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Bear rescue protocol

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Would anyone like to give an opinion on correct T&J bear rescue protocol? Recently I visited one of my caches and unexpectedly found a bear which had been left by T&J a couple of hours before.


I was sorely tempted to rescue it but decided I would leave it rather than disappoint other would be rescuers. Was I right? Would it have been OK to take it.


What about revisiting a cache to grab a bear? Is that OK?


The trouble with the world today is that everyone makes sweeping generalisations.

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I guess if you already have a T&J bear, it's only decent to allow someone else who doesn't have one themselves to take it.

Bit of a liberalistic "hey-man-lets-all-share-the-bears" opinion maybe, but it seems T&J bears are as "grabable" as Travel Bugs these days!

Of course if you don't already have one then you should avail yourself of the T&J bear you see lying there, all helplessly encased within it's very own "body bag" and gasping for sanctuary!


Mine is perched atop me monitor and is keeping a careful eye on me: I've not spilt a single cup of coffee of glass of beer on my keyboard since I rescued little Herbert from imprisonment.


Anyway, please excuse me now; there are some big men wearing white coats who want a quick word with me... icon_razz.gif


"Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also.

What Trolls?

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On the subject of T&J bears, I reckon we must be fairly close to seeing the new Mk4 bears. I'm very curious to see what they might be like. The Mk3 I rescued was more than halfway through the number sequence!


Sadly, I'm far too late to even see a picture of a Mk1 or 2...The link I followed from Chris&Maria's post worked fine but the link from there to the pictures doesn't icon_frown.gif


I'll get me coat

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What I have done in the past is take the bear anyway and put it in one of your caches and advertise its in your cache onthe page and then would be T+J bear hunters make the visit to your cche just to get it icon_smile.gif well you know me any chance at cache advertising and Im up on it icon_wink.gif



I'm Bad, I'm Bad you know it you know!mikejackson1-vi.gif



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What I have done in the past is take the bear anyway and put it in one of your caches and advertise its in your cache onthe page and then would be T+J bear hunters make the visit to your cche just to get it well you know me any chance at cache advertising and Im up on it



Now I know you're bad!


The trouble with the world today is that everyone makes sweeping generalisations.

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Originally posted by MaryE:

On the subject of T&J bears, I reckon we must be fairly close to seeing the new Mk4 bears. I'm very curious to see what they might be like. The Mk3 I rescued was more than halfway through the number sequence!


Well we found our very first T&J bear the other day icon_biggrin.gif and that was a Mk3 number 100 of 100, so the Mk 4 ones must be out soon.

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