllä aika helposti ja ehkä jollekin etsijälle tiedosta on hyötyä.


On myös vapaaehtoista ja omistajan harkinnassa, muokkaako vanhoja kätköjään ja ilmoittaa niiden sijaintiläänin. Aluejako on tehtävä manuaalisesti, automatiikkaa siihen ei ole.


Nyt kätköjen hakusivulla voi käyttää läänijakoa. Vain ne kätköt tulevat aluekohtaiseen hakutulokseen, joiden sijaintilääni on määritetty.

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Joka tapauksessa uusien kätköjen ilmoituslomakkeessa voi määrittää, missä läänissä jemma sijaitsee. Ei sitä kai pakko ole kertoa jos ei halua. Valinta käy kyllä aika helposti ja ehkä jollekin etsijälle tiedosta on hyötyä.

Testattu on, joku lääni on pakko valita, muuten ei mene läpi.


There are errors on this page. Scroll down to see the errors.

Your listing is currently in the review queue.


* You must select a state/province for this listing.


Lisäsin aiheesta "turhalle ja haitalliselle" geocache.fi foorumille äänestyksen tästä asiasta.

(Koska kyseisessä foorumisoftassa on äänestysmahdollisuus, tietääkseni tässä ei.)


Toistaiseksi kukaan ei ole tukenut tätä juuri käyttöön otettua mallia. Joten vielä on pientä toivoa että päästään tästä eroon. :D Thymallus Thymallus ottanee yhteyttä pääkallopaikkaan tämän asian tiimoilta vielä tänään illalla.

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Toistaiseksi kukaan ei ole tukenut tätä juuri käyttöön otettua mallia. Joten vielä on pientä toivoa että päästään tästä eroon. :D Thymallus Thymallus ottanee yhteyttä pääkallopaikkaan tämän asian tiimoilta vielä tänään illalla.


Asia on jo hoidossa muutenkin.

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Sinne katosi lääninvalintamahdollisuus/pakko. Ehkä jää vielä kummittelemaan niihin purkkein joihin se ehdittin laittaa.


21:45:43 <@Harjus> ja läänit tulee katoamaan sit 
21:45:53 <@Harjus> takaisin vanhaan aikaan paluu 
21:45:56 <@Harjus> en tiedä ajankohtaa milloin 
21:53:23 <@Harjus> jokos ne sen muutti 
21:58:13 <@Harjus> joo eipä tuolla ole enää läänivalintaa 

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I made a stupid mistake, and updated "Läänis" to all my caches! Now, when you try to open a log in a separate window, you'll receive an error message:

"System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Geocaching.UI.LogBookPanel.ShowCountryState(Int64 StateID, Int64 CountryID) at Geocaching.UI.LogBookPanel.ShowViewLogInfo() at Geocaching.UI.LogBookPanel.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)"

Obviously, this a wrong thread to report such an issue but I did it anyway :laughing:



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I made a stupid mistake, and updated "Läänis" to all my caches! Now, when you try to open a log in a separate window, you'll receive an error message:

"System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Geocaching.UI.LogBookPanel.ShowCountryState(Int64 StateID, Int64 CountryID) at Geocaching.UI.LogBookPanel.ShowViewLogInfo() at Geocaching.UI.LogBookPanel.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)"

Obviously, this a wrong thread to report such an issue but I did it anyway :laughing:




Wo-hoo! It works again after you go back to your cache listings and change the country to point at "Finland"!

Twice the Fun! :laughing:


Next time, when there is an update, do Nothing!




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Very unfortunate that that whole concept was thrown away. I would have appreciate if regions (maakunnat) would have been used insted of provinces (läänit). Perhaps someday!


Provinces are not used but the bug remains..? :blink:


I didn't know this problem is "Finland-centred" and so there's a thread: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=208386


And another note: I see our profile BUT I'm not able to go to the site where the 30 newest finds etc. are listed (is it "Quick View" or something like that.. Anyway, the site you normally get when going to www.geocaching.com/my.)


Only one (or two) geocacher(s) replied and wrote that (t)he(y) has/have the same problem. Anyone else?


PS. (Google)Map is not working - but that's not news. :sad: It's been "requesting for geocaches" for...I don't how long time.


er_la / ermilala

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The bugs should be fixed now.


Very unfortunate that that whole concept was thrown away. I would have appreciate if regions (maakunnat) would have been used insted of provinces (läänit). Perhaps someday!
I understand your point of view, Geovius.


Many folks sent feedback (some privately) that Finland is small enough that it is actually best if no division is made. It makes the site searches and Pocket Queries much easier and more complete for Finland that way.


Maybe I should fly there and see it so I can decide for myself? :blink:

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I am sorry if your email got overloaded, but somehow people doesn't seem to understand there they should discuss from these things. Alltough I have tried to do my best direct them to the right direction. That's why I am little bit dissatisfied.


That is a good idea that you come personally check the situation. We promise to give you a good guided tour to local caches. Caching in abroad gives a lot of perspective to the this hobby. At least we like to cache in abroad alltough sometimes it might be diccult due the language barrier.

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