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National Trail Maps


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Red90 has done an excellent job of collecting and maintaining the Calgary Area trailmaps project. Moun10Bike's recent post got me wondering how many other projects like this their might be.


With that in mind, I'm looking for volunteers from different areas of the country to help with collecting, and maintaining a national database of trail data with a view to creating a transparent custom Garmin compatible map (and potentially a magellan version) that can be used to supplement existing map sets.


Responsibilities of those looking to help include:

Acting as a point of contact for people in your area to send trail data to.

Actively promoting the project in your area (through local forums etc).

Quality control of trail data coming in... (Make sure that when adding a trail to your area you don't already have the trail, making sure that the data added isn't copyrighted by someone else, adding names for trails where appropriate etc).

Compiling the trails in your area in to a single file for later compilation in to a Garmin IMG format (not hard to do, just important that you be well organized.).


I don't think in general provinces should be split in to more than 2 areas at most, but if you don't feel up to taking on the whole process by yourself, you can always recruit others to help you.


For an example of what I'm going for, see Red90's trailmaps:





Hey there ibycus


I would be willing to get something going here in Sask. There are 2 large trails in each of the 2 main cities (Saskatoon / Regina) as well as the Trans Canada Trail. I also know of a few other smaller trails that could be included as well and most of the Prov. Parks have walking trails.




Hey there ibycus


I would be willing to get something going here in Sask. There are 2 large trails in each of the 2 main cities (Saskatoon / Regina) as well as the Trans Canada Trail. I also know of a few other smaller trails that could be included as well and most of the Prov. Parks have walking trails.




I think we should also include trails in parks and that kind of thing. Any 'official' track you might walk on, on the way to a cache would be my personal definition of a trail. (I'm sure there has to be more than 2 trails in Saskatoon and Regina :P ).

Posted (edited)

Let's hope so. I'm close to 300 named trails and over 2000 separate trails for the Calgary area and there are lots more to do.


The "rules" I use for inclusions are..... If the area has an official map, I only show trails on that map. I try as best as possible to represent the trail system as defined by the land managers. If there is no map, and there are no known special rules, I will put on anything. The only other variation I use is if the "trail" is not the only way or is not marked, then I label it as a "route" on the map indicated it is only one possible option.


Drivable (off highway) trails are shown differently in order for them to be seen easier while in a vehicle. My trail maps are not limited to non-motorized use trails only. I try to have the project open for all users. The intent is to show all "pathways" that are not on regular maps or are not properly shown on those maps.


I'll add that you will need to do a lot of prodding and poking if you want people to contribute data. You will need to ask anyone and everyone over and over unless you want to map the world yourself.


The end result is wonderful however. Come caching in the Calgary area and you will see. It will be rare to find a cache that does not have the trail to it on the map. There is no need to bushwack around here.

Edited by Red90

What an awesome project, looking for trails to hike is what led me to geocaching in the first place. I will help down here in Mainland NS once i kind of get my head around exactly what needs to be done


The end result is wonderful however. Come caching in the Calgary area and you will see. It will be rare to find a cache that does not have the trail to it on the map. There is no need to bushwack around here.


This is a really good point, and one that is easy to miss. Its a great thing to show land managers as a proactive measure we are taking to minimize our impact.


So Parker2 are you still interested in managing the trails for Saskatchewan?


Still looking for lots more people...


Red90: Your trails only go up to central Alberta right? Should we be looking for an Edmontonian? I can cross post this to the Edmonton forum if we are.


I'd really like to get this going, as I think the result could be amazing.


Red90: Your trails only go up to central Alberta right? Should we be looking for an Edmontonian? I can cross post this to the Edmonton forum if we are.


It would be a good idea as it would really help to have a local person do the editing.


I've thrown together a quick and dirty website, nothing really there yet, just figured it would be good to get some kind of an online presence going...



Dragonflys --- If you need any help getting started, feel free to e-mail me. I suggest you check out GPSMapEdit (http://www.geopainting.com) and cgpsmapper.


I'd also like to suggest to both you and Parker2 that you start bugging people for data.




If I had some time to burn I'd love to record some tracks on my bike for some of the nice nearby trails, there's a lot of good ones from urban footpaths to rural nature walks. Plus, if I can bike them, then most people should be able to do them on foot (terrain-wise).


I'll set up a forum on the CAC board for discussing things and write up a little explanation about what people need to do to make the maps.


I think this will be better than filling Grounspeak's forums with this topic.


How tech savy do I need to be to help out with this? I'm in BC and would be willing to help out with the BC Database but I'm not a computer progammer or software engineer. I'm resonably competent but if it requires knowing various programming languages or anything than I'm not your man.


How tech savy do I need to be to help out with this? I'm in BC and would be willing to help out with the BC Database but I'm not a computer progammer or software engineer. I'm resonably competent but if it requires knowing various programming languages or anything than I'm not your man.


