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Miragee put together a great full-moon-over-Carveacer outing. Wonder if she's related to werewolves?
We all split just before midnight. :blink:

Good plan, Miragee might be a ruthless werewolf. No wonder she lives out there not

far from Carveacre.


Actually there's something quite unexpected in the shadows of your shot.




What's that splash of bright-orange color along the right edge?

Hmmm, I'm not sure....


Anyhow, that photo looks much better now! Can we get you to share a mini photoshop lesson in the Banter thread? <_<


Didn't mean to make it look "better," just different so's to see into the shadows.


Okay! I'll see to the lesson tomorrow. The subject will include Sceen blend-mode and then color correction and sharpening using Lab color mode. Remind me what lesson number is next.

I thought the original photo was too dark. Also the sky looked more like the way you made it look. My camera struggles without low light conditions. The lens isn't big enough or something....


Anyhow, I believe the next Lesson is #16. Here is the list. :huh:

Posted (edited)

Here are some of our pics from this amazing hike (the logs are in process):


The same rock that's been posted, but from a different angle:



Miragee...taking pictures or searching for prey?



Wow, look at that full moon!!



Group shot:



Swag hogs...! <_<



C'mon, Harmon, work your magic! :blink:

Edited by wewilldo7
Posted (edited)
Miragee put together a great full-moon-over-Carveacer outing. Wonder if she's related to werewolves?
We all split just before midnight. <_<

Good plan, Miragee might be a ruthless werewolf. No wonder she lives out there not

far from Carveacre.


Actually there's something quite unexpected in the shadows of your shot.




What's that splash of bright-orange color along the right edge?

Hmmm, I'm not sure....


Anyhow, that photo looks much better now! Can we get you to share a mini photoshop lesson in the Banter thread? :blink:


Didn't mean to make it look "better," just different so's to see into the shadows.


Okay! I'll see to the lesson tomorrow. The subject will include Screen blend-mode and then color correction and sharpening using Lab color mode. Remind me what lesson number is next.

I thought the original photo was too dark. Also the sky looked more like the way you made it look. My camera struggles without low light conditions. The lens isn't big enough or something....


Anyhow, I believe the next Lesson is #16. Here is the list. :huh:

Thanks Pat, No. 16 it will be.


You are quite right about cameras not seeing as eyes see. Cameras don't have the adaptive-contrast feature that human eyes have. Camera exposure systems mostly make use of image midtones and so the result is never as vibrant as seen by our eyes.


One can pre-lock camera exposure either on a dark or a bright region of a view but not effectively on both. If not prelocked then an average is computed by the camera so very bright skies tend to drive shadows toward silhouettes. For prelocked exposures a result will have either burned-in highlights in the first case or plugged shadows in the second case. That very issue turns out to be the meat & potatos of professional image processing so it is a very good issue to cover with a lesson.


Finally I can produce the first lesson that opens the door to advanced Photoshop uses. I hope there's some interest.




Luckily Photoshop offers the top-grade tools for taking care of this very problem as you see from the Carveacre shots. Of course a silhouette can be very desirable if intended.

Edited by SD Rowdies

Here are some of our pics from this amazing hike (the logs are in process):


The same rock that's been posted, but from a different angle:



Miragee...taking pictures or searching for prey?



Wow, look at that full moon!!



Group shot:



Cache hogs...! <_<



C'mon, Harmon, work your magic! :blink:

Hey! there's the bright-orange or perhaps bright-red color that appeared at the edge of TrailGator's photo.


Oboy, oboy ... thanks for the invitation. Looks like some good material for Lesson 16.

Posted (edited)

The hard one is the group shot because the camera didn't achieve sharp focus when the shot

was taken. Sharpening is a really interesting subject that I'll cover somewhat during Lesson 16.

As you can see the sharpness is improved but restrained by the fuzzy focus of the original

image. The bright background and dim frontal light overtaxed camera focus. All in all the

improvement is worthwhile don't you think? Note the improved detail in the low bushes.




