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Anyone here talented enough to do this?


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Basic desktop publishing printed via the Acrobat Distiller (or some other .pdf maker). Not hard to do, necessarily, for someone with some DTP experience. Nice that they copyright Groundspeak but I think a lot of those images are uncredited... (you know, if I'm picking nits -- it's a nice brochure, for sure!)

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Originally posted by The Gowen Family:

I use frontpage, and it let's you do just about anything you want and it's pretty easy to use.

...and it produces the most borken code of all the HTML generators I've seen.


I used to use it for creating the general layout, then fine-tune the code by hand, but it breaks so much now that there's no time savings in doing that anymore.





Random quote:


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Amen Cruzin! After spending COUNTLESS hours re-coding webpages that my wife edited using FrontPage, I finally removed the program from our PC.

Now she can either have me edit the code by hand, she can learn how to code, or she can learn to use something better like Dreamweaver icon_smile.gif


(I know this is somewhat off topic from the original, but had to jump in on the FrontPage bashing!)

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Thanks for the feedback (including the Frontpage vs. Dreamweaver info). I know I can do it with DTP, but DTP doesn't make me a graphic designer or copywriter. That is what sets this document apart from others that I have seen. I was hoping for someone with some layout experience, etc. Know what I mean?


Martman, I have used it, but the references to South Africa, the metric system, and a different currency just lead to more questions. But you're right. With just a couple of changes it would be great for use here in the States.

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Dreamweaver can produce its own share of bloated code, but I'm too lazy to hand-code and it's far superior to FP. Cracks me up, though, that it has an option for "clean up Word html".


geospotter, to answer the question you asked: yes, I am talented enough to produce something like that.


edited because proper grammar is a good thing...

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My wife and I do freelance, plus she works for a national publishing company. The hardest part is learning why things don't want to run properly when the product goes to print. There are a hundred tiny little things that look OK on the screen but when you try to print, fonts disappear, images turn solid grey, margins splay across the page, etc. Mostly the problems are caused by little things, like Word-style True Type fonts. It can drive you crazy!


Quark, Photoshop, Freehand and Illustrator are the ideal tools. Desktop publishing has created it's own monsters, but it's also enabled a lot of people to experiment and excel in a talent they would never have discovered if home computers didn't exist.


If you look at the .pdf, it's pretty easy to see that the image resolution is too low. Higher resolution would make the pix look much better. A better trim job on the inserted GPS images would also improve the appearance of those the low-res images.



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I've been a web designer since the mid 90's and I can surely tell you that Front Page is crap. All the other web development apps have progressed and stopped producing non-standard (bloated) code except for Front Page. If you only want it to work on Windows and the newest build of IE then you are fine, otherwise stick with something that employs W3C standards. If I called a web design firm and found out they used Front Page, I would laugh out loud at them.


For making brochures I use:


Adobe InDesign 2.0

Adobe Photoshop 7.0

Adove Illustrator X


For websites:


Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (ImageReady)

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX

Macromedia Flash MX

Any old plain text editor (Notepad, vi, pico, etc)



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