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Edgemaster's OS Maps Script


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Thanks for the headsup, now fixed, Google had changed something quite subtly in their API's internals that I was using, a quick 5 character change fixed it.


No need to update, the change was on the server that serves the map.


Thanks Edgemaster for the ultra prompt fix.


Life can return to normal again

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I've been getting 'This map tile cannot not be served" for a few weeks now... If everyone else has it working just fine, is it possible that those [lovely] people at the OS are refusing to serve Openspace tiles to non-UK users?

I don't see why they would be. Do you have anything installed in your firefox that may prevent referrer addresses from being sent to third parties?

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I don't see why they would be. Do you have anything installed in your firefox that may prevent referrer addresses from being sent to third parties?


Erm, yeah turns out that if you turn off Web Developer Toolbar in Firefox, it keeps doin it's stuff behind the scenes... Oops, Referer (sic :rolleyes:) header now restored, Ctrl+F5 and back they come, ta for the prod - feeling dumb now ;)icon_redface.gif

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