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Stupid questions from a newbie


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Hello! The hubby and I are very new to the whole Geocaching thing and have decided to become geocoin collectors. In trying to learn about the process, I would like to here from others as to what the basic "rules" are and how someone just starting out should increase their collection. So here are some questions I have thought of, but feel free to add any other information you might have! Thanks!!


1. Should coins I receive be activated when I don't know whether or not I'll eventually trade them?

2. I assume there are events just for geocoin collectors, how do I find out about them?

3. Is it best not to put coins into caches, and instead look to trade them?


Again, these are just the things I can think of. All thoughts are welcomed! Thanks again!



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Welcome jandn93:


The questions you are asking are all perfectly valid and are being asked by alot of people that are new to the game. I wouldn't activate any coins you receive as many people value activated coins less. I have a relatively small collection of 50-75 coins, with only one activated and that was because I bought it from Ebay that way and adopted (transferred "ownership") it.


As far as the events go, sign up for Groundspeak's weekly newsletter. Go to geocaching.com and then click on "my account" to the left. From there, you should be able to choose to receive the weekly newsleter. It's full of upcoming activities.


As far as putting coins in caches, I just posted a response to someone else who was asking pretty mush the same thing:


"What some people do is to drill a hole in the coin (which renders it less desirable for coin thieves) and attach a tag with a "mission statement". Check out a pic that dflye posted of this (post #9):




Also, you could use travel bugs, like the Groundspeak travel bug that are less expensive than many coins and are so universal, that they are not really collector's items. The Groundspeak ones look like this:




By participating in the game, you're setting the coins free for them to live their own life in a way, but you get to watch them move around the country or even the world - sometimes for years. If you don't want to sink a lot of money into it, get a few low cost coins or travel bugs and just watch them for a while to see what you think. If you don't like the results, you're out what $20-30? Then your decision is either to get out of geocoins all together, or to stick with the coin collecting aspect. A lot of the coin designs are beautiful works of art and are exceptionally creative. Nothing wrong with just collecting, but I'm hoping you stick with and do both".

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Let's see, you want advice on being a geocoin collector. I should say


Instead I will say welcome to the club.


There are lots of ways to start collections, there is a pinned thread at top with a lot of geocoin dealers listed, as a group we have cointests sometimes where you can win some coins too.


As far as what to do with them,,, some keep them all, some keep a few and send others out into the wild, and some release most if not all of their coins on missions. Basically it's up to you.


Activation is the same way. However if you think you might want to trade a coin later, most, not all, collectors prefer to trade for unactivated coins. But coins can be adopted to someone later if need be and is agreed by both parties.


This is a fun but sometimes expensive part of a great game. Enjoy it along with us.

And again welcome.

Edited by T"n"T
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Hello! The hubby and I are very new to the whole Geocaching thing and have decided to become geocoin collectors. In trying to learn about the process, I would like to here from others as to what the basic "rules" are and how someone just starting out should increase their collection. So here are some questions I have thought of, but feel free to add any other information you might have! Thanks!!


1. Should coins I receive be activated when I don't know whether or not I'll eventually trade them?

2. I assume there are events just for geocoin collectors, how do I find out about them?

3. Is it best not to put coins into caches, and instead look to trade them?


Again, these are just the things I can think of. All thoughts are welcomed! Thanks again!




Most collectors will only by or trade for unactivated coins. Personally, I activate all the coins I plan on keeping in my collection as I take them with me to events to be discovered, so if I find a coin i like I will get it even if it is activated. Activated coins can be adopted to a new owner. I have a small stash of activated coins I use in missions, as gifts, for FTF prizes, and traders.


At every event I have been to there is an area or table set up for coins and travel bugs for both discovery and people looking to trade. There are some events targeted to coin lovers, but you will find them at every event large and small.


Putting coins in caches in a personal decision you must make. Opinions on this vary. There are people out there who like to take coins and keep them, instead of moving them along. This is really the case with any traveling object. Coins, travel bugs, and personal trackables have been known to disappear. Sometimes after 5 miles, sometimes after 5,000. It really varies. By all means release some, they are fun to watch and track, but never release anything that has a significant value because there is always the chance can disappear.


I hope this helps and welcome to the game!

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1. Should coins I receive be activated when I don't know whether or not I'll eventually trade them?

2. I assume there are events just for geocoin collectors, how do I find out about them?

3. Is it best not to put coins into caches, and instead look to trade them?


1. Do you like icons? If so you may want to activate some but not all. Buy coins in pairs: 1 to keep, 1 to trade or release. Your keeper could be your icon getter so trade the other. Or your traveller is your iconer so don't activate the one you keep. The choice is yours.


2. The event just for coiners is usually Geocoin Fest but pretty much most of the vendours show up to the major Mega Events. Your weekly notification from Geocaching.com will list the upcoming Mega Events as well as the local Meet and Greets. Attend a few of the local events and see how your neck of the woods stacks up in the coin collection dept.


3. Coins were made to be travelers. Cut some loose. If you like the experience do it again and again and again. If you just can't part with them... don't. It's all up to you. Most of all you don't have to decide how you're going to be doing this right now. Just do what feels right to you.

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Consider making the initial investment in your own coin design if you are serious about collecting. This gives you the best of both worlds - stuff to trade with and stuff to gift/release. It is easy to sell at least a few of what you make - just don't get carried away with thinking you will sell 1000's and be prepared to pay postage for trades.

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