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Cache-cadians Hide A Month Club


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Thanks Patudles for the constructive comments. Robinego, I’d prefer we keep the jabs, like pouty child, out of this discussion. The once a month club was started by Patudles a couple of years ago (and she and I discussed this at the time) as a way to generate more cache hides in our area. Many people thought it was a great idea and we had several participants, and it worked well, and it was fun. Last year we had fewer participants and this year even less signed up. When I signed on this year, I in fact did sign on hoping that several others would do the same (just as we did the first year). But it didn’t work out that way this year. So lately I was thinking about it and to be honest, it didn’t seem fair to sign on to a commitment to a club like this with so few participants. My intention was simply this: I made a public commitment to hide a cache a month, and now I don’t feel that way, so I made a public note that I wasn’t going to do that anymore. I didn’t want anyone asking me at the end of the year why I didn’t hide one a month if I did not. I also don’t want hiding caches to feel like an obligation. The hide a month club worked well the first year, but it seems silly at this point so I was just asking in my way why don’t we just drop the whole club idea. No one has to commit to anything and let’s just hide caches as we feel. I may just continue like I always do and hide an average of 25 a year, or I may only hide 1 this year. Who knows. My intention wasn’t to slam anyone else and if anyone felt that I did then I apologize. If we’re going to have this so called hide a month club, but only a few sign up, then in my mind it seems unfair and we may as well not continue. That’s all.


Thanks Patudles for the constructive comments. Robinego, I’d prefer we keep the jabs, like pouty child, out of this discussion. The once a month club was started by Patudles a couple of years ago (and she and I discussed this at the time) as a way to generate more cache hides in our area. Many people thought it was a great idea and we had several participants, and it worked well, and it was fun. Last year we had fewer participants and this year even less signed up. When I signed on this year, I in fact did sign on hoping that several others would do the same (just as we did the first year). But it didn’t work out that way this year. So lately I was thinking about it and to be honest, it didn’t seem fair to sign on to a commitment to a club like this with so few participants. My intention was simply this: I made a public commitment to hide a cache a month, and now I don’t feel that way, so I made a public note that I wasn’t going to do that anymore. I didn’t want anyone asking me at the end of the year why I didn’t hide one a month if I did not. I also don’t want hiding caches to feel like an obligation. The hide a month club worked well the first year, but it seems silly at this point so I was just asking in my way why don’t we just drop the whole club idea. No one has to commit to anything and let’s just hide caches as we feel. I may just continue like I always do and hide an average of 25 a year, or I may only hide 1 this year. Who knows. My intention wasn’t to slam anyone else and if anyone felt that I did then I apologize. If we’re going to have this so called hide a month club, but only a few sign up, then in my mind it seems unfair and we may as well not continue. That’s all.


Whoa, whoa, whoa... This is exactly why it took me about 10 minutes to write that post. In the past things have been written and misunderstandings insued. I purposely started off with the questioning blinky face, stating I hope I was reading your post wrong and even made sure I wrote that it was in my opinion that it came across as KIND OF snotty, LIKE a pouty child. I did not call you one. No jabs. I apologize if you misunderstood my post, I was asking for clarification and thought I was being more than diplomatic about that.


As far as the Once A Month Club goes. Several considerations. 1)A slew of newbies that have yet to find enough to warrant decent hides, 2) local saturation and who wants to maintain a cache 20+ miles away, 3) time.


Really? Mine took 30 minutes to write. <_< Regarding the newbies, be on the lookout for a coworker friend of mine. He goes by betti loo (the name of his dog). He's an engineer too! Maybe he'll bring in more puzzle caches....yeah!! (But lately he's been trying to figure out my Snowflakes cache without success...heehee). :P

Posted (edited)

Really? Mine took 30 minutes to write. :P Regarding the newbies, be on the lookout for a coworker friend of mine. He goes by betti loo (the name of his dog). He's an engineer too! Maybe he'll bring in more puzzle caches....yeah!! (But lately he's been trying to figure out my Snowflakes cache without success...heehee). <_<

Someone who works with you is moving into my neighbourhood, I wonder if it's the same person? Of course, you probably work with a lot of people. :unsure:

Edited by Ambrosia

Someone who works with you is moving into my neighbourhood, I wonder if it's the same person? Of course, you probably work with a lot of people. :P


No, that's another engineer co-worker friend of mine. He knows about geocaching and he has the gadgets (gps/pda) but he hasn't given geocaching a try....yet. <_<


Someone who works with you is moving into my neighbourhood, I wonder if it's the same person? Of course, you probably work with a lot of people. <_<


No, that's another engineer co-worker friend of mine. He knows about geocaching and he has the gadgets (gps/pda) but he hasn't given geocaching a try....yet. :unsure:

Well, he has no hope now. :ph34r::P


Why disband something that people are still participating in? Just because there is not ten people doing is no reason to quit. Personally I have found way more caches that I have put out, I would imagine most ALL of us are that way. no reason to slam that. Not to mention that you have to find some before you start hiding to get a few ideas of what works and what you like and what you think you can improve on!


