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Flase Find?

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Help for a relative newbie please. Paid a TLC visit to my urban nano today mainly to check whether the log needed replacing. All's well with it. Scanned the logbook but on reviewing the logs online this evening I'm sure that one claimed find did not sign the logbook. I've noticed that as cahce owner I can delete logs. I'll check again tomorrow but if I'm right, is that what I should do - delete it?



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Help for a relative newbie please. Paid a TLC visit to my urban nano today mainly to check whether the log needed replacing. All's well with it. Scanned the logbook but on reviewing the logs online this evening I'm sure that one claimed find did not sign the logbook. I've noticed that as cahce owner I can delete logs. I'll check again tomorrow but if I'm right, is that what I should do - delete it?




When this happens, I send the "finder" a note asking them to explain the descrepancy. If they can't or don't, then I delete the log. Most often it's a case of forgetting to bring a pen ... in which case if they can describe for me exactly where the cache was hidden, I'll let the log stand.

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Help for a relative newbie please. Paid a TLC visit to my urban nano today mainly to check whether the log needed replacing. All's well with it. Scanned the logbook but on reviewing the logs online this evening I'm sure that one claimed find did not sign the logbook. I've noticed that as cahce owner I can delete logs. I'll check again tomorrow but if I'm right, is that what I should do - delete it?




When this happens, I send the "finder" a note asking them to explain the descrepancy. If they can't or don't, then I delete the log. Most often it's a case of forgetting to bring a pen ... in which case if they can describe for me exactly where the cache was hidden, I'll let the log stand.

Model answer.

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Hey, *I* care. A bit. Standards are standards. If you do feel it's a dodgy log MJ, how about checking one of the other caches they say they've found in your area, or on the same day? Nano's can be a pig to open too, which may explain why there's no mark on the roll. It only takes a bit of arthritis to slow a keen cacher down. :P

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I once claimed a micro despite not signing the log, because it didn't have a pen in it and neither did I. In my log on the site I commented that I'd left a tiny piece of blue ribbon in it to prove I was there (luckily it was the day after a wedding so I could cut something tiny to leave in the cache)


Obviously someone who has really found it will be able to describe where it is in detail. Give them a little while to respond in case they are on holiday and if they don't then delete the log.

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I once claimed a micro despite not signing the log, because it didn't have a pen in it and neither did I.


In a similar circumstance, I took a photo of the log sheet and container and posted that along with my found-it log. That was accepted by the cache setter.

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I have FTF on a micro where it was impossible to get the log out of the container it was wedged in so tightly. In that case I was able to write a letter and the day of the month on a small corner of paper that was accessable inside the container. My online log explained what I had done.

Edited by Learned Gerbil
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On the rare occassions I forgot my pen/pencil, I fold the log in half and tear a small 'v' across the fold - comes out as a neat little diamond.


When logging I make a note to that effect.



I've torn the corner off a log sheet for the same reasons, but I made sure I mentioned the fact in the log along with a grovelling plea for the owner to accept it as proof of my visit.

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