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just some stoopid questions from a new person


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hey i have heard of this geocaching for a while now, but i have only just found the site. im currently reading all the info on this site......but the thing that i want to find out before i get to deep into this fantastic hobby is......IS IT ABSOLUTLY NECESSARY TO GET ONE OF THOSE TRACKING MACHINE THINGAMAJIGS?? OR IS IT POSSIBLE TO HUNT FOR THESE CACHES BY MAP AND CLUES????


oooooh right!! icon_confused.gif like the subject header states i am stoopid....thanx though for the correction and im sorry for my mistake. i will be looking at the referred site, but i will still lurk and read on this site. i wont be getting one of those gps machines as im unemployed and gadgets like that are not on my price range.

again thanx for your help


OK, this is what I'm going to do: I'm going to "Markwell" you to another post. This is not an insult, and I'm not bashing you for your question. I simply remember this coming up before, and am directing you there for further information. Here's what you need to do. Click here and your web browser will go to that post. No, you have to click on the link. No, left click......the left mouse button.....no, position the cursor over the underlined link.....no, left button......put the pointer over the link first! LEFT BUTTON!


Oh forget it.




Originally posted by allncham:

I guess you are never too you to start cacheing.

If you're not you, who are you? And if you can never be too you, does that mean that it's not possible to only be partially you? Or maybe just enough you?



"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."


Scotland? Well then. you're in a great area for letterboxing!


I told my dad about some of the caches w searched for and found. He checked the GeoCaching.Com site, but didn't find any caches close to home. Still, he signed up to be notified of nearby caches each week.


One week, there was a new cache within a couple miles. He put the lat/long into a web mapping site (Mapquest? MapBlast?), and zoomed in as close as the map would show.


He set out, pages in hand, and started looking under bushes. No luck. On his way to the car, he saw a small group with a GPS receiver heading into the area. He poured over the clues, and decided to head back in.


As he went back, he found the other group, and asked if they were caching, and they were. He asked if they had found it, and they had. They offered him another clue "it's near the Coke machine"...but it didn't help.


He sent me email the next day, detailing his attempt. That's when I knew what I wanted to get him for Christmas. (I was already doing my homework, to buy one for my wife...) Luck finally came my way at Christmas last year, and I was able to buy one for each of them, *and* I used the Garmin rebate money to buy the MetroGuide map software!


So, yeah, you can *try* to geocache without a GPSR, but it's a lot harder...and you'll have better success, even with the most basic of receivers.


I envy you your access to letterboxes! Good luck! [icon_smile.gif]


Dacxjo, Team Esperanto


If a new GPS is not in your price range, look for a used one, like ones on e-bay. Usually an older one is available as people move on the new ones. An older one will usually do.


Originally posted by Prime Suspect:

Originally posted by allncham:

I guess you are never too you to start cacheing.

If you're not you, who are you? And if you can never be too you, does that mean that it's not possible to only be partially you? Or maybe just enough you?



_"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."_


Geocachers may know all the places to hide a body, but then they would post the coordinates and another geocacher would take the body. We could even call it a TC (travel corpse).


icon_biggrin.gif Sure you can ... but why would someone like me with a serious gadget addiction even have such a thought!!!!



Co-founder of the "NC/VA GEO-HOG ASSOCIATION"

... when you absolutely have to find it first!

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