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adding Audio to cache pages


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Please please - I beg of you - DO NOT have sound play automatically when a page opens. This is so beyond irratating.


Don't even try to trick the system into doing it. The standard HTML for this is stripped out by HTML tidy on the site anyway.


If you MUST have some sound - provide a link to the sound file stored elsewhere on the internet.

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You guys are all awesome!

Now that you mention it, it is very annoying isn't it??


I think I will add a link instead... Much easier for a HTML illiterate person like me to do anyway, and much less annoying.


Thanks for the "constructive criticism" it is appreciated. :D


out of curiosity, is it against Groundspeak TOU to have a cache page play sound? One of you mentioned it is supposed to be stripped out.

Edited by caverspencer
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After Groundpeak added HTML Tidy, that program strips out code that was extraneous or not allowed . . . as I understand it.


If the cache owner were to go in and edit their cache page now, the embedded code would be stripped out. As long as they don't edit their page, it will remain, as I understand it. :laughing:

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Have you ever noticed how some cache pages have audio that plays when you open the page?


Waht does it take to do this? Where do you get the audio? Where does the audio need to be stored? Where do I learn the HTML tags for it?


Yes, for the love of God, please don't add automatic audio to *any* web page. This is not only annoying, but disastrous for people surfing from work.

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I have read that Sound files or other downloadable files are NOT allowed on new cache placements.


Links and quotes of interest:


Guidelines that Apply to all Cache Types

In the interest of file security, caches that require the downloading, installing or running of data and/or executables may not be published.


And a few months ago there was a forum spiel about the difference between 'may not' and 'will not'. Can't find that right now since searching will not operate on 3 letter words. I thought that the outcome was that the guidelines would be changed to will not.

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Have you ever noticed how some cache pages have audio that plays when you open the page?


Waht does it take to do this? Where do you get the audio? Where does the audio need to be stored? Where do I learn the HTML tags for it?


I think this is a good case to allow a link to an offsite web page. The cache listing can give a warning that audio is part of the cache page. That way when you clkick the link, you know what you are in for.

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