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Permission to place cache (long)


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I am working on my first cache placement, in a park/forest near my home in which I was surprised to find that there are no caches. I have a couple comments and some questions.


First, I talked to the parks and rec director about my ideas. This involved first giving her a crash course on geocaching and gps and then explaining that, yes, there are already caches placed on city property. I felt that I was ratting out the other folks who had placed caches in the area, but when I next talked to her, she had done her homework and found out that most of the cache owners had gotten some sort of verbal permission before placing their caches. She said she would just keep an eye on those to make sure there are no problems. First worry gone.


Next I explained the areas where I wanted to place my cache, a multi/series. We talked about the difficulty of getting good reception in the redwoods and where I had scouted out pockets of clear sky. There is a good printed trail/topo map of this park, but it doesn't have longitude and latitude overlaid. I mentioned that and she volunteered to have their mapping guy make one for me. I will pick up this map tomorrow in both paper and electronic versions. This was a very cool surprise.


I still have to meet with the park ranger and city engineer to talk about the specific locations (there are 5) and the potential impacts on the surrounding environment.That will happen next week. I think the ranger and I will walk all 5 spots. Then if I get approval from him, I will be ready to place the caches and get this thing going.


Due to the spotty reception in this forest, I plan to use the gps mainly in the ground zero areas which have clear views of the sky. I hope to use the map and a compass for part of the directions and the trail system numbers, signs, and landmarks for others. These directions will involve solving puzzles and codes probably (still have to work that out).


  • First, does this sound acceptable so far, i.e., can I require a combo of orienteering type directions and letterbox type directions in tandem with standard GPS work?


  • Second, these caches are going to tie up a good chunk of the GPS accessible areas in this park -- is that OK if I ensure that this is a really good cache series?


  • Third, I plan to use four independent but linked-by-a-theme caches to lead to a fifth, which will not be findable without a clue from each of the four -- is that OK?

Wow, long-winded, no? Thank you all (in advance) for taking time to read this novella and respond.


synergicity (excited and nervous about his first caches)

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Originally posted by synergicity:

+ Third, I plan to use four independent but linked-by-a-theme caches to lead to a fifth, which will not be findable without a clue from each of the four -- is that OK?

This sounds like a single multi-cache to me. Why post five caches when one will do?



Volunteer Cache Reviewer

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Thanks Hemlock for the response and the subsequent email discussion. As I mentioned in email, part of the reason to not make this a multi is to raise the cache count in our area and part is because each leg will "stand" alone just fine as a cache. The fifth will be a reward to folks who find all 4 of the others.


Anyone else of the 100+ who have viewed this that have a comment? I know it's not really controversial or discussing the forum moderation controversy, but come on, give me some feedback!



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First off, good job on communicating with the Parks Department. This will only bring a positive impact if permission is granted.


The multi vs. traditional debate is one I've read before but never chimed in on. I would think it depends on the size of the area you wish to plant the 5 caches in. If they are within a short walk I would make it a multi. If having to get in a car and drive to each area since they are miles apart then I would think stand alone. My 2¢.

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That sounds like some great planning.

- First, does this sound acceptable so far, i.e., can I require a combo of orienteering type directions and letterbox type directions in tandem with standard GPS work?


No problem with that; I prefer caches that involve doing something besides just following the GPSr.


- Second, these caches are going to tie up a good chunk of the GPS accessible areas in this park -- is that OK if I ensure that this is a really good cache series?


Nobody else had the vision to use this area, so go ahead!


- Third, I plan to use four independent but linked-by-a-theme caches to lead to a fifth, which will not be findable without a clue from each of the four -- is that OK?


Yes! That adds to the fun/challenge factor.

But make sure it is far enough from the first 4 that somebody cannot stumble upon it while searching out one of those.

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There are caches in my area (including my Balance series) that are all stand-alone caches. Each of the five caches has a clue. All five clues together lead to the bonus cache. The bonus cache is listed as a multicache with clear (I hope) instructions on visiting the other five caches first. These caches are all over town, so it was too big for a multicache. Actually, I hadn't decided on doing a bonus cache until after the 5th cache was placed. Everyone that had already found the caches had to go back and do them again.

Another cache close to my house is called Triangulation. You must visit 3 existing caches and take a bearing from each one. Plot the bearings on a map and where they intersect is the container. Partial coords are also given to refine the search, as the bearings don't line up perfectly (no significant digits using a compass)


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness

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We have many of both varieties of caches in our area (multis and theme+bonus) and both are well received. I would say that if it is highly likely that a cacher would do the 4 plus the bonus in one day then I would lean towards a multi-cache. If it is more than likely to take two or more days to complete I'd go with the theme+bonus set up.


If you want to go the theme+bonus route, might I suggest you release the theme caches one at a time (let's say 1 a week for a month followed by the bonus). That would hilight the fact that they are stand alone caches. It would also add to the adventure of achieving the bonux cache.


One last note: There are a few multi-caches in our area that are tough to finish in one day and/or span distances of over 15 miles from the initial stage to the last. These caches are some of the more memorable cache experiences that I've done. Here are some examples of ones that I am talking about:

Fellowship of the Ring

The Amazing Race

For Your Eyes Only



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


[This message was edited by Marky on October 15, 2003 at 09:55 AM.]

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Thank you all. I like the idea of the gradual release of the caches, keeps interest up and gives people a reason to get out. These would definitely be doable in a day, although it will be 4-5 miles walking with approx. 1000 ft vertical. And the triangulation idea, hmmm.


This is excellent, again thank you for the responses.

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Originally posted by Marky:

If you want to go the theme+bonus route, might I suggest you release the theme caches one at a time (let's say 1 a week for a month followed by the bonus). That would hilight the fact that they are stand alone caches. It would also add to the adventure of achieving the bonux cache.

Hey! I really like that idea! I'm gonna suggest that in the future as an alternative when someone submits a bunch of caches that should be a multi.


And even though I mentioned it in email, I want to publicly thank synergicity for working with the rangers on this. So many people don't secure proper permissions then get upset when the rangers find and pull their caches. I know how sensitive redwood groves can be so its great that you're working with them. Besides, they will probably help by suggesting great areas that you wouldn't have otherwise found on your own.



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Well, the wheels are spinning, albeit slowly. I picked up the map that the city GIS tech made. Trails and long/lat overlaid; I've asked them to make one with topo info layered on as well. I will scan this and have it available for download by the cache hunters.


Also, I picked up a draft version of the city "Geocaching Identification Form" that I will have to sign. I get to have input on it and have already suggested some changes. It basically follows the geocaching.com policies, although it requires that the cache hider add this text to the cache page: "Geocache is located on a main trail. Renegade trail development and vegetative trampling is not allowed. Please be courteous."


I will head out with a ranger and the parks director for a walk-through next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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Kudos to you for seeking out the proper permissions.


I didn't see that this had been mentioned above, but you've probably already thought of this. A cache in my hometown called the "King's cache" (GCGTKV) requires that you find the other four micros in town to find the final coords. The coords are piecemealed across the four micros, with a clue and/or a "diversion" at each for the combination lock on the final cache. Some are simply clues, others you have to accomplish a task. Example: one location you have to count items scattered in someone's yard. Pretty clever, I'd say.


Joel (joefrog)


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

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