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1500 consecutive days with posts


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On 12/13/2023 at 5:04 PM, pmaupin said:

:santa: :santa: :santa::santa:  "Longest streak:  2561 consecutive days with posts from 12/09/2016 to 12/13/2023" :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa:


Hi friends :santa:
7 consecutive years to the day. :santa:
And I still continue with great pleasure to publish. :santa:

And again: Congratulations to achieving that goal :grin:


It is also way more impressive, that you find the time to create new waymarks while doing also the officer job in 189 categories ...

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19 hours ago, FamilieFrohne said:

And again: Congratulations to achieving that goal :grin:


It is also way more impressive, that you find the time to create new waymarks while doing also the officer job in 189 categories ...

Thanks Erik
This is the advantage of retirement :santa::santa:

  • Funny 1
Posted (edited)

Phil, you just blow me away with your stick-to-it-iveness.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! just doesn't seem enough, so I'm (unscrewing the cap from) a bottle of Alsace Gewurztraminer that I bought for Christmas, that I might toast you.


(Raising Missouri Wine Glass) - Here's to the absolute, undisputed and unequivocal KING of posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Raising Glass once again) - And here's to another 7 years!!!

Way to go, Papy!

Erik mentioned the 189 categories that you help manage, but he neglected to mention the 10 grand-kids that also occupy an inordinate amount of your time!


Edited by ScroogieII
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8 hours ago, ScroogieII said:

Phil, you just blow me away with your stick-to-it-iveness.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! just doesn't seem enough, so I'm opening a bottle of Alsace Gewurztraminer that I bought for Christmas, that I might toast you.


(Raising Glass) - Here's to the absolute, undisputed and unequivocal KING of posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Raising Glass once again) - And here's to another 7 years!!!

Way to go, Papy!

Erik mentioned the 189 categories that you help manage, but he neglected to mention the 10 grand-kids that also occupy an inordinate amount of your time!


Thanks my friend, and Merry Christmas, Cheers


Well, you folks have inspired me! 


Here’s my New Year’s resolution for 2024: one novel waymark  (no overlap with the same waymark in any other category, such as Satellite Oddities or multiple architectural/historical categories) every week. Wish me luck!

  • Helpful 3
Posted (edited)
On 12/29/2023 at 9:29 AM, Country_Wife said:

Well, you folks have inspired me! 


Here’s my New Year’s resolution for 2024: one novel waymark  (no overlap with the same waymark in any other category, such as Satellite Oddities or multiple architectural/historical categories) every week. Wish me luck!


OH CW!!! Only Every Week?

Now, reading as literally as I can, I understand your short missive to mean "One Absolutely and Completely Novel, Previously unWaymarked (including those of Kevin and others) Site Per Week, each and every one unsullied by Crossposts."

I'll do you one better: (but this one is actually a lark, truly easy-peasy)

Send me at least one "Western Canadian Heritage" Waymark per week and you'll be allowed, but only if absolutely necessary, to purloin other categories from any and all aforementioned Waymarks to maintain your resolution (meaning submissions of >1 Waymark in that week), and I will happily, even gloriously, forgive any transgressions, AND promise to NEVER, EVER mention any transgressions to ANYBODY, EVER! That said, I envision lotsa trips into town in your future, in any event.

That's just 52 "Western Canadian Heritage" Waymarks for next year, from which you can choose of 80, to date, listed on The Register. Remember that there are eight already done so far in the city (four of mine and four or yours). Then let's not forget about the Alberta Register, which may hold untold new opportunities for you (I'll admit I've not explored it vis a vis Calgary). This certainly doesn't mean that you can't venture outside the city. That would be perfectly acceptable. :D


BTW - How's the new phone/camera doing? Worth the wait? I hope!

In any event, HAPPY NEW YEAR, CW!! - not to mention HAPPY NEW YEAR to anyone else who should happen by.


BEST WISHES to ALL OF YOU for the New Year, and all the years to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Scrooge

PS - I'm quite sure that Phil won't mid our stealing his thread for the moment

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Mami & Papy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by ScroogieII
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Posted (edited)

Just got to thinking: If we can keep encouraging our Papy in his ongoing endeavour, mebbe we can create the "Longest Ongoing Thread".


Who knows? It was just a thought.


In any event, I reiterate:


BEST WISHES to ALL OF YOU for the New Year, and all the years to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Mami & Papy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Scrooge

Edited by ScroogieII
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1 hour ago, ScroogieII said:

Send me at least one "Western Canadian Heritage" Waymark per week and you'll be allowed, but only if absolutely necessary, to purloin other categories from any and all aforementioned Waymarks to maintain your resolution (meaning submissions of >1 Waymark in that week), and I will happily, even gloriously, forgive any transgressions, AND promise to NEVER, EVER mention any transgressions to ANYBODY, EVER! That said, I envision lotsa trips into town in your future, in any event.

That's just 52 "Western Canadian Heritage" Waymarks for next year,

Challenge accepted! I may regret this later, as many things that I assumed would be registered historic sites, aren’t. (For example, https://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/wm2HJ4_Doll_Block_Building_Stephen_Avenue_Mall_Calgary_Alberta ) However, fools rush in, etc. etc. And if I have to go on a few special trips for Western Canadian Heritage sites, I guess I’ll have to, ;)

  • Helpful 2
Posted (edited)
On 12/30/2023 at 8:57 PM, Country_Wife said:

Challenge accepted!



Just did the Doll Block. That Calgary register might be a saviour, but, first don't forget the 70+ on the national register that are still undone.

As well, I'm seeing 181 on the Alberta Register, so you shouldn't have to go far afield for a month or two! :D

The Scrooge

Edited by ScroogieII
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:santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: "2923 consecutive days with posts from 12/09/2016 to 12/09/2024" :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa:

Today it's been 8 years that I publish at least 1 waymark per day. I think I'll continue my challenge, while continuing to search around our beautiful planet for interesting places for the community.
:drama: Thanks to all the officers who validated my waymarks. :drama:
:laughing::D And I always continue with great pleasure to publish. :laughing::D

:santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: 2923 DAYS, 8 YEARS, OF HAPPINESS :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa:

  • Love 5

Where the heck were we when last I checked in here?!?!?!?

Gotta scroll up and get my bearings... ...


'Twas (more or less :)) 377¼ days ago and your total then was, ahhh, I dunno, but as of today I see 13295 posts  on 2957 consecutive days with posts from 2016-12-09 to 2025-01-12.


You're just blowing me away, Papy!!!!


All I can say is: You have been my Waymarking hero for a coupla years now -  AND I am now daily hoping that you can continue your streak. After all, you're about, if I recall correctly, 10 or so years younger than myself and, at that age I was still heavily into keeping my own streak alive, so you should have lots of energy left for 3,000, then 4,000, then, just think of it, 5,000 and Waymarking immortality!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Papy, I always knew you were destined for immortality, in one way or another. :D


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On 12/11/2024 at 6:17 AM, Country_Wife said:

Wow! You are an inspiration!

BTW, Papy, CW is an Alberta girl. You passed by her within, I dunno, 25 or 30 kliks.


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