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Indiana Cachers Hello !

Team Tigger International

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Lead Dog,


I'm heading to Salamonie in a couple of weeks. I looks like Patrick has been very busy there. We enjoyed your caches at Huntington Lake and look forward to more.


BTW - There are a couple of nice caches just north of Rochester. One is a virtual cache, so read the description first (I didn't).


We stopped at the Fulton County museum which is nearby. It is a fascinating collection of antique farming equipment in a round barn and has many nice historical exhibits in other buildings.



Fort Wayne

We've hidden our last cache. someone else can do it now. :cry:

I know you said this. And I know that you are not actually doing it. But i also thought that you said that we COULD finish these!!!!!!!!! :cry:;):cry::(B)

We've hidden our last cache. someone else can do it now. :D

I know you said this. And I know that you are not actually doing it. But i also thought that you said that we COULD finish these!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:(

I had them finished :o BUT ONLY FOR 5 DAYS :o

We stopped at the Fulton County museum which is nearby. It is a fascinating collection of antique farming equipment in a round barn and has many nice historical exhibits in other buildings.


They hold an annual Trail of Tears Rendezvous there also, or used to.

[i had them finished :P  BUT ONLY FOR 5 DAYS :P

Blame Kodiak Kid for that, not me! ;)

BUT .... as we have also noticed , You LeadDog have also placed at least 1 New ISO cache and adopted another that is now an ISO cache , which we can in fact revisit and relog due to the fact that the location of said cache is new ! And that is since you made that statement.... We can blame some of it on Kodiak Kid but you my dear are not as innocent as you pretend to be ! ;)




We are as innocent and as pure as the wind driven snow!. By the way, I notice Bluegillfisherman has five cemetery caches up north that look very interesting--with puzzleriddle stuff on some of them... What's with all this cemetery stuff?? ;)


and Thats not all that Pure now is it ... It is full of pollution ! ;)

And I have to tell you LeadDog , it is worth the drive up here to find bluegillfishermans caches , and most of them are not in cemetery's either . But they are quite the challange and make for some terrific stories .

So when you and Patrick going to find your way back up to "our " neck of the woods ? ;)



So when you and Patrick going to find your way back up to "our " neck of the woods ? ;)



Hopefully this spring I'll get a new(er) truck and be able to take trips longer than 12 miles without fear of getting broke down, stranded and froze to death, ( I don't care for myself, but I couldn't have Patrick's demise on my dead conscience.) and be able to get some more cache finds. BTW, thanks to all of you who had your cell phones on today to help with my bail fund if needed: no incarceration pending, so that's a good thing! :lol: NOw for a word from our sponser:




Bluegillfisherman has leapfrogged up to 4th place in all time ISQ finds by finding all of Kodiak's newer caches!! And since he was first to find on them, he makes his first appearance on the coveted First To Find List at number 3 with a total of 12 FTF's--do you know how hard it is to type with a stupid dog head leaning on your forarm? There! the little goob has settled down. We are going to celebrate tomorrow with a beer and a shot to toast the judge!!!


Merry Christmas all Geocachers and Necropolis Meanderers!!!



Oh and what is the derivation of the term "neck of the woods" whwwere's the neck?


Congratulations to BGF and Buddaman for being such great cachers. Must be nice to be able to perhaps catch up a bit before LeadDog can burry you again in caches. :lol: We wouldn't know how that feels . :P But perhaps one day ......


I am however curious .. What ever could LeadDog be refering to now ...what sort of a run in with the law could one man and an adorable little white dog have had. ;)



BTW, thanks to all of you who had your cell phones on today to help with my bail fund if needed: no incarceration pending, so that's a good thing! :lol: NOw for a word from our sponser:




Bluegillfisherman has leapfrogged up to 4th place in all time ISQ finds by finding all of Kodiak's newer caches!! And since he was first to find on them, he makes his first appearance on the coveted First To Find List at number 3 with a total of 12 FTF's--do you know how hard it is to type with a stupid dog head leaning on your forarm? There! the little goob has settled down. We are going to celebrate tomorrow with a beer and a shot to toast the judge!!!


