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Pocket query


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I'm just wondering if it really is that useful to have a postal code search?


I mean really I know my home coordinates and search mostly from there, when I go farther away I simply use mapquest or something to get base coordinates for a search.


I have *NO* clue what postal code exists outside of my area so to me it seems like its not that useful.


Any perspective onto why the postal code search makes it easier?




Bear & Ducky

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I wanted to have a search for my work location, and my other office locations. I know the postal code, but not the coordinates.


Why would this be any different than having a search by zip code? That is already an option. Its just asking for the same consideration for the Canadian contingent. It's available from the main page, but not on PQ. I just wondered why.



"You are cleared for geocaching."

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I think it is a terrific idea. It is a lot easier for me to find a postal code for an area I may be planning to visit than it is to try to figure out the co-ordinates via Mapquest. Postal does are readily available, often from phone books, or Canada411 listings, etc. I'm also open to an easy way to get Mapquest to cough up co-ordinates. I haven't been able to do so.



Ian. icon_cool.gif

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An easy way to get the coordinates for any place in Canada is here. Run the search, click on info and you get the coordinates. They aren't perfect but they are good enough for a local cache search. Click on Earthscape II and you get a map and can also do a postal code search. You can also get to the same database via Toporama and locate the resultant lat and long on the NTDB-50k topo map.


"If you don't know where you are going, then it doesn't much matter where you are." - Lewis Carroll in Through the Looking Glass

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If I want a postal code for an area, I just go into www.google.ca and search for the town. For example, I'll want to go to Elora - I searched for Elora Ontario and I found the Elora Mill - the advertisement has the address and Postal Code. For me, that's close enough! Often you can find the address of the town hall and that's usually pretty central. Hope that helps!


I'm not lost, I KNOW I'm going the wrong way.

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I've just sent this request, asking for this feature to be incorporated.

Dear Cache Techs!


Not sure if this has been suggested yet, or not, but there is a forum discussion going (http://ubbx.Groundspeak.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=5726007311&f=3516058331&m=78060089) about whether or not there should be a pocket query search by postal code, for Canada.


Since the technology seems to already be in place when searching for caches, it would seem that it wouldn't be too difficult to incorporate it into the pocket query section. This would make life a lot easier for Canadian cachers. Please consider this as a top priority request. It might even encourage more people to opt for premium membership. It would be essentially the same as the US search by zip code


We look forward to your consideration of this matter and welcome your input at the above discussion.




"Algonquin Bound"


PS - I'll post this e-mail to the discussion page.


Here's hoping.



Ian. icon_cool.gif

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I have seen this thread and it is also in the Geocaching.com Forum. I will bring it up and see what can be done, as I am interested in this myself. Funny, I seen this post before I received the email. I am in here quite often and will respond to either email or Forum posts here.



Geocaching.com Admin

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Originally posted by jimmyjames:

Actually you can search by postal code. If you enter a postal code in the zipcode area it takes you to a different screen which allows for searching by Postal code...it used to work but apparently not anymore. Or you could act like Zuuk and go postal icon_wink.gif


Or you could be a typical grade 6 school yard bully like the person I have quoted. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Wow! That new PQ page is real slick. Even though it says Postal Code it also works for US Zip Codes. So Canada has lead the way on this feature :)


If you haven't noticed click run on the first PQ page and you can see the PQ on-line. That is a very handy feature and I don't believe it counts against your 5 a day limit.


If you haven't contributed your $3 a month now's the time to do it - the new PQ alone is well worth it (and now even cheaper in Can$'s ;)

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