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GARMIN eTrex PC Cable


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:( OK, this is getting silly, I have called about 20 stores that are listed on GARMIN's web site as distributors, yet NOBODY carries any accessories for my little cheap GARMIN eTrex (yellow). I can however order this serial cable from GARMIN online and pay shipping and possibably tax, then I also will have to buy a serial to USB adaptor. If I am able to find these cables locally (looking doubtful at this point), the total bill for two cables will be more than I paid for my GPS unit. Since it looks like I will have to order at least one of these online, that jacks the price up even more.


My plea to all of you is this...

Does anyone have an extra or old Garmin eTrex PC cable lying around that they don't use or need anymore and would part with it for a reasonable and realistic price?

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I never quite figured why you have to purchase an adapter, couldn't Garmin just supply an end to convert it or just change it design. I bought one on Ebay but you had to have the program with the cable to work it, It was around $2.00, but I still can't master loading the maps from the CD.

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They did change the design; more recent GPSr use USB.


As a rural gentleman reminded me this week: "if you want a two-legged animal, don't buy a horse".


If you are asking why Garmin doesn't sell USB-to-serial cables out of the box: it is a support headache waiting to happen. Search the forums for "serial USB". It's full of people trying to make their wonky modern non-serial windoze boxen do wonky serial tricks. Even when they do work (which mine have), it is difficult to get folks to grok that the usb info is being sent across to a fake serial port. Frustration ensues. Callcenter support is $$$ for companies. Things that generate calls are Bad. Therefore OEM serial/usb adapters would be Bad.

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I had one brand of serial>USB adapter (can't remember name because it's in the garbage) which I could not get to work, no matter how many drivers, etc I downloaded off the net.

Bought a Nexxtech brand PN 2608042 for $29.95 which came with installation software, and worked like a charm with my ol' yellow ETrex.

Edited by TOLady
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Do you have a digital camera? My digital camera cord fits my GPS, my cell phones and the camera. It's the same exact cord that came with the GPS unit. I just keep that one put away, and the other stays plugged in just about all the time.


You're thinking of the more recent GPSrs that use the mini USB port. He's looking for the old school serial cable.


Thanks for your help anyways.



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I had this problem with my PDA. It has a 9 pin serial cable and the desktop finally went to that big processor in the sky. So that only left the laptop. Not having a 9 pin on the laptop, I started asking around to people I know and found a store called Microcenter. Now, they had 2 9 pin serial cables/usb cables for sale. One for $30 and one for $40. I bought the $40 one only because its not a cord but a 2 inch long thing and it worked just fine for me. They had, I am not lying, 3 long aisles full of nothing but computer cables. It was the neatest thing I have ever seen.

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