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What Makes a Good Cache Event?

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I'm currently entertaining the possiblity of hosting a cache event with a couple other local cachers. It will be an overnight kayak trip and we'll be picking up 5 or 6 caches along the way. I'm looking for ideas of activities and concepts that make for a good event.





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A kayak trip is a little different then a normal summer picnic. I would x the pot luck idea because of space limitation of a kayak. I would have everyone bring a item to make a cache to hide for sure. That would let the memories live on. You could have a contest for finding caches.


The best entertainment would be if you were single and you hooked up with a another geocacher. Now that would make a good event.

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Paul, thanks for the suggestion for everyone to bring an item to make a cache -- that's very cool and would indeed make a legacy of sorts. The pot luck dinner idea is not so difficult as might be expected as a lot more can be packed into a kayak than most people think.


I really, really like the idea of getting hooked up with another cacher but I'm pretty sure my wife will have a problem with that one. icon_frown.gif


Thanks for your suggestions -- they're greatly appreciated.



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The Night Cachers wrote:

have you hid any underwater caches on your trips?

No I haven't. To be honest, I haven't even given it any thought but the idea sounds interesting. I placed another kayak cache yesterday (waiting for approval) and have plans to place another two kayak caches in the next week or so.


Your username gives me an idea -- we could do a night cache near the campsite since we're going to be staying overnight -- could be very interesting. Hmmm...



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Originally posted by TEAM 360:

Alcohol. Lots of it. And hot chicks in bikinis doing the "Geocaching Car Wash".


The question was "What makes "a Good Cache Event?" not "What makes a Great cache event?" icon_wink.gif


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.


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Kanto wrote:

What have you hidden in your caches during a kayaching trip? Were they kayak-related items?

They're just normal caches with normal cache type booty. There's not too many kayak related items (if any) that only cost a buck or two.



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