Here's a shot that challenged the camera exposure capability. Note that there is little color in

the foreground, mostly neutral grays. That shows that the camera stopped way down due to

the bright sky and the shadowed back-slope of the slick-rock, so not much color information

was captured in the foreground areas. Still the color-corrected image might be quite like

what a viewer would have seen from the camera position, even eyeballs can be overwhelmed

by such a birght sky.




This next one is a dream deal, just needs some color snap and sharpening. Decent frontal light-

ing without a bright western sky was the road to success in this case. Great shot huh? A good

caption would be "Swag hog."




A Carveacer Wind Cave in all it's sunlit glory. Working with these resized images can't reach

the perfection possible when working with full-resolution originals. Image reduction without

loss of detail is another interesting subject.




What really comes through from these photos is that a group of Geocachers were out and about

sharing a wonderful adventure together. That's just too good for words and photos.

Edited by SD Rowdies



C'mon, Harmon, work your magic! :P

Hey! there's the bright-orange or perhaps bright-red color that appeared at the edge of TrailGator's photo.


Oboy, oboy ... thanks for the invitation. Looks like some good material for Lesson 16.


Not Me! I say it was locusts or possibly Miragee {The Were-With-All :) } contemplating her next victim from afar and TrailGators just happened to catch it on film. You know it was kinda odd that the trip ended right at 5 mins to midnight :) !

Posted (edited)

Not Me! I say it was locusts or possibly Miragee {The Were-With-All :P } contemplating her next victim from afar and TrailGators just happened to catch it on film. You know it was kinda odd that the trip ended right at 5 mins to midnight :) !

By any chance was Miragee pushing for a past-midnight quiting time? Now I understand why all of Miragee's pals carry hiking stakes ... er, sticks.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Swag hogs...! :)


Swag Hogs? You got it all wrong...we were just setting the spring under the giant rubber lipsucking boogerfly...


I sure wouldn't want to be the next cacher to open that ammocan... :P

Well excu-u-u-se me!


So where did you order those giant rubber lipsuckin' buggerflies? Must be the same place that Uncle Booger's Bumper Dumper hitch-toilet came from.

I haven't seen anybody mention this yet so let me be the first.


It's still a ways off but it is something to think about.



^_^^_^ Are you riding it Jerry? :unsure:



I'm thinking about it. I know there are more bike riders aroound here, maybe we can get them to go too.


A preview of tomorrow?? :):D I'm going to need more donuts!! :unsure:








YOUR A VERY MEAN PERSON :D SuperDave!!!!!!!!






:blink: FATTBOY :blink:

I haven't seen anybody mention this yet so let me be the first.


It's still a ways off but it is something to think about.



:blink::blink: Are you riding it Jerry? :)



I'm thinking about it. I know there are more bike riders aroound here, maybe we can get them to go too.


I'm in; but I'm riding my hybrid. :unsure:


Did anyone else notice the contrasting discussions here? We have one discussion about a long bike ride, which is intermingled with another discussion about Fattboy eating a gazillion donuts.... :unsure: These threads are very entertaining sometimes! :blink:


A preview of tomorrow?? :D:D I'm going to need more donuts!! :P





YOUR A VERY MEAN PERSON :laughing: SuperDave!!!!!!!!


:blink: NO WAIT - THATS NOT ME!!! AND I DID NOT GET STUCK!!!!! :huh:




:laughing: FATTBOY :laughing:

I brought you a refill Bobbie, enjoy.




I f anyone is interested, Dillon Dad will be biking the Strand in Coronado tomorrow. Have to pick up the new caches there. on the list are the 3 Schools, Walk the Line, and Ned Ryerson puzzles. I will be starting around 8am and plan to finish before 1:30. Drop a line if interested.

I f anyone is interested, Dillon Dad will be biking the Strand in Coronado tomorrow. Have to pick up the new caches there. on the list are the 3 Schools, Walk the Line, and Ned Ryerson puzzles. I will be starting around 8am and plan to finish before 1:30. Drop a line if interested.



:anitongue: Hey...check on my Silverstand Wetlands cache..I've had 2 DNFs.....I can't get there until Thursday...after which you'll probably have to go back :lol: r/ jodi


I don't know if anyone has mentioned that Google Maps now has "Street View" for San Diego. Now you can look for those drive up caches from home! :rolleyes:

I don't know if anyone has mentioned that Google Maps now has "Street View" for San Diego. Now you can look for those drive up caches from home! :rolleyes:
That is very cool! I could see someone using that feature in a mystery cache! :lol:
Midnight Madness Bike Ride, Aug 18, Saturday.