Comes down to if you want to then do it, if not.....


Personally I have found way more caches that I have put out, I would imagine most ALL of us are that way. no reason to slam that.


Huh? :drama: Who's slamming everyone for finding more than they hide? I don't think you understand the gist of the posts.


Can I be a travel bug? I need to go to PA. :drama::blink:


I've never been to Philly before and I hope I have some time to see the historic district. By the way Ambrosia, I haven't any experience with Waymarking and I know you do. I'm interested in getting coordinates for POI in Philadelphia, such as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Ben Franklin's grave, Betsy Ross house, etc. Do you think there are waymarks for those kinds of things and how would I get their coordinates. Does Waymarking have a search engine to locate points of interest like those?

Posted (edited)

Can I be a travel bug? I need to go to PA. :D:D


I've never been to Philly before and I hope I have some time to see the historic district. By the way Ambrosia, I haven't any experience with Waymarking and I know you do. I'm interested in getting coordinates for POI in Philadelphia, such as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Ben Franklin's grave, Betsy Ross house, etc. Do you think there are waymarks for those kinds of things and how would I get their coordinates. Does Waymarking have a search engine to locate points of interest like those?

Yes, definitely. The hard thing is you need to fiddle around with the website for a bit to get used to it. But you can go to the zipcode for Philadelphia (punch it into the address search in the top right of the site), and then choose certain categories from the directory to search, and the results will show what you want to look for. I've not done this very often, so I'm not sure if you can look for more than one specific category (of course you can see ALL the categories at once if you don't filter) at once when doing this kind of search. You might want to glance around in the Waymarking forum to see if they have more answers. I know that you can build a favorite category list and search somehow with it, though I don't know the specifics.


Someone I know who's into Waymarking who lives in Philadelphia: ODragon. He might be able to help you as well.


So, for a quick example, I punched in a zipcode for Philadelphia. Then I went to the directory. At the top in the search bar, I typed in "Bell". That took me to a page that had two bell categories on it. "Bells", and "Californian Bells of Camino Real". I clicked on "Bells", and it took me to the search page that shows all the bells listed in Philadelphia. It's a new category, so there was only one. Liberty Bell


I wish I understood the search feature better. Someday they will have PQ's for waymarks. That's when it will really take off.

Edited by Ambrosia

Hey thanks so much. I haven't looked into Waymarking much but I can see where it can be quite handy if you're looking for something like the Liberty Bell. Checking the coordinates on the geocaching.com google maps there appears to be multi that starts there called Ben Franklin Phone Home (GCNFQD). I can see where one can use Waymarking.com to find a point of interest, and from the results, find nearby caches on geocaching.com. Now to find coordinates for the other points of interests. I wonder if I can find coordinates for a nearby historic covered bridge? Hmmm, I may just become a waymarker. :laughing:


Switching the train back to the track.... guess if there is not enough hides going on in the Wenatchee area you should come to Moses lake they seem to be popping up all over the place!




Hey thanks so much. I haven't looked into Waymarking much but I can see where it can be quite handy if you're looking for something like the Liberty Bell. Checking the coordinates on the geocaching.com google maps there appears to be multi that starts there called Ben Franklin Phone Home (GCNFQD). I can see where one can use Waymarking.com to find a point of interest, and from the results, find nearby caches on geocaching.com. Now to find coordinates for the other points of interests. I wonder if I can find coordinates for a nearby historic covered bridge? Hmmm, I may just become a waymarker. :angry:

Just wanted to make sure that you noticed: There is a link on all cache pages and all waymark pages that takes you to the nearest waymarks/geocaches. :laughing:


I hope that you enjoy Waymarking. :D


Just wanted to make sure that you noticed: There is a link on all cache pages and all waymark pages that takes you to the nearest waymarks/geocaches. :laughing:


I never paid much attention to it before so thanks for pointing it out. I spent some time this evening using the waypoint search engine. Pretty cool. I haven't decided yet whether I will become an active waymarker, but even if I don't, I will use it as a resource for locating the coordinates of Points of Interest I may want to visit while away on business trips if I have time.


Just wanted to make sure that you noticed: There is a link on all cache pages and all waymark pages that takes you to the nearest waymarks/geocaches. :laughing:


I never paid much attention to it before so thanks for pointing it out. I spent some time this evening using the waypoint search engine. Pretty cool. I haven't decided yet whether I will become an active waymarker, but even if I don't, I will use it as a resource for locating the coordinates of Points of Interest I may want to visit while away on business trips if I have time.

