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Premature Adoption

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We had an incident happen in Chicago that I wanted to warn others against: Premature Adoption of a cache.


A couple of months ago, I feared that a great historical cache in our area was going unmaintained. I tried contacting the owner (I know him personally), and got no response (my fault for a mis-typed e-mail address). Eventually, I asked the admins at this site to transfer ownership. Then icon_eek.gif the owner shows up on our Chicago page stating that he still wants to maintain his cache. Of course, I profusely apologized and had the admins transfer the ownership back immediately.


icon_eek.gif We just had it happen again with another historical cache. Unfortunately, this was a cacher with only 10 finds, and from what we can tell, he never made an attempt through the cache page or the Chicago group to try and find out if the owner was still around (we could have told him he was). Now, the cache is in the hands of a new owner on the site, but the original hider is ticked and went out to take his cache box. Bad feelings all around.


Admins - can you make sure that YOU try to contact the cache owners prior to any transfer of caches?


Cachers - make sure due dilligence has been followed, and try to find a local group of Geocachers to see if they know any more information prior to your request for adoption.



Chicago Geocachers

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So some well intentioned individuals were concerned about maintaining a cache, so asked that they adopt it for the time being.


The owner discovers that they can't administer the cache, so instead of contacting the web site, rashly goes out and removes the cache.


Apparently no good deed goes unpunished. Like the previous incedent, all a person needs to do is email the web site and let us know of the situation and we can try and fix it. Going into a fit without contacting us about it really doesn't accomplish anything. We do keep history of caches and their previous owners, and it isn't very difficult to switch it back.


Let's be adults here.




Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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Well Don't be anxious to adopt a cache. It's a good idea but it can cause problems. We have some caches in our own area put out by cachers with zero finds and one hide. Instead of "adopting" it I'll just put a watch on it and then if there is a problem that shows up in my e-mail and I"ll head out there to check on it. If it needs fixing or replacing I'll do it but I don't adopt it. That way someone doesn't get their feathers ruffled.


Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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Since my comments are more general, and don't deal with that specific instance, I guess I'll put them here.


I agree with you: if a cache needs really basic maintenance and I can fix it, I'll just do so. Like leaving an extra pen, an extra logbook (just got some of those!) or an extra trade item or two. But I notify the owner of the cache if I do so.


I'm not very adept with links, but I'll try: see Mom and Kid Adventure Cache for an example.


I'm glad that some caches get adopted, don't get me wrong. We just found one in the Santa Cruz mountains that had been adopted, and I'm glad it was still there.


It's just so easy for some big catastrophe to happen in someone's life, and for them to be incommunicado for a couple of weeks - I'd rather try to bridge the gap and only adopt if they seem to be gone for the long haul.



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So the person placed the cache two years ago, and hadn't shown any interest in the cache since it was assigned to Jeremy? When was that, a year and a half ago?


And then he shows up, and with an attitude?


I agree he should be permitted to reclaim ownership of the cache page, but shouldn't he be saying "thank you" to the administrator and finders who took care of the cache all that time?

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I've adobted 2 caches in my area and tryed on another-- the 2 I adopted the orig.owner e-mailed me and seemed glad to be letting them go but the one I e-mailed him a bunch and never heard from him o-well.


If the owner won't reply to you than you can't help that.He should not get mad because you want to bring it into your cache family and give it a new daddy or mom.


I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.

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Ha! I wish someone would adopt one of my caches and get a log book in it. I won't be back for a year and it was rejected because I admited the lack of a log book (found my stache of log books later after placing the cache).


And as for the zero finds and a cache hidden people. My daugher is one of those. She has been with me on well over 70 hunts but other than makign a name to hide her cache doesn't care to log them on the computer. She likes to sign the paper logs though. Such is life.

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Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

I won't be back for a year and it was rejected because I admited the lack of a log book (found my stache of log books later after placing the cache).


Where's the cache in question? Have you tried seeing who's hidden and/or found caches near yours and emailed them for help? I'm sure someone would drop off a log book so the cache can become active, without having to "adopt" the cache.




... Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--

I took off through the thorns, chest high, ...

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I have been babysitting several original caches and have replanted a few of them. I have sent responces out to the original owners with no return mail.. I replanted them when I knew they were gone, but usually after asking for a month or so!

ANYTIME I have emailed the ADMIN folks here at Geocaching.com I have got a quick and speady responce to adopting one of these caches..

Just recently one of the caches was plungered for the THIRD time. So I filled out the "Cache Should be Archived" and whala Admin Archived it.


You have to give folks a chance to respond when asking that you take over maintaining a cache.. I could be that they travel sometimes a month at a time..


I feel the ADMIN's are doing a great job here and they should be commended for the efferts they put in to making this sport work!


Besides keeping a cache maintained is important and is a needed chore..


So next time you think a cache is needing to be adopted PLEASE try to contact the owner several times before trying to adopt a cache..


To the Admins here.....

You are doing a great job, our job should be to watch out for the caches in our areas and IF we think it's abandoned contact the cache owers first, Then contacting you is what to do next..



Just a Short Walk

Monterey, CA


Originally posted by Jeremy (Admin):

So some well intentioned individuals were concerned about maintaining a cache, so asked that they adopt it for the time being.


The owner discovers that they can't administer the cache, so instead of contacting the web site, rashly goes out and removes the cache.


Apparently no good deed goes unpunished. Like the previous incedent, all a person needs to do is email the web site and let us know of the situation and we can try and fix it. Going into a fit without contacting us about it really doesn't accomplish anything. We do keep history of caches and their previous owners, and it isn't very difficult to switch it back.


Let's be adults here.




Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location



"Just a Short walk" Says....

If You plant a cache they will come.....

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Originally posted by Just a Short Walk:


Just recently one of the caches was plungered for the THIRD time. So I filled out the "Cache Should be Archived" and whala Admin Archived it.



Like you, I hate it when a cache gets plungered. Sometimes, however, there is no other way to dislodge it.

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Originally posted by Just a Short Walk:

So next time you think a cache is needing to be adopted PLEASE try to contact the owner several times before trying to adopt a cache..


To the Admins here.....

You are doing a great job, our job should be to watch out for the caches in our areas and IF we think it's abandoned contact the cache owers first, Then contacting you is what to do next..


Short walk,


Just to clarify, the cache in question was listed as being "adoptable" by geocaching.com similar to this cache here (<- not the cache in question in this thread) for a significant period of time, apparently due to non-response by the original owner. It seems there are other issues involved, if you check out this thread.


However, I do agree with you that "adopting" caches should be a slow process, and more of a last resort. In most cases, it will solve the problem of an unmaintained cache due to players who've moved on to other things, but in this case, it caused the removal of a popular cache.




... Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--

I took off through the thorns, chest high, ...

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Originally posted by TeamCNJC:

Originally posted by Just a Short Walk:

I had never seen "Cache owner cannot be found. If you want to adopt this cache, please contact geocaching.com"


I really really like this..


"You can have my caches when they pry them from my cold dead fingers!" (About 30 more years if I am lucky!)






"Just a Short walk" Says....

If You plant a cache they will come.....

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