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Watchlist Checkbox

Algonquin Bound

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I would like to see a Check-box beside each cache on our watch-list page, so that we can choose to remove multiple caches from our watch-list, without having to go through them all, one at a time. A similar Check-box on each cache page, would allow us to watch or un-watch each cache.


This latter part could also incorporate a feature that has previously been requested, where someone asked if maybe the glasses icon could show up on the cache page, to indicate that we are watching it. You might consider this being an on/off switch on the cache page, where it shows the blue glasses if we are watching it, or a pale gray glasses icon to indicate that the feature is off, when we are not watching it.


The Check-box system should also be incorporated into the "search results" page, similar to the box currently used to check caches for LOC downloads. If you wanted to watch several caches in an area, you can simply check them off, and they are added to your list when you click the "Add these caches to my watch list" button. :rolleyes:


I noted that Jeremy stated that he will soon be working on some changes to cache pages, so hopefully these can be worked in, too.

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A similar Check-box on each cache page, would allow us to watch or un-watch each cache.

I _THINK_ this is available already. I'm not positive, but I think if you click the "Watch this cache" link, and it's already on your watch list, it removes it.


I haven't tried it, but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. :rolleyes:

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I _THINK_ this is available already. I'm not positive, but I think if you click the "Watch this cache" link, and it's already on your watch list, it removes it.


I haven't tried it, but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. :rolleyes:


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I _THINK_ this is available already. I'm not positive, but I think if you click the "Watch this cache" link, and it's already on your watch list, it removes it.


Yes, the basic functionality is there, ie. if you click the "Watch this cache" button, it either adds it to your watchlist or removes it from your watchlist, but it doesn't tell you what you're doing until you are done and it has gone through all the time and effort of doing it. You then get a screen telling you that you have added or removed and giving you an option to undo it, again taking a lot of time and effort, for both user and machine. A check-box would show as either checked or un-checked and you would immediately know if you were watching that cache, or not.


As I said originally, the same feature on the watchlist page, ie. a "remove" check-box beside each page you were watching, which you could click on, but which would not take any action until you clicked on a submit button at the bottom of the page. As it is now, I have to click "remove" for each cache, then wait for everything to reload, before I can remove another. If I want to remove twenty caches, it would be much easier to "check" each one, then hit "submit" or "remove" at the bottom of the page,

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I _THINK_ this is available already.  I'm not positive, but I think if you click the "Watch this cache" link, and it's already on your watch list, it removes it.


I haven't tried it, but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.  ;)


Not correct.


It used to be that way, but it is no longer. At least not for me. I brought this up in another thread today.

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Also just dicovered 2 caches in my area that show no names, either on the cache page or the watchlist.  GC3D7B & GC714.  On the seek pages, they list as "Traditional Cache".


Yeah, I found one of these in my searches for hawaii, and it makes it impossible to click on if from your watchlist. No name is there, just the remove option.

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Hey, Jeremy... I know there are more bugs to work out than this, but I, too, would like to see that feature.


I wish we could have more items on our watch lists for unpaying members... It's not that I don't WANT to pay you, but I can't afford to be one, and I really need more than 50 items on my watchlist.

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I wish we could have more items on our watch lists for unpaying members... It's not that I don't WANT to pay you, but I can't afford to be one, and I really need more than 50 items on my watchlist.

That's ridiculous. I can imagine plenty of reasons not to pay for membership, but not being able to afford to is not one of them.


If you can afford to geocache, paid membership should be the least of your worries. Membership for half a year is about equivalent to one tank of gas. Come on!


Anyway, I'm in favour of having ALL features accessible to EVERYONE (including Pocket Queries), but only in very limited numbers. 1 PQ, 20 items on the watch list, etc.

(Sorry for going off-topic).

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