Merry Christmas all Geocachers and Necropolis Meanderers!!!



Oh and what is the derivation of the term "neck of the woods" whwwere's the neck?

Well my Congratulations is in order for Bluegillfisherman. Althought I would like to just say one thing. * GRRRRRRRRRR I think we followed him all day today. GRRRRRRRRRR* *Throws temper tantrum. We wanted at least one FTF* Oh well we tried our hardest to do it. But he must have been out at like 3 a.m. to find all of these and then all the way to my new one, and back home.


Now now you and Patrick didn't git into too much trouble I hope. ;)


Sorry ma if I might take this. But I thought that you told him he had to look for the neck? Didn't you tell him that it was hidden like a cache?? :P HEHEHEHE




Lead Dog is in a better mood than I've seen him in in over two years--he's promised to take Wheel Dog and his Mom to Red Lobster to eat thousands of shrimps and beers--and bring me back a doggy bag!--And he NEVER does anything like that...By the way, STAR, WULF and AW EV: you have moved up the ladder of the top ten ISQ finds to number six with 52 total finds--good job!!! I wish somebody would come down here and hide seven caches, so Lead Dog would get off the computer, off his skinny a**, and I could get off his lap and outside more!!


A total of five caching groups have indicated an interest in hiding ISQ caches, but only Kodiak Kid has put his money where his mouth is, so far--but hopefully we may have a new fellow traveller to hide some ISQ caches in DeKalb county in the near future...I will alet you all if this happens.


Sorry about all the STF's, Ev--but you know you have to EARN them-- If that means getting up at oh-early-hundred, that's sometimes what it takes--How many times has Lead Dog dragged my dog butt out of bed before I was ready? Like most carnivores who don't have a food source problem, I like to snooze about 18 hours a day!!

an adorable little white dog ;)



Adorable? Try living with him! I think his grumpy growly nature might be due to the fact that maybe now he is an old man...Do you know how agonizing it is to watch a dog type on a keyboard? Half the time his claws hit the wrong key and he has to backspace--it takes forever--I wish he'd use his nose more--and every other word he's asking me to spsell for him! I don't know how old Patrick is as like most of the dogs around here, he is a rescue--I may have to saw off one of his legs and count the rings... He is good at sniffing out geocaches, tho. :lol:

So when you and Patrick going to find your way back up to "our " neck of the woods ?  :rolleyes:




Oh and what is the derivation of the term "neck of the woods" whwwere's the neck?

neck of the woods

NOUN: Informal. A part of the earth's surface: area, belt, district, locality, neighborhood, quarter, region, tract, zone. See TERRITORY .


as defined in a Thesaurus.



I started this in the Geocaching Topics Page . Since this involves SixDogTeam perhaps sir LeadDog or Patrick can clear it up or at least have a chance to take part . :blink:




How can this happen ?

I hope we don't lose a cache here, Star. So far nobody has mentioned this. The second hider didn't know the location of the first cache, since he's not a member. Why his cache was approved, only the approver knows. Don't mean no never mind to me, I think the whole things a hoot! And now to more inmportant business:


ISQ STATS as of 12/10/04


1. 75 --Buddaman

2. 74 --JPlus14

3. 65 --Sweetie Pie, Dragon Ryders Three

4. 62--Team Tigger International/Awsome Ev

5. 61 --Itzme

6. 57 --Bluegillfisherman

7. 55 --Prairepartners

8. 48 --One Angel & Family


9. 41 -- Just Mee/ Hutt<br>

10. 40 --Mattster


JPLUS 14 CATAPULTS FROM 10TH PLACE TO ONLY ONE CACHE OUT OF FIRST PLACE!!!--Also--Patrick has gone missing--not really--Wheel dog came here couldn't find me thought I was in jail, so took little white dog home with him--I've got himn back, he's being really sweet to me instead of nasty--I think he feared he was getting kicked out of here!!! :anicute::lol::lol: Just ano;ther wo;;nderful day in the wonderful world of the SixDogTeam!!