I'm riding with my 11yr old on a tandem, although she has hinted about riding on her own; we'll see.




I'm not sure I can make this one, we're coming back from Las Vegas that day.


But wait! Here's yet another bike event...Bike riders rejoice!

Cuyamaca Rancho State Park Mountain Bike Poker Ride 2007. Sunday, October 14, 2007.

They even feed you afterwards.

Midnight Madness Bike Ride, Aug 18, Saturday.


I'm riding with my 11yr old on a tandem, although she has hinted about riding on her own; we'll see.




I'm not sure I can make this one, we're coming back from Las Vegas that day.


But wait! Here's yet another bike event...Bike riders rejoice!

Cuyamaca Rancho State Park Mountain Bike Poker Ride 2007. Sunday, October 14, 2007.

They even feed you afterwards.




:blink: The Poker ride is a BLAST!!!!


Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon @ 3 pm - I'm trying the Scuba Steve's caches again with Eric from 'Eric and Hill'.

If you want to join us (swimmers and non-swimmers), show up at the parking/beach area for Scuba Steve's First Time at 3 pm.


Doug from dougandsuzy and I are planning to hit Indiana Jones: The Lost City of Atlantis in La Jolla Sat. Morning early. Anyone want to join us, you are welcome.


Well, so much for that idea. We got drenched. Let's plan another attempt with a lower tide. Who can join me 9/1 @ 0600? Also, do Vintage: Coastal Hike while we are in the area.

Vintage Coastal hike is very cool! There are lots of cool sea creatures in cracks and crevices to find. I would recommend doing that one just before sunset. :cry:
Posted (edited)

I'm gonna try WOM(L)D at MTRD, again, tomorrow morning at 0600. Meet at 24/7 parking lot oustide the campground off Mission Gorge. I'll be headed into Oak Canyon for some caches then up and over into Shepherd and zig zag to North Fortuna.

Edited by Chuy!
Midnight Madness Bike Ride, Aug 18, Saturday.


I'm riding with my 11yr old on a tandem, although she has hinted about riding on her own; we'll see.





;) I'm in...Downhill Dick said he'd hang with me...not many downhills so I should see him all night right? jl

The ride is a fun party-atmosphere type of ride. Riders light up their bikes; others dress in their jammies.

Midnight Madness Bike Ride, Aug 18, Saturday.


I'm riding with my 11yr old on a tandem, although she has hinted about riding on her own; we'll see.





:) I'm in...Downhill Dick said he'd hang with me...not many downhills so I should see him all night right? jl

The ride is a fun party-atmosphere type of ride. Riders light up their bikes; others dress in their jammies.



Now that's something I'd like to see-- Dick and Jahoadi riding bikes in their Jammies ;););):D

Posted (edited)
Midnight Madness Bike Ride, Aug 18, Saturday.


I'm riding with my 11yr old on a tandem, although she has hinted about riding on her own; we'll see.





:) I'm in...Downhill Dick said he'd hang with me...not many downhills so I should see him all night right? jl

The ride is a fun party-atmosphere type of ride. Riders light up their bikes; others dress in their jammies.



Now that's something I'd like to see-- Dick and Jahoadi riding bikes in their Jammies ;););):D

I've signed up already but I doubt you well be seeing me in my jammies. That's unless you are hiding in the bushes somewhere along the route. Edited by "lostguy"
Midnight Madness Bike Ride, Aug 18, Saturday.


I'm riding with my 11yr old on a tandem, although she has hinted about riding on her own; we'll see.





;) I'm in...Downhill Dick said he'd hang with me...not many downhills so I should see him all night right? jl

The ride is a fun party-atmosphere type of ride. Riders light up their bikes; others dress in their jammies.



Now that's something I'd like to see-- Dick and Jahoadi riding bikes in their Jammies :):D;);)

I've signed up already but I doubt you well be seeing me in my jammies. That's unless you are hiding in the bushes somewhere along the route.




