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Caching Maladies

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I was wondering if there are any illnesses caused as a direct result of Geocaching. I can see the occasional concussion from walking into trees while looking down at the gps, but I was thinking about something like cachers elbow- from holding a gps out in one hand for extended periods of time. I myself was recently diagnosed as being a dyslexic paranoid. I always feel like I'm following someone.


Can't remember the words, but I can hum the malady...


Only illness directly related to geocaching I've had is poison ivy. Unless you count my geocaching addiction (no, really, I can quit anytime I want...)




Something I keep experiencing; severe Brain Farts. icon_razz.gif


Whether or not it is directly related to GCing, I'm not sure.


Lost? I'm not lost. At least I don't think I'm lost, well............OK, maybe just a little.


Something I keep experiencing; severe Brain Farts. icon_razz.gif


Whether or not it is directly related to GCing, I'm not sure.


Lost? I'm not lost. At least I don't think I'm lost, well............OK, maybe just a little.

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