It is fairly straightforward. Ibycus will do the map compilation, which is the techy bit. See my post on the CAC forums, http://forums.calgarycachers.net/viewtopic...f=30&t=2924


Being familiar with the trails in the area and having access to published trail maps and such is a bigger plus. This allows you to edit the raw data correctly into a good map, with proper naming and such. It also helps to ensure that we are only showing trails that are "approved" by the local land managers in areas that have such rules.


As an example, someone will send in their whole day's tracklog. This includes driving, stops for lunch, whatever. You need to figure out what part of that is the trails and what they are named. This part requires the more local knowledge if it is to be done correctly.

Posted (edited)

Well, I'm a pretty avid hiker/backpacker and tend to spend at least a weekend a month backpacking and try to get out for at least a day hike on one of the weekend days when I'm not backpacking.

I'm reasonably familiar with most of the trails in southwestern BC and some of the trails on Vancouver Island. Anything I'm not too sure of I'm in contact with a lot of other hikers/backpackers on a hiking forum (www.clubtread.com - my username is marc there if you're interested).

Edited by marcjboudreau

How tech savy do I need to be to help out with this? I'm in BC and would be willing to help out with the BC Database but I'm not a computer progammer or software engineer. I'm resonably competent but if it requires knowing various programming languages or anything than I'm not your man.


I'd say the biggest qualification you need is knowing people, and being willing to bug, bug, bug them for trail data. The rest is pretty straight forward, and I can help you out with, but we'll never get anywhere without the trail data.




Well, I'm a pretty avid hiker/backpacker and tend to spend at least a weekend a month backpacking and try to get out for at least a day hike on one of the weekend days when I'm not backpacking.

I'm reasonably familiar with most of the trails in southwestern BC and some of the trails on Vancouver Island. Anything I'm not too sure of I'm in contact with a lot of other hikers/backpackers on a hiking forum (www.clubtread.com - my username is marc there if you're interested).


You sound perfectly qualified.


Ok, sign me up to help out for Ontario.


I've saved most of my old track logs from hiking on the Bruce Trail and Oak Ridges Trail, in addition to a ton of canoe routes through Algonquin Park and other areas. Usually I just compile them into filtered tracks and load them as sets to my GPS whenever I am in the area, but having a transparent map overlay sounds like a great idea. Sounds like I have some reading up to do.


For anyone interested, I'll start collecting trail data here: trails@tomtec.ca




Are you only looking for Canadian data? If not, I can supply trail data for the US Pacific Northwest.


For now, I think we should stick to Canada. I think a North American trail database is probably a bit too ambitious at the moment.


I think this is an awesome project, I know of a couple trail maps like this: the NCC_trails (for National Capital Region) by dedale and northernpegiun is working on Ontario trails. Dedale also has a Hiking project Canada map set too, but I do not know how much is included in these map layers, I have been sending him my track logs for trails not on either of his map layers.


I am from NS but living in Ottawa at the moment and I would like to help in this awesome project. I would like to help expand the east coast hiking trails. I have found a few gpx files for trails but not that many. I know the Halifax (and NS) government have the data but it is hard to have them provide it to the public.


DF you mentioned you would want to help too.. I will see about making the maps, but the hardest part is getting the trail info!!

Posted (edited)

This project basically died because nobody contacted Ibycus. I'm pretty sure he would be too busy to run the project now. If someone wants to step up, go for it.


Feel free to use the forum setup at Calgary Cachers site, if you want.


Edit, see here for the last update: http://forums.calgarycachers.net/viewtopic...f=30&t=3072 As you can see, despite a lot of talk, nobody stepped forward to actually work on an area. Maybe that can change.

Edited by Red90

Was in Pacific Spirit Park today and saw another gps with NW trails loaded. Had totally forgot about this project. Was dismayed to see only a few of the parks trails were shown.

Will see if I have any saved trail data to upload.


This project basically died because nobody contacted Ibycus.


As you can see, despite a lot of talk, nobody stepped forward to actually work on an area. Maybe that can change.


It is a hard thing... But maybe people from different regions can work to compile the trails and we can then work a main map layer.


The one thing I know just from using the Ontario trails and the National Capital region trails if formating. ATV, hiking, biking etc.. are different in the Ontario vs the National everything is the same. (Just a comment not a concern, right now it's about having the trails!!)


I have tried to work with NS government to get some of the trails from them and I was able to get a few but it is easier to pull teeth. What I was able to get it's now part of the Hiking Canada map layer with dedale http://pages.videotron.com/dedale/


I just don't have the skills or the money to put something like this together, but I have been trying to get a hold of trail data from people in NS..


I know the next time I'm out in Halifax I'm going to host an event for people to bring track logs!! (maybe they can win prizes for the most or something..) and I'll ask Dedale to add these new track into his map layer.


I know it's maybe not perfect, but it's better then bushwacking 200 m parallel to a trail!!


You are right though, Mr.Wilson. Although Nanaimo is included in the NWTrails mapset, the data that you linked to definitely is not.


Someone should get that data to Moun10bike!!

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