:D No jammies for me either. I wear footed flannels and the feet won't fit in my bike shoes.. :)

Midnight Madness Bike Ride, Aug 18, Saturday.

I'm riding with my 11yr old on a tandem, although she has hinted about riding on her own; we'll see.



;) I'm in...Downhill Dick said he'd hang with me...not many downhills so I should see him all night right? jl

The ride is a fun party-atmosphere type of ride. Riders light up their bikes; others dress in their jammies.
Now that's something I'd like to see-- Dick and Jahoadi riding bikes in their Jammies :):D;);)

I've signed up already but I doubt you well be seeing me in my jammies. That's unless you are hiding in the bushes somewhere along the route.
:D No jammies for me either. I wear footed flannels and the feet won't fit in my bike shoes.. :)

Why not get some jammies that have the cleat built right into the footie? :D

Posted (edited)

Anyone interested? It would be a good time to hide all those new caches for the campout while you're out there...

The California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc.


The Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association

are proud to present


At the Ocotillo Wells SVRA

October 12-13, 2007

It's time to start making plans for Operation Desert Fun 5. Thanks to generous donations, last years' event raised thousands of dollars for the Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association as well as the California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc.


On October 12 & 13, we invite all buggies, ATV's, dirt bikes, and 4x4's to come out and participate in runs, games and a raffle for the kids as well as the adults. We are offering a few SUV runs to introduce new 4x4 owners to our beautiful desert. We would also like to encourage all businesses to set up a booth, to share your products and information with our anticipated crowd of at least 400 registrants, their friends and companions!




The Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association serves U.S. military veterans primarily in and around San Diego, CA. Cal-Diego PVA's programs focus on ensuring quality of life for these men and women who have served their country so bravely. Through sports and recreation, advocacy, and education, Cal-Diego PVA makes sure these veterans return to being active members of society. Through support and encouragement, Cal-Diego PVA members have gone on to compete in the Paralympic Games, get their college degrees, and discover hidden artistic talents. They learn to focus on their abilities instead of their disabilities. Cal-Diego PVA does not receive any government funding but operates entirely on fundraisers and donations.



Event Location: Occotillo Wells Hwy 78 an Main St.

Edited by habu!

Anyone interested? It would be a good time to hide all those new caches for the campout while you're out there...

The California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc.


The Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association

are proud to present


At the Ocotillo Wells SVRA

October 12-13, 2007

It's time to start making plans for Operation Desert Fun 5. Thanks to generous donations, last years' event raised thousands of dollars for the Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association as well as the California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc.


On October 12 & 13, we invite all buggies, ATV's, dirt bikes, and 4x4's to come out and participate in runs, games and a raffle for the kids as well as the adults. We are offering a few SUV runs to introduce new 4x4 owners to our beautiful desert. We would also like to encourage all businesses to set up a booth, to share your products and information with our anticipated crowd of at least 400 registrants, their friends and companions!




The Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association serves U.S. military veterans primarily in and around San Diego, CA. Cal-Diego PVA's programs focus on ensuring quality of life for these men and women who have served their country so bravely. Through sports and recreation, advocacy, and education, Cal-Diego PVA makes sure these veterans return to being active members of society. Through support and encouragement, Cal-Diego PVA members have gone on to compete in the Paralympic Games, get their college degrees, and discover hidden artistic talents. They learn to focus on their abilities instead of their disabilities. Cal-Diego PVA does not receive any government funding but operates entirely on fundraisers and donations.



Event Location: Occotillo Wells Hwy 78 an Main St.


I think I am interested. I could probably get Historia to go. Just being out there would be fun. ...okay, maybe one puzzle. :D Lots of sand to play with.




Anyone interested? It would be a good time to hide all those new caches for the campout while you're out there...

The California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc.


The Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association

are proud to present


At the Ocotillo Wells SVRA

October 12-13, 2007

It's time to start making plans for Operation Desert Fun 5. Thanks to generous donations, last years' event raised thousands of dollars for the Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association as well as the California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc.