I started this in the Geocaching Topics Page . Since this involves SixDogTeam perhaps sir LeadDog or Patrick can clear it up or at least have a chance to take part . :blink:




How can this happen ?

I hope we don't lose a cache here, Star. So far nobody has mentioned this. The second hider didn't know the location of the first cache, since he's not a member. Why his cache was approved, only the approver knows. Don't mean no never mind to me, I think the whole things a hoot! And now to more inmportant business:


ISQ STATS as of 12/10/04


1. 75 --Buddaman

2. 74 --JPlus14

3. 65 --Sweetie Pie, Dragon Ryders Three

4. 62--Team Tigger International/Awsome Ev

5. 61 --Itzme

6. 57 --Bluegillfisherman

7. 55 --Prairepartners

8. 48 --One Angel & Family


9. 41 -- Just Mee/ Hutt<br>

10. 40 --Mattster


JPLUS 14 CATAPULTS FROM 10TH PLACE TO ONLY ONE CACHE OUT OF FIRST PLACE!!!--Also--Patrick has gone missing--not really--Wheel dog came here couldn't find me thought I was in jail, so took little white dog home with him--I've got himn back, he's being really sweet to me instead of nasty--I think he feared he was getting kicked out of here!!! :anicute::lol::lol: Just ano;ther wo;;nderful day in the wonderful world of the SixDogTeam!!

I hope we don't lose a cache here, Star. So far nobody has mentioned this. The second hider didn't know the location of the first cache, since he's not a member. Why his cache was approved, only the approver knows. Don't mean no never mind to me, I think the whole things a hoot!


Well if you don't mind LeadDog we certainly do not mind . We have closed that topic.


--Also--Patrick has gone missing--not really--Wheel dog came here couldn't find me thought I was in jail, so took little white dog home with him--I've got himn back, he's being really sweet to me instead of nasty--I think he feared he was getting kicked out of here!!!  :anicute:  :lol:  :lol:  Just ano;ther wo;;nderful day in the wonderful world of the SixDogTeam!!


So now you have us pondering and pondering: What ever could you have done that your son would think you had gone to jail and make him kidnap Patrick ? :blink:




Well, Earthdog Patrick's niceness lasted one night, he's back to being Mr. Grumpy. Guess I'll have to take him caching to try to mellow him out. Got extra gas this weekend, since the prices went down. Maybe I'll go up to Goshen and try to find some of those Indian Spirit Quest micro caches being hidden in cemeteries by Kodiak Kid, that sounds like it may be interesting...


Went GCing this weekend in Renssalear (mid-NW) and found a very nice multi for older kids (I'd say 7 on up). GCJ2VV: Soggy Bottom. It is a 6 part multi but the stages are very close together and hidden in interesting containers. The clues (especially the last two before the big final cache) are tricky -- they probably need a kid (or someone capable thinking of outside the box) to solve them. The hiders are on the premise and, if they have time, would probably be glad to talk GCing. The final cache is, as the name implies, in soggy ground which is why I recommend this for 7+ years.


Renssalear (or however you spell it -- I never seem to get it right) is right off of I-65 between Indy and Chicago and so if you are traveling that way and have an hour to kill then this cache would be a good one.

It is a 6 part multi

Here at the dogyard we are scared to death of sixpart multi's--we haven't got the guts to risk the disapointment of missing one leg and not completing the find. We have trouble enuff just finding regular caches, as our DNF logs will attest. I guess we're just cowardly yellow dogs. On most of our hidden caches, the hints are close to be :grin: ing spoilers, so nobody gets blanked, usually, unless the cache is MIA. But that's just wimpy us.... :grin::grin:

It is a 6 part multi

Here at the dogyard we are scared to death of sixpart multi's--we haven't got the guts to risk the disapointment of missing one leg and not completing the find. We have trouble enuff just finding regular caches, as our DNF logs will attest. I guess we're just cowardly yellow dogs. On most of our hidden caches, the hints are close to be :D ing spoilers, so nobody gets blanked, usually, unless the cache is MIA. But that's just wimpy us.... :blink::D

I can't believe we had a DNF on one of your caches! I've never had any trouble finding one!

