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Arrg!!! Why Can't We Have Better Instructions For

Go JayBee

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I just did a quick check on the TB FAQ Pages....I cannot find anything that says: "Don't post the Travel Bug Serial Number in your logs"


I just had to email two seperate cachers who visited the very same cache within days of each other. This is what I sent:



I noticed your Travel Bug logs while I was checking on one of my own. Looks like you are in the habit of posting the Travel Bug's Serial Number on the cache pages. NOT a good idea...that number is the only security the bug has. If some prankster wants to, they can remove or relocate the bug from either the current cache or, even grab it right from the current holder. Maybe even put it into an unknown location or worse yet, in the Travel Bug Graveyard. This could all be

fixed but, is a royal pain in the butt. I'm really surprized that the bug owners have not asked you to edit your logs.


If you feel the need to confirm this, checkout the Forums. There has been a lot of discussion about this.


A concerned Travel Bug owner just passing on some friendly advice,



They DID respond with: "I didn't realize that" or, "Thanks for telling me" and one has already doctored the logs. So, I guess we gotta teach the new ones, one at a time. You would think that this should be "common sense".

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Not really, since you can pull up a TB by the TB number, it is easy for a noob to not realize the security issue. They are just giving the number so others can pull up the bug's page.


It is a problem, but I don't see a great solution without a serious redesign. We would have to have one number (on the tag) to pull up the page and another number to be used as the security instrument.

Edited by sbell111
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It is a problem, but I don't see a great solution without a serious redesign. We would have to have one number (on the tag) to pull up the page and another number to be used as the security instrument.

I was not considering anything that complex......I would just like to see something near the top of the Travel Bug FAQs Page in BOLD LETTERS. i.e. "DON'T POST THE TB SERIAL NUMBER IN YOUR LOGS, ETC." And then explain why. no wonder the new people get so confused about the "rules"....we just let them stumble along until they mess up, and then some of us jump all over them for it.


Travel Bugs ARE one of most complex issues of this game. That's all I'll say right now, before I get off the topic.



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I had two of my bugs get "stolen" and placed in a TB graveyard by some jerk. The reason was that the TB SN was visible in the photos I took of the bugs. After I learned a bit, I had corrected the photos. But apparently, he had gleaned the numbers long before.


I wouldn't have made that mistake if I had understood the security of the bug number. Also, I'd recommend a change for TB numbers (I know, this has been batted around before so save the flames... :D ) but there should be two numbers - one on one side, one on the other. It takes both to log the bug.


For example:


Side 1 - 231443

Side 2 - AX15Q


Kinda like a checksum - having one doesn't do you any good without the other, and it would prevent newbies from the same fate that befell my two bugs.


That's my 2/100 of a $.

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Hmm if they are putting the Tb number on the log page, you might want to go check the physical log in the cache as well if its a huge deal to you. I've come across logs that had the number written in the book before.


Scribbled over the number so it couldn't be read anymore.


But it is interesting what people will do if they don't read all the rules or understand the unwritten ones.

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I have plans to add tips to pages, so I'll see if I can add this tip to the sections where you log travel bugs to help reinforce the idea of not using the code in logs/photos.


A two code solution is interesting, but I have a feeling that it will confuse too many people. I'll have to think more on it.

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I have plans to add tips to pages, so I'll see if I can add this tip to the sections where you log travel bugs to help reinforce the idea of not using the code in logs/photos.


A two code solution is interesting, but I have a feeling that it will confuse too many people. I'll have to think more on it.


Thank you very much for acknowledging this.



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Alas, I will admit I was guilty of this, I just had the number on my picture of the TB and I'm not sure if it was jbhooker3 or who that wrote me and told me about that. I guess i wan't using common sense. Or maybe it was just me thinking that noone would do that. DAAAAAAA But I did thank that person and did make changes....... I do think that yes the more experienced on the site should help the new members, and then they in turn will help another new member and so on................. anyway good topic and thanks........ Howie :lol:

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IMHO, the travel bugs FAQ page needs to be reworked in more ways than just "don't put the number of your bug on your bug's page."


This isn't criticism of the admins. It's more a sigh in regards to the people who can't or won't read the existing TB help pages.


My particular "bee in my bonnet "is people who just absolutely don't understand how to log a bug, how to drop off a bug, or why they should log or drop it off in the first place. I know I'm irrational on this point... but I really wish there was a URL on every travel bug tag that took the user directly to a very VERY simple and short and to the point explanation of what bugs are about and how they work, with links off that page for "how to log that you have a bug", "how to drop off a bug", and so on. With screen shots and the works.


But, since we live in a culture were we have to print "do not use in the bathtub or near running water" on electric curling irons and hair dryers and soldering irons, I'm sure that there's really no level of detail or elegant simplicity that will for once and for all eliminate confusion regarding how bugs work, so please take my grumble as a grumble and not actual deluded bitching. I know the difference. B)


-- Lemur (1/2 of "furrs")

Edited by furrs
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Thanks jbhooker3--I'm still a newbie and adding the TB number in the logs never occured to me... BUT I just edited and blurred the TB tag on the log photo just in case--something I hadn't thought of until I read your post.


Thanks for the reminders everybody! B)

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