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Is Jeremy Irish REALLY Harry Enfield?

Team Tate

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Originally posted by El10t:


I, too, noticed the similarity. Unfortunately he now seems to have changed his photo


He has 2 accounts....one personal one and one admin one.


Both have different photos. I just checked his profile once....


icon_biggrin.gif LoL..... I'D SAY OI IRISH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You Do NOT promote geocaching to the Louts of the Pub!............You Don't wanna do that! Your soooooooooooooooo UNFAIR!




Pid icon_biggrin.gif


Ben Piddington http://www.buckscaching.co.uk


[This message was edited by Geo Weasel on December 01, 2002 at 02:41 PM.]

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Not only is Jeremy Irish actually Harry Enfield, but if you hover over the "discuss" box on the left side of the home GC.com page you can clearly see Phil Jupitus sat there in his shades, ready for a hard days geocaching.


Has anyone else noticed any other comedians on geocaching.com?



mobilis in mobili

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