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Url Flag For New Caches


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Has anyone asked for a new flag on the URL to specify that you only want new caches? I would like to see such a thing. Mainly with the proximity search near my house - I would like to have a URL that would let me search for all caches that are "new" within a 30 mile radius of my house.

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Thanks, but I know I can do it with pocket queries. The difference there is that I would have to load the results into some software package, and then try to figure out which ones are closest to my house. Using a URL flag, I can get a page displayed that is sorted by the distance from my house. Make sense?

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It's actually really easy using pocket queries if you use watcher. It has a column for "date hidden". Just load your PQ, and click on that column and WHALA, all the caches are sorted newest to oldest. If you only want the ones within 30 miles of your house, sorted newest to oldest you can set that in filters as well.


In fact, you could make it even easier than that if you configure your pocket query right. Just say "within 30 miles" under the radius option and "The last month" or "the last week" under the placed during option. Then you just need to open it in a viewer like watcher and you have exactly what you want.

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I agree that there are work-arounds, if I only want the information delivered daily. The difference is, I can't have a GPX file delivered to me every hour. But I could go to the web site, and search for new caches every hour if I so chose. Or I could setup a change-monitor so that I would get a notification within 30 minutes or so if a new cache is posted. That's why a URL flag is so important in this case.



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I'm not inclined to place my geocaching login information anywhere other than in my head, or software that's contained within my firewall. Thanks for the suggestion, but I have to think that, with a simple flag on the URL, this could easily be solved by Groundspeak.


Even if it's a member-only feature - I don't care. I just think I should be able to query for new caches easily, without divulging my personal information.

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