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"Good Jeremy/Bad Jeremy Geocoin"


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I certainly hope he is watching. This will come up over and over until it is cleared up, either by sending out the coins owed, or by refund. I'm guessing that you didn't explain to him the thousands of dollars worth of coins you owe to the people here? Perhaps if you had he would have decided to announce this on his own.....


I have to agree 100% here with Hula. This is just bad timing pending the other issues.


People are upset because they are out many $$$$ and they are trying to get the attention of the person/s who owe them either a refund or coins. Since this is the latest thread, this is where they will come.


As others have pointed out, communication is the key. Having orders sit for more than 60 days is unacceptable regardless of who it is.

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I am curious now, you say

...Jeremy's coin is JEREMY'S coin - It was produced separately, it was paid for separately, it will be distributed the way Jeremy sees fit...


What was the reason for getting permission from him to make this annoucement?

...I posted the announcement for this coin because Jeremy said I could announce it - that's it...


You indicated that other coins (Titanic and Lady Luck) would be a priority and then you next post is this thread. Seems a bit off!!!

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Of course Jeremy knows about his coin. The thing you forget is that this coin was probably ordered long before any delays were made known in here. Jim has stated that he was going to follow through on the delivery of the other coins.

Can we please now keep this on the topic of the coin, and if you have problems with delays of other coins, take it to either the Titanic thread, or the Delay Thread that was started for the purpose of reporting your delays.

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Personally I don't think that the art on the coin is anything special. Being a fan of fantasy art I am appalled that you call those "demons"; they are only cherebs that had their wings plucked off and replaced with bat wings. I'm really sick of seeing cheap clip art coins.


Personally something like the following would be better:






A demon should look like one, not some genetic mishap at the chereb factory.


In a separte note I do think that announcing this coin here is just a shameless plug for your company, and reflects poorly on both it and you. After all that has happened here I'll be surprised if your company will survive, not that I wish you any ill, but just being realistic. You have a deep hole to find a way out of and if you manage to do so it will be a long and hard road. Expect many more of your coin thread to have similar post. Just because you have a new account does not mean you get to have a new start.


Sorry that you had a divorce and all, and that you still feel something for her, but that will pass. It took me close to 2 years after a break-up to realize I was fooling myself. Maybe it will be different for you.



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