On October 12 & 13, we invite all buggies, ATV's, dirt bikes, and 4x4's to come out and participate in runs, games and a raffle for the kids as well as the adults. We are offering a few SUV runs to introduce new 4x4 owners to our beautiful desert. We would also like to encourage all businesses to set up a booth, to share your products and information with our anticipated crowd of at least 400 registrants, their friends and companions!




The Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association serves U.S. military veterans primarily in and around San Diego, CA. Cal-Diego PVA's programs focus on ensuring quality of life for these men and women who have served their country so bravely. Through sports and recreation, advocacy, and education, Cal-Diego PVA makes sure these veterans return to being active members of society. Through support and encouragement, Cal-Diego PVA members have gone on to compete in the Paralympic Games, get their college degrees, and discover hidden artistic talents. They learn to focus on their abilities instead of their disabilities. Cal-Diego PVA does not receive any government funding but operates entirely on fundraisers and donations.




Event Location: Occotillo Wells Hwy 78 an Main St.


I think I am interested. I could probably get Historia to go. Just being out there would be fun. ...okay, maybe one puzzle. B) Lots of sand to play with.






I just picked up 10 ammo cans this last weekend and I'm getting them filled soon . :D I'll be spending the night so if anyone wants to campout you're welcome to. B)



I think I am interested. I could probably get Historia to go. Just being out there would be fun. ...okay, maybe one puzzle. B) Lots of sand to play with.





I just picked up 10 ammo cans this last weekend and I'm getting them filled soon . :D I'll be spending the night so if anyone wants to campout you're welcome to. B)


For the weekend of the 12/13th?

Anyone interested? It would be a good time to hide all those new caches for the campout while you're out there...

The California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc.


The Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association

are proud to present


At the Ocotillo Wells SVRA

October 12-13, 2007

It's time to start making plans for Operation Desert Fun 5. Thanks to generous donations, last years' event raised thousands of dollars for the Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association as well as the California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc.


On October 12 & 13, we invite all buggies, ATV's, dirt bikes, and 4x4's to come out and participate in runs, games and a raffle for the kids as well as the adults. We are offering a few SUV runs to introduce new 4x4 owners to our beautiful desert. We would also like to encourage all businesses to set up a booth, to share your products and information with our anticipated crowd of at least 400 registrants, their friends and companions!




The Cal-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Association serves U.S. military veterans primarily in and around San Diego, CA. Cal-Diego PVA's programs focus on ensuring quality of life for these men and women who have served their country so bravely. Through sports and recreation, advocacy, and education, Cal-Diego PVA makes sure these veterans return to being active members of society. Through support and encouragement, Cal-Diego PVA members have gone on to compete in the Paralympic Games, get their college degrees, and discover hidden artistic talents. They learn to focus on their abilities instead of their disabilities. Cal-Diego PVA does not receive any government funding but operates entirely on fundraisers and donations.




Event Location: Occotillo Wells Hwy 78 an Main St.





I think this would be a great time to try out my new rig, before the campout, so I'll be there. :DB)



I think I am interested. I could probably get Historia to go. Just being out there would be fun. ...okay, maybe one puzzle. :D Lots of sand to play with.





I just picked up 10 ammo cans this last weekend and I'm getting them filled soon . B) I'll be spending the night so if anyone wants to campout you're welcome to. B)


For the weekend of the 12/13th?



You bet 12/13 oct I'll be there 00020114.gif

I haven't seen anybody mention this yet so let me be the first.


It's still a ways off but it is something to think about.



B):D Are you riding it Jerry? B)



I'm thinking about it. I know there are more bike riders aroound here, maybe we can get them to go too.


I'm in; but I'm riding my hybrid. :D


What bus we taking back? 6p was good last time; hopefully, the wait won't be as bad.

I haven't seen anybody mention this yet so let me be the first.


It's still a ways off but it is something to think about.



:D:P Are you riding it Jerry? :D



I'm thinking about it. I know there are more bike riders aroound here, maybe we can get them to go too.


I'm in; but I'm riding my hybrid. :P


What bus we taking back? 6p was good last time; hopefully, the wait won't be as bad.


I think 6 was a good time, plenty of time for tacos and beer. :D The wait at the boarder sucked but I'm over that now.

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