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Clever clues


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Recently I placed a multi that had two clues that had to be found/solved. The first one, which was the published one, involved "fishing" in a metal sign post tube with a metal object to retrieve a 35mm film can that had a magnet glued to it. Inside of the can was the co-ords for clue #2. This was a strip of flexible magnetic material that was attached under the top of a steel culvert, hidden by the corrugations. Printed on this strip is the location of the actual cache. I had stated in the published instructions that items such as a length of string, a hex nut and a mirror may be needed. There were several other items listed that were false/misleading. So far this one hasn't been the easiest for the seekers!


I want to put a little bit of deviousness in my next hide. It's more fun!


Anybody have any cute ideas for turning simple hides into real hair-pullers?

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There's one like that near here. It doesn't say to bring water though. You just find a piece of pvc that's zip tied to a fence post. There's a small hole near the bottom. You have to go get some water, plug the hole with your finger, and then pour the water into the pipe to make the cache float to the top.

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My wife and I recently solved a very fun puzzle that had what I thought was a very cleaver clue. Background: You have to solve 3 separate 2 stage multi caches to get the information you need to find the first stage of the 4th cache in the series. The kicker, the clues you get at the first 3 caches are map parts to a 120 year old plat map for a local township with an arrow on it pointing to where the cache is, not the GPS coordinates to it. The arrow on the map is accurate, but there is an additional hint placed at the first 3 caches that help you locate the first stage micro. Before we realized the clue, we spent about 20 minutes looking for the stage and took about 5-10 more to find it once the clue hit us.


The prize for solving this puzzle was worth everything. The FTF got a green Jeep TB, and everyone who solves it get to take a CD-ROM special made by the cache owner with information used to create the cache series, not to mention the map parts they had to assemble to determine the cache location to begin with. As many have said, that alone is worth framing.

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There's one like that near here. It doesn't say to bring water though. You just find a piece of pvc that's zip tied to a fence post. There's a small hole near the bottom. You have to go get some water, plug the hole with your finger, and then pour the water into the pipe to make the cache float to the top.



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Simple yet not expected are good ways to throw other cacher through a loop.


One of my nastiest hides yet is a fake keyholder rock placed only six feet away from a lone tree in a field. There are no other rocks around. The cache is close enough to the tree that the GPSr takes you almost straight to it. Cachers are just so used to the tree as the obvious place that they never think to just look for a lone rock a few feet away.


I had so many DNFs and phone calls on that on the first day published that I had to go out and check on it to silence that tiny voice in my head that believed it may have been muggled before ever being found. It was still there and remained unfound until I stumbled across a cacher looking for it in the park and gave him a couple nudges in the correct direction.


Think simple... too simple. They don't expect that.


- Rev Mike

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HOw about if you give them 20 coors on the first stage and only one is the final cache?


I've seen a multi cache where the first step had a box full of tiny containers (smaller than a 35mm box). Only one of them had the right coordinates. The rest had stuff written like "not this one", "take another shot", "woo, you missed the right one for an inch".

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HOw about if you give them 20 coors on the first stage and only one is the final cache?


I've seen a multi cache where the first step had a box full of tiny containers (smaller than a 35mm box). Only one of them had the right coordinates. The rest had stuff written like "not this one", "take another shot", "woo, you missed the right one for an inch".


I bet that was pretty fun to do.

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I bet that was pretty fun to do.


I forgot to mention I had a Magellan Meridian at that time and as we all know, the memory is kinda volatile when the unit is running on low batteries. I stored the waypoint, tried to hide the cache as good as I could.


Moments later I was back. The unit turned off and I had lost the coordinates and I had to go searching for them once again.



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There's one like that near here. It doesn't say to bring water though. You just find a piece of pvc that's zip tied to a fence post. There's a small hole near the bottom. You have to go get some water, plug the hole with your finger, and then pour the water into the pipe to make the cache float to the top.

:laughing: Dang I thought that I had come up with an original idea with that :laughing:

Oh well now I need to come with something really devious.

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There's one like that near here. It doesn't say to bring water though. You just find a piece of pvc that's zip tied to a fence post. There's a small hole near the bottom. You have to go get some water, plug the hole with your finger, and then pour the water into the pipe to make the cache float to the top.

:laughing: Dang I thought that I had come up with an original idea with that :laughing:

Oh well now I need to come with something really devious.


Well i'll be a monkey's uncle! We put out a cache like that as well and it took some trial and error to figure the right size hole for making sure the water drained at just the right rate for retrieval of the floated up container. I got it to where a 20oz bottle does the trick but the person doing the pouring has to be fast. Now i find out the simple solution here,,, plugging the hole with your finger. DUH, i'm slow!!! :laughing:

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Recently I placed a multi that had two clues that had to be found/solved. The first one, which was the published one, involved "fishing" in a metal sign post tube with a metal object to retrieve a 35mm film can that had a magnet glued to it. Inside of the can was the co-ords for clue #2. This was a strip of flexible magnetic material that was attached under the top of a steel culvert, hidden by the corrugations. Printed on this strip is the location of the actual cache. I had stated in the published instructions that items such as a length of string, a hex nut and a mirror may be needed. There were several other items listed that were false/misleading. So far this one hasn't been the easiest for the seekers!


I want to put a little bit of deviousness in my next hide. It's more fun!


Anybody have any cute ideas for turning simple hides into real hair-pullers?

Use a fake sprinkaler to hide the cords. to the next part

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how about having to fish for the whole cache. There is one in our area which tells you to bring a pole and a magnet. when you get close to the cache you find that it (a decon container with metal glued to the outside)is on an island and you have to cast until you catch the container with your magnet and can retrieve it. Of course the added difficulty is that you have to toss the cache back onto the island for the next finder when you are done. :rolleyes:

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