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Is it fair placing a micro/group of micros?

M@X Meerkat

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Recent caching activity in Joburg has got me a bit peeved (:)) of late.


Caches have popped up in some really great places in Joburg. Places with huge potential for a decent puzzle cache, themed caches, etc. However when you check them out they are micro caches. Worse yet they are sometimes placed haphazzardly with little investigation, ie. Cache placed to close to other caches, Visible to or easily found by muggles, etc.


Actually micros are fine in high muggle areas, that's why they are accepted in the geocaching community. But please, not if they are in an area, where with a little more effort and time, you could place a proper size cache. I have nothing against micros, but it's more fun if you have to actually go through some effort in order to find them. Not just; Here's the coordinates, there's the cache. No fun.


The impression I get, and others I have spoken to, is that cache owners who place these types of caches are mearly after the numbers and this is not what the sport is about. It's about having fun while searching for cache. Sure, other stuff counts as well. Going to places you have never seen before, etc.


By now, most of you probabily think that this post is aimed at a particular individual or group of individuals, it is (and some of you can probabily guess exactly who), yet at the same time I believe we should all be aware of the types of caches we place. What kind of an example is it for a muggle we want to introduce when we get to the cache with zero effort, other than looking at our GPSr, and we find a film container with a piece of paper and that's it.


Geocaching should be about the thrill of the hunt, or the places it takes us too, or the anticipation of the trinkets we will be able to exchange. It should not be about the numbers. There's no prestige in being able to claim that you've hidden a hundred caches. You shouldn't even have to make an claims. If you place a decent cache that people really enjoy, they will spread the word for you.


I will not mention who the individual / group of individuals are, because that is not important. I posted this to express my feelings on the subject and that is all. I realise that we are a community, a family per say, and like all families, not everyone gets along at times. But if we talk about things that bug us, we can sort through anything. I have mentioned how I feel. I don't expect it to change anything, but I hope it does.

Posted (edited)

ha ha :) you just gotta love this topic popping up all the time :)


don't worry max, we agree with you.... and i think i've figured out why it happens:


you see... it's a little bit pricey to buy a lock 'n lock container, so your next best option is an ice-cream tub... though if you've noticed... geocachers are starting to become really healthy now-a-days, and are watching that ever-increasing waistline... so would rather opt for a couple of Windhoek lights than a bowl of ice-cream :D


And that's why there are soooo many micros! :huh:


But I wouldn't worry... digital camera's are taking over, so soon there will be no more film canisters to place! :P

Edited by Team_Farmers

M@X, you have a valid point here, and in some ways I guess we (C, F and the ranking system) are slightly to blame, but that is a story for another time.


I have always maintained that micros have their place. That being said we are guilt of placing a micro just outside Bethuli, but the spot was just perfect for one. The fact that it has not been submitted to GC.com is another story altogether. :D


I think what a lot of us need to realise is that with the number of caches and cachers in South Africa growing at a steady rate (again we apologise :)), one is going to have to pick and choose which caches to do and which to click that pretty ignore button on. Not all caches will be inspired, well thought out caches and some will unfortunately fall in, well..., the gutter.


That being said, it is rude for cachers to monopolise a park by placing micros all over it. There is a certain cache that consumes the entire park with its waypoints and final cache (all which are micros) and caused C to loose the perfect spot for his “last cache placement”.


If cachers are placing micros to ease the burden of maintenance, then this is wrong. If cachers are placing micros to climb the rankings, then this is VERY WRONG.


With respect, you should inform the cacher/ group thereof that their caches are boring/ not worth doing so they can better their efforts. That and join us in the forum to debate the points of a micro placements.


Just my 35mm film container worth...


oops, i set 2 micros last weekend. Silly me!


Max, you do say that geocaching should be about the places it takes you too, and the thrill of the hunt. Micros can do both of those though :)


mmm, I was thinking of a caching trip to JHB sometime, but it seems maybe I should cancel that idea now, and go back to durbs instead :D


Look, I have no problems with micro placements. In certain cases a micro is the best option and sometimes the only option for placing a cache. I was recently planning on releasing a micro myself so I would be contradicting myself by saying that all Micros are eveil.


And I agree that Micros are able to take you to places and provide that thrill of the hunt. In fact, our favorite cache (Alpha female and myself) was Sabie Saunter. A micro cache. My gripe is around the placement of micros with little or no imagination or any effort what-so-ever.