It is a great listing service. :D


Switching the train back to the track.... guess if there is not enough hides going on in the Wenatchee area you should come to Moses lake they seem to be popping up all over the place!




I tried to get out your way on Friday only to be called at 12:15 asking where I was since I was supposed to be at work 15 minutes ago... (I was at exit 154 well over an hour away...) :) I raced back home to work 1 1/2 hours late. Oops. Tried to explain that my calendar broke but they didn't buy it since I smelled a lot like sagebrush and had hiking boots on...


I will e-mail you when I can get back out that way so I can meet you and get those ML caches off my to-do list. (looking at this week sometime assuming I don't forget I have to work again) I do have a few caches in the back of my car that need to planted.




Switching the train back to the track.... guess if there is not enough hides going on in the Wenatchee area you should come to Moses lake they seem to be popping up all over the place!




I tried to get out your way on Friday only to be called at 12:15 asking where I was since I was supposed to be at work 15 minutes ago... (I was at exit 154 well over an hour away...) B) I raced back home to work 1 1/2 hours late. Oops. Tried to explain that my calendar broke but they didn't buy it since I smelled a lot like sagebrush and had hiking boots on...


I will e-mail you when I can get back out that way so I can meet you and get those ML caches off my to-do list. (looking at this week sometime assuming I don't forget I have to work again) I do have a few caches in the back of my car that need to planted.




Hopfully I will be arround to meet you, weekdays are bad for me, with work and all plus my wife is taking classes at night to become a radiology tech, which leave me babysitting. Usually can steal away from work a few hours if I know ahead of time (outside sales rep). Right now I am stuck at the house cause I cant seem to convice my son that he wants to go geocaching more than he wants to play with legos :D


Got my plans to go caching ruined today, call a call out for SAR and had to go swimming in the wasteway to pull a stolen vehicle out.... fun B) oh well I found the area I am going to hide my next cache for the Desert Casino series.... thinking Royal flush or full house this time!


Boy, we had to dig into the basement to resurect this thread :rolleyes: Koko and I hunted Wenatchee yesterday trying to find a place for a new hide. We eventually gave up and moved it closer to home (but still a lot closer to you). Sorry to say it may be in the nasty puzzle catagory but we have recently been on the receiving end of some of these :P:):unsure:


Boy, we had to dig into the basement to resurect this thread B) Koko and I hunted Wenatchee yesterday trying to find a place for a new hide. We eventually gave up and moved it closer to home (but still a lot closer to you). Sorry to say it may be in the nasty puzzle catagory but we have recently been on the receiving end of some of these :PB)B)


How far is it from Wenatchee? I may have to increase the mileage radius I have set for Notification of New caches. Nasty puzzle huh? Come on now, you're not referring to Camouflage are you? That should have been a piece of cake to solve for a former engineer. :P


Boy, we had to dig into the basement to resurect this thread :) Koko and I hunted Wenatchee yesterday trying to find a place for a new hide. We eventually gave up and moved it closer to home (but still a lot closer to you). Sorry to say it may be in the nasty puzzle catagory but we have recently been on the receiving end of some of these ;):wub::huh:


How far is it from Wenatchee? I may have to increase the mileage radius I have set for Notification of New caches. Nasty puzzle huh? Come on now, you're not referring to Camouflage are you? That should have been a piece of cake to solve for a former engineer. :wub:


Streets and trips says 19 miles from chez Navigatorz.


Oh Dear, it wasn't our intent to start a "Let's get even" puzzle event :o . Admit it now, it wasn't THAT difficult, the Nav solved it a lot more quickly that we were able to create it [:D] . Why not aim our puzzles so when they are solved the solver thinks "wow, I never knew that". K&A


Oh Dear, it wasn't our intent to start a "Let's get even" puzzle event :o . Admit it now, it wasn't THAT difficult, the Nav solved it a lot more quickly that we were able to create it [:D] . Why not aim our puzzles so when they are solved the solver thinks "wow, I never knew that". K&A


I believe Mr. Gadget's comment "How can I get even?" was only in fun. I think we all said we learned a little history.


In the previous entry, Nav says "How can I get even".... I have by hiding a new Signature Cache #3 series cache. Have fun with it.

The original Signature Cache has been stolen. Everything has been stripped from the tree. I was going to use Signature Cache #3 as its replacement. But our recent gusty 90 mph breezse this past winter, blew down the tree for the cache.

I have replaced it with something else. If any previous finder had found the original, they are welcome to go after this replacement and it will count as a new find.

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