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found broken magellan


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It's a Magellan Explorist 200. found it in a parking lot. It looks like it was run over. It doesn't want to power up but when it does it sticks on the screen that shows the version and the globe. Thats all .

Is it worth trying to get it fixed?


Tim K


It would depend if you want to commit to sending it in and possibly pay for any repairs...



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We've learned from experience that there tends to be some demand for broken PCs, GPSr's, PDA's, cell phones, etc. on eBay, so you might want to try that route as well.


Definitely. If you've got space, keep it, unless someone else has a compelling need for it. You will eventually hear from someone who has busted the display on their 100/200/300, and you'll be their hero.

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