QFC, I don't think I need to inform the group/individual. I think the logs have spoken more than enough so far. I just don't know if it has sunk in yet.

Posted (edited)
mmm, I was thinking of a caching trip to JHB sometime, but it seems maybe I should cancel that idea now, and go back to durbs instead


Great idea Bob, any others?????



Edited by Noddy
My gripe is around the placement of micros with little or no imagination or any effort what-so-ever.

You are 100% correct in the above statement. Placement should be more than just for numbers. There's definitely a place for micros in this game (I have placed a few myself) but placing then just to get your numbers up is a no no!

Hopefully my micros don’t fall in the

little or no imagination or any effort what-so-ever



I agree with you guys whole heartedly, I went away at christmas and did quite a few caches while travelling around, most of which were not micro's and most gave me excuses to go to places i never have been to and possibly would not go to again :blink:. But my point was that when i came back there were many many new micro caches that had sprung up around Jhb, far too many for me to get to that is for sure. I have only placed 2 caches but the ones i have done took a fair amount of effort and time to set up, speaking of which i dragged one around for three days on the Otter trail and still nobody has even tried it yet :laughing: come on guys please give it a go :laughing:


I have only placed 2 caches but the ones i have done took a fair amount of effort and time to set up, speaking of which i dragged one around for three days on the Otter trail and still nobody has even tried it yet :laughing: come on guys please give it a go :drama:


We tend to stick to a 10% rule. Place one cache for every 10 found. It slows you down a bit but also gives you time to research properly and save up for creating a decent cache, see geocacher_coza most recent post.


If it helps we will hopefully be going that way next year, but I doubt we will be doing the Otter trail. Bit of a hike (5 Days and all).


speaking of which i dragged one around for three days on the Otter trail and still nobody has even tried it yet :drama: come on guys please give it a go :laughing:


Not trying to start a FTF race (oh, who am I kidding), but..... Otter Tail booked and paid for. ETA for cache find 13th October.... :drama:


Another two caches muggled and some rather icky comments from a cacher about placement.


I am considering PMing the cacher in question, the one who placed the caches, to voice my opinions directly as they have not provided any feedback on the forums or contacted myself. But, what the heck do I say without sounding holier than thou?


The cacher in question has found more caches than me, placed more than me... and worste of all I can't really comment because I have not been to the caches in question. Mainly because from the logs of others I have been too scared to try them out for fear of running into the wrong end of the law.


PS: QFC, you are going to beat me by a long shot to Otters. Enjoy and take some pics for us arm chair hikers.


What bother me from all these micros and the people that place them is when do they do maintenance on all this caches?

I have 13 caches and it is difficult to get to all of them to do maintenance. A quick look at the logs on some of these micros placed is proof that the cachers that placed them do not do a lot of maintenance on them. Lots of caches are reported as wet, not found etc. Surly it is the catchers responsibility to check a cache if it is reported as DNF. I reported four DNF the weekend and the catchers have not posted any notes that he/she checked the cached or are going to check the cache.

Below is a copy of the guideline for placement of caches

As the cache owner, you are also responsible for physically checking your cache periodically, and especially when someone reports a problem with the cache (missing, damaged, wet, etc.). You may temporarily disable your cache to let others know not to hunt for it until you have a chance to fix the problem. This feature is to allow you a reasonable time – normally a few weeks – in which to arrange a visit to your cache. In the event that a cache is not being properly maintained, or has been temporarily disabled for an extended period of time, we may archive or transfer the listing.

I have to agree with you guys, micros are just not in if you can place a regular cache at the same place. The other problem is, I have tried to place some decent caches (which take me quite a while to prepare) but as soon as I have everything ready, I notice a new micro in that vicinity and I have to replan.

Although I’ve only placed 3 caches so far (of which 1 is a micro) :rolleyes: I believe the micro I placed is in an area which has valuable historic information and highly muggled and where a regular cache is just not feasible.

There are also some other micros that I found worth while e.g. Fantasia and Northern View - it attracts you to something special.

My latest cache (model cache) took weeks of work and I take pride in it. (I just hope nobody is going to walk off with it)


I also have to comment on the KZN caches, these guys produce quality caches!!! :rolleyes:


I think that eventually the "just placing a micro for the hec of it" will wear off, as long as cachers continue to place decent caches. Micros, in a place of value where a regular/small, etc can not be placed, must be a yes. Definately the latest Zouga cache fits that definition.


I think pier (pure) B) pressure will eventually (hopefully) get the message through. :huh:

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