Dear Aw Ev: What are the coordinates at the top of your cache page for Crissy the Skunk Woman geocache? Is that parking? Regards, SDT... :D

Not Aw Ev, but Star here , and the cords at top of page are for the cache.

ARGGGHHHH!! You guys are killing me. Then what are the coords listed in the cache page text for, since they're different from the ones on the top of the page? PS I have given all the squirrels in all the ISQ cemeteries pictures of Pipanella, and told them to grab the film cans so she can't find them, then replace them when she leaves, just to be mean. It was Patrick's idea...heheheheheheheh :blink:

Dear Aw Ev: What are the coordinates at the top of your cache page for Crissy the Skunk Woman geocache? Is that parking? Regards, SDT... :D

Not Aw Ev, but Star here , and the cords at top of page are for the cache.

ARGGGHHHH!! You guys are killing me. Then what are the coords listed in the cache page text for, since they're different from the ones on the top of the page? PS I have given all the squirrels in all the ISQ cemeteries pictures of Pipanella, and told them to grab the film cans so she can't find them, then replace them when she leaves, just to be mean. It was Patrick's idea...heheheheheheheh :D

THAT explains it!! :blink:

The other set of Cords are for Crissy's Grave . We thought we stated that on the page . I will double check though of course .



OK, duh, I get it now. Patrick didn't understand it, I tried to tell him, but he won't believe anything I tell him...There was a news story today on the wireless about a guy biting his Jack Russell on the leg, and getting in trouble for animal cruelty, the idiot. But Patrick never gets in trouble when he bites me... Anyway, anybody that knows dogs knows that you bite their EARs not their legs--that leg biting stuff is SICK.----LEAD DOG :blink:

Posted (edited)

Poor Poor Patrick and he keeps telling us that you are the grumpy growly one !

That picture shows clearly he is abusing you ! :D


BTW We have also noticed that SixDogTeam has also tosses out a couple of New ISQ caches , without any outside help either .. so whom do we blame for those hummmmm :blink:

Edited by Team Tigger International

BTW We have also noticed that SixDogTeam has also tosses out a couple of New ISQ caches , without any outside help either .. so whom do we blame for those hummmmm :rolleyes:

Just for that, even tho it's 13 degrees out, I just may toss out a few more Indian Spirit Quest canisters this afternoon...(I've learned that if you put a few marbles in the film canister for weight, you can throw it a lot farther--and you all thought the marbles were lame swag, huh? Shows what you know.) You'll never catch up with the mad hider!!--LEAD DOG


(Insert evil cackle)

I can't stand it any longer, I've done a terrible Geocaching thing. But it's a secret, so don't tell anybody about it, let them find out for themselves. Patrick, the Earthdog made me do it. Shhhh!!! Go here:






Oh My goodness you are right you have been very very bad , but we think it is totally toooooooo Funny ! :lol::rolleyes:


Now I am going to have to clean my puter screen off , cuz when I seen that page the beverage I was drinking sorta went spewing out of my lips .....


Can't wait till I can tell Awsome Ev and Wulf about this one ! :huh:




SDT, why don't you hide a regular cache in Harter's Grove in Warvel Park in N. Manchester? It seems like too good of a place to NOT have a cache! It used to, but it came up missing, and has never been replaced.



that is so hilarious. I think that i might have to post my find on it in a totally different language so that it would make it even harder. :rolleyes: But who knows I might be nice. Poor poor thing. Ma LOVES it I know. She woke me up this morning just to show me. We both laughed. that is wonderful Sixdog team.


I can't stand it any longer, I've done a terrible Geocaching thing. But it's a secret,





can't eat, cant sleep, frogs will eat me.


Hello fellow Hoosiers (and Pip B) )! I didn't realize this friendly little "chat" was here until just now. I guess I need to get out more. Maybe I'll take up geocaching. I here that's a great way to get a life. ;):)

Hello fellow Hoosiers (and Pip :) )! I didn't realize this friendly little "chat" was here until just now. I guess I need to get out more. Maybe I'll take up geocaching. I here that's a great way to get a life. B)B)

You really need to get out more. ;)

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