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Found my vintage Magellan eXplorist GC - help loading caches

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I have an old Magellan Explorist GC that I used to use and now it doesnt connect anymore to the GC.com website. I used to be able to upload tons of caches at once and then go find them... I didnt have to do them one by one. Does anyone know if there is alternative software that allows batch uploads of caches? Doing them one by one would be too tedious.

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I download caches to my eXplorist by running a Pocket Query (a premium feature), downloading the GPX file(s) of the PQ to my Mac, connecting my eXplorist to the Mac with the USB cable, and then copying the GPX file(s) to the correct location on the eXplorist filesystem.

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20 minutes ago, MrOneEyedBoh said:

I have an old Magellan Explorist GC that I used to use and now it doesnt connect anymore to the GC.com website.

I used to be able to upload tons of caches at once and then go find them... I didnt have to do them one by one. Does anyone know if there is alternative software that allows batch uploads of caches?

Doing them one by one would be too tedious.


No offense ... but few caches in your profile, just curious why loading caches even manually would be an issue ?    :)

I've loaded caches manually since starting, still using a long-discontinued GPSr as well.  Takes around a minute each.

Seems simpler than "rigging" a GPSr that just doesn't work the same anymore, with tech advancing faster than some of us can keep up.

There's GPSrs now that load caches from your phone.  Cool stuff.

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Awkward sending the same answers to two similar threads started with the same issue...


niraD sent you an answer of how he'd do it as a PM in that other thread here. 

In that same thread, I said that with so few caches in your profile, I don't feel loading caches manually an issue.  I still do that today...   

You probably can't do batches "like you used to" because the site updated  that function  more than a year ago.   

Mention of GPX is in the above link for those not PM.

The new function (send to Garmin) only works with newer Garmins, so no need for a link there.

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Lists and Pocket Queries can be used to download geocaches in bulk as long as your GPS reads GPX files, which the eXplorist GC should be able to do. But to use those features, you do need a premium membership.

Edited by Mineral2
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Hello! I also unearthed my Magellan Explorist GC today to try to do some caching. I have downloaded the .gpx files for the caches I want onto a folder on my desktop. I seem to remember opening a folder for geocaches on the devices previously and just adding the .gpx files to that folder in the past and long before that using the "Send to GPS" feature with the Magellan Communicator. I believe the latter method is no longer available.

I connect my device via USB cable to my PC, power it on, choose "Connect to PC,"  and refresh "My Computer" on my PC after a few minutes. The device shows as "Removable Disk (D:)" but i am unable to open the disk or transfer my files. If I try opening the disk, it says, "Please insert disk into Removable Disk (D:)," and if I try to drag and drop the files into Removable Disk D, still no luck. My OS is Windows 8. I last added caches to my GPS less than a year ago in Aug 2019, but I may or may not have used a friend's computer running Windows 7 (can't remember). I have tried reconnecting the device multiple times. I have confirmed that the device still has functioning memory by turning it on and browsing my caching history. Any help is appreciated. I would love to be able to get back out there and find some caches!


Edit: after reading the belowed quoted post, I figured out that putting it in Disk Access Mode was just what I needed! 


Edited by pineappleface01
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On 11/5/2013 at 9:52 PM, Glenn said:


Have you tried putting the GPS in to disk access mode?


Connect the usb cable between the GPS and your computer (with the explorist off).


Hold menu+up+power or menu+left+power (depending on firmware version) and the unit will start up in disk access mode. You must keep all three buttons pressed until you get a menu on the screen to get to disk access mode.


If you are having trouble a trick is to press menu and up or left buttons first. Then once you are sure you have both of them pressed, press and hold the power button while continuing to hold the other two buttons. Be sure to not let go until after the menu screen appears.


Now see if you can access your GPS from your computer.



BTW, what is the firmware version that is currently installed on